Wednesday, February 6, 2008

About Obama's "Yes, We Can" Speech

I like the idea that "WE CAN" -- if it means change within ourselves as individuals -- change to be committed to study in school, to develop individual initiative and a good work ethic, --change to the kind of tolerance that leaves hatred at the door with a willingness to hear and help others --change that minimizes the greed of people at both ends of the economic spectrum --change in those who don't want to help the needy --change in those who want Big Gov't to take from the entrepreneurs and job providers in order to make more people dependent on Big Gov't.

I'm for change if it means we start reserving sex activity for marriage, commiting to our spouses and children so they may have the blessing of two parents to raise them, so more families may know the security of domestic tranquility, i.e. happy homes.

Real change starts in the heart that asks Jesus Christ to be Lord over all our ways and choices --instead of looking to other working people to enable and compensate for the economic blight of sinful and addicted lifestyles. NOt that all the poor make themselves that way, by any means --but we know that divorce and single parenting are a pretty sure path to economic deprivation in America--as are addictions.

Golden Rule Jones, former mayor of Toledo, was a good example of a rich man who had the right philosophy --who put Christ's Golden Rule in signs around his workplace --and challenged people to let that wisdom rule their hearts. He provided for his workers without the hindrance of big, impersonal, wasteful gov't intervention and high taxes.

Does Whoopi Goldburg want her savings taxed again before her daughter can have them? No, she said not. She said, "down with the death taxes." Would anyone want their legitimate earnings taxed again and again and higher and higher by a confiscatory gov't. known for waste and bureaucratic redundancy and impersonal dealings with the people it's supposed to serve? I think not.

What puts more money in the gov't coffers for their aid programs? lower taxes, not higher.

I fear the kind of change that will come with Democrat Party president and Congress.

"God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life."--the Bible


steve said...

“I'm for change if it means we start reserving sex activity for marriage, committing to our spouses and children so they may have the blessing of two parents to raise them, so more families may know the security of domestic tranquility, i.e. happy homes.”

Those are obviously noble goals, but how can government get involved in issues of personal choice such as individual moral values? Those kinds of moral virtues are important, but they are important for individual families and churches to wrestle with, not to be legislated by the gov. It’s true that we look up to our elected leader to exercise moral judgment and exhibit a clean character; a candidate can address those issues by leading by example and setting the standards of morality.

“but we know that divorce and single parenting are a pretty sure path to economic deprivation in America--as are addictions.”

That maybe true but that is only one small aspect of the landscape of being poor in America. What about engineers and technocrats who have lost their jobs to globalization, just like factory workers have lost their jobs to China? Those hardworking people are now destitute. Since it was basically government policy at the behest of corporations that made these people destitute, shouldn’t the government do something to help them? -Such as Governor Strictlands economic plan?

Taxes on estates after someone dies only effect very very wealthy people. I guess the logic is that the infrastructure and opportunities and security that the country provides these ultra wealthy people, well.. they can give a little back in the form of what? A 20 percent tax? Could Whoopie Goldberg have accrued the kind of fabulous wealth she enjoys in say some totalitarian country like China, or Zimbabwe?

Barb said...

I think you have no idea of the taxes on the well to do --they have been as high as 50% under past democratic administrations--and more like a third now. You suggest 20% --that would be tolerable.

The problem is that for income tax, no distinction is made between people in the lower 6 figures of income and the millionaires and billionaires. If you make the rich and well-off feel secure, they'll invest, hire, buy, wheel and deal and take others up with them to run their businesses.

I want to respond to you in greater detail but don't have time now. Tune in later....