November 9, 2012
President of the United
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, D.C. 20500
Dear Mr. President:
We --and the
Romney-supporters (half the country) really do want to like you with your nice smile and
great charisma and lovely family. We
want to be glad that you were re-elected. You can help us do that. We don’t want to think you have communistic sympathies
or a colonialist view of the U.S. nor plans to disarm our country with promises to
You did say in your speech a few moments ago that the top 2? per cent of the nation make $250,000 or more and should be taxed more. Those include mostly small business owners and various professionals --rather than the super-rich of the top 1/2 per cent. These are Marx's bourgeois --the middle class conservatives whom Communists destroyed. According to 2009 and Tax Payers Union, it was $344,000 that the
top 1 per cent make. There aren’t very many uber-rich who make millions like Romney, Hollywood celebs, uni coaches and presidents and CEO's of big corporations --not enough
to slow the deficit if you keep approving pork and new billion dollar spending packages and
sending tons of money to other nations' corrupt governments.
Please surprise the half of
the country that supported Romney. We
are scared to death of your agenda --what we perceive it to be--and the radical
influences in your past. Please prove
us wrong. Show that you can cut programs
for which we should not borrow from China. We know --that means lost public sector jobs --but if China is paying them, they have
to go. If they are valuable employees
in a department we don’t really need, they will find work elsewhere in a more prosperous private sector --i.e. more prosperous if you don't tax them down.
We suggest you not raise
taxes EXCEPT SLIGHTLY on the uber rich -- the top 1/2 per cent. You still want them to be inclined to
invest, hire, spend and give. Learn from business people who know how to
succeed at business and know how taxes impact growth. The Government needs way too much revenue
because of the horrible level of spending.
Let Big Bird support Public Broadcasting. He can do it.
They can sell muppets. As for
Public Radio, put Garrison Keillor’s Prairie Home Companion on every day and we’ll
send them a donation. PBS
is not neutral enough politically that they should deserve tax-payer
support. They speak in their measured,
neutral, unemotional tones --leaning WAY to the left --as far left as Fox News speaks
excitedly with no pretense of neutrality, to the right. But Fox raises their own money. So can NPR.
(note: “fair and balanced” doesn’t mean neutral.)
Planned Parenthood shouldn't get public funding if pro-life Pregnancy Centers and clinics don't. The poor women will still get healthcare using their medicaid cards and the public health clinics.
You must move toward the
center if you would meet the Republicans half way and end the supposed
gridlock. Your determination should be
NO NEW SPENDING --and the elimination of all non-essential spending and
departments that don’t directly impact the needy or the elderly or the ill. Send the education of the nation back to the
locals. Shut down the federal department of education. Send the school breakfast program to the churches. Promote volunteer tutoring by the elderly in
every public school. Note that Christian and parochial and home schools educate best on way less money.
And for goodness sakes,
PLEASE deliver to the nation’s youth Santorum’s message from your bully pulpit.
The 3 things to do to avoid poverty: “Finish
high school; get a job; get married before having children--( and stay married
if possible. Stay faithful. ) If you do even the first 3 things on this
list, 98% of you will be above poverty line; 77% will be above average in
There really is a correlation
between family stability and morality and the strength of communities and
nations. You are for gay marriage, but
ought not be, because children deserve a mother and father when possible. Gay marriage deprives them of one or the
other by its very nature. Nor should
gays share quarters with straights (or with each other) in military. It’s like putting men and women together in
showers and barracks--completely distracting to the mission of military
preparedness. Homosexuality does spread
--from the experienced to the inexperienced, and like drugs, becomes addictive.
Please be better than
conservatives expect. Seriously see the
logic and reason behind conservatism and their criticism of your party and
policies. Communism hasn’t been
appreciated anywhere where it is tried. Socialism leads to the fiscal cliff --sliding like Greece--and you’ve got us on
the edge. Surprise us --and do not push us over.
Don’t tax us highly now or you will kill business and jobs. People are thinking of moving out of country
for fear you will rob them of their pensions --either through confiscation of
high taxes or bad economy, inflation, devaluing of the dollar, etc. We are afraid of having our lives shortened by your Canada-style health care program. Let someone tweak that program! We don't want the long waits and rationing of Canadian healthcare! Canadians come HERE for procedures they can't get in a timely manner in Canada.
As for national security and
disarming Americans, we hope you are just Barack Obama from Hawaii --and not a
Stalin in the making as some suspect.
Seek good successful
businessmen’s advice and not just socialists’ advice. They have never made any nation solvent.
Put Romney on your cabinet! Because
he does like to solve financial problems.
That would be a uniting act.
Listen to Ryan, too. We are in a
mess. Let them try to help!
We shall pray for you
daily--that you really ARE a Christian as you told Rick Warren --or will become one
and that you will seek God’s guidance on all matters before you --not Marx’s
advice, nor Alinsky’s, nor Ayers, nor Davis’s. Only Jesus rose from the grave. He is the only one worthy to save us for
Eternity. Atheists can’t give you wise
guidance like the Holy Spirit and the Word of God can. Your stands on abortion and homosexuality --and lukewarm relationship with Israel, are all 3 in contradiction to His Word and His Spirit and need to be reconsidered. Separation of church and state doesn't mean God is not real --and has no say in the country's values which shape national culture and character.
Forgive us for any misjudgment of your character and
intentions, and prove all the naysayers wrong.
Sincerely --wanting to admire
wanting your term to be
successful in the eyes of God and informed
Thoughts: Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD. Psalm 33:12
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil. Isaiah 5:20
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. II Chronicles 7:14
Generosity is to be voluntary, from the
heart, not confiscated by dictators for the envious.
"God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life."--the Bible
"You know, the truth is that right after 9/11, I had a pin. Shortly after 9/11, particularly because as we're talking about the Iraq War, that became a substitute for I think true patriotism, which is speaking out on issues that are of importance to our national security, I decided I won't wear that pin on my chest. Instead, I'm going to try to tell the American people what I believe will make this country great, and hopefully that will be a testimony to my patriotism." (Source: ABC News, Oct. 4, 2007.)
What a lame excuse! I'd have more respect if he said he couldn't find it! or didn't have one. Or left it on his other suit. But to call the flag pin a substitute for patriotism??? Really!!!??
As for his other faux pas, not covering his heart with his hand when everyone else is and he knows eyes are on him, what was that? Ignorance? Or friendship with flag burners?
They sure allow room to think they belittle the flag as a symbol of our nation --and disrespect the solemnity of ceremonies involving the flag. It's understandable, given their backgrounds. And now we have this new flag ABOVE with his O on it -- and stripes like the blood smears on the wall in the photo from the middle east.
If they're smart, they'll say it was a tribute to the fallen --but with the O in the corner? Doesn't wash.
I think it's really weird --the coincidence of their actions with the anti-American mentors they had. Then there was the covering of Georgetown U's. in-obvious Christian symbol high up on the wall behind him when he was to speak there --and his messing with the flag using the Obama "O" --and his photo in place of the stars in one case. Why can't he learn from the criticism? There are actually U.S. laws against messing with the flag this way. Does he have a message he'd rather get to his radical supporters? Some signal indicating that he is still with Ayers, Doehrn, Davis, Alinsky, Khalidi, Rezko, Islamists and other flag and country haters at heart? Or are the Obamas just insensitive, obtuse, slow-learning and ill-mannered?