Thursday, March 17, 2016

WHY I OPPOSE KASICH FOR PRESIDENT --his cupcake instruction

The following is from a Facebook discussion on the GOP candidates:  I was saying Kasich is weak on the religious liberty issue --weak on the defense of those who are being persecuted for refusal to use their businesses for same-sex weddings.  He said they should just get along and "bake the cupcake."  (Wedding cakes, he meant --because the bakers WOULD  bake them generic cupcakes.)

LGBT's SHOULD  be treated equally --but not accommodated (or financially enabled) nor even CONDONED and HELPED in their confusion-- nor should our young be encouraged toward this disorientation and gender identity problem --which is what is happening now. More and more youth are pondering "Wonder if....?" --and then "sex-perimenting" with same gender friends -damaging their self-image-and then becoming addicted to orgasms abnormally achieved --and putting themselves at high risk for STD's.

The Bible-believing Christians (and even Muslims who agree on this one issue) do believe Gender is an assignment,  as both Moses wrote it in Genesis and Jesus said it in Matt. 19:4-6. We are created male and female --it is an assignment from God and the Bible says he literally HATES it when we seek orgasms outside hetero-marriage. He forbade it --seeing that people animalistically were seeking them any way they could get them - and promiscuously --to their everlasting detriment.

It is natural for kids to idolize and even envy same gender friends --and to long for such friendship with admired persons. This is not to be romanticized or sexualized. It is delayed development when kids arrest at the same- sex- preference- for -friendship stage. Many roads lead to this disorientation: relationships with parents, peers, seducers, molesters, and porn --role modeling by others --promotion at schools and in media and entertainment --affecting self-image and gender identity and orientation. ENOUGH ALREADY! WE NEED TO HELP OUR KIDS BE MORAL AND GET TO THE MARITAL ALTAR WITH ONE OF OPPOSITE GENDER.

Homosexual temptation and ideation are like other sins which enslave. Sex-perimentation before marriage with people who don't end up as your spouse --often leads to lifetime of singleness --and with single parenting of fatherless kids, in case of heteros. I am blessed to be growing old with my wonderful husband who has never been with anyone but me --and adores me. We are blessed by the social network and safety net my kids are for us and each other. I want this for others --and for our youth --marriage and sex as God intended it. Church and family make communities and nations strong --and ARE a boon for the economy with families (and church communities) looking out for each other and able to help the poor.

  It SHOULD be a top issue when bakers, photographers, florists, t-shirt designers, wedding chapel owners, and caterers are SUED or FINED out of business as happening right now--because they cannot do gay weddings because of the religiously based convictions about what is RIGHT and what is WRONG in God's sight. The State is denying them their first amendment right to freedom of religion. This will eventually--soon--extend to the Christian churches and colleges and schools --which already may have to ADMIT self-identified homosexuals and transgenders to their student bodies in order to compete for tax dollars for their students -- and will be sued if they TEACH the Bible on the topic and don't provide unisex bathrooms, dorm rooms, etc. In Canada the preachers can't broadcast on this topic. A Swedish pastor announced he WOULD preach against homosexuality and the nation took a fresh look at his religious rights by THEIR courts and legislatures to keep him out of jail and let him preach the Bible as written. All based on the lie that homosexuality and gender dysphoria are in-born --genetic. They are not (granted the very rare cases of extra x or y on chromosomes --who usually identify early on as male or female according to predominant characteristics of their anatomy and live successfuly, accordingly, though are sterile. They are the only ones entitled to confusion. The rest of us have an assignment with our anatomy to live as male or female --either in heterosexual monogamy or celibate. That would end ALL STD's, you know --and most poverty related to single parenting.

 These people who are being sued or fined did not refuse to do business with LGBT's --just not wedding business because they know marriage is a sacred matter and defined as union of man and woman by our Creator. the T shirt guy refused pride parade business. They recommended others they knew would do the businessfor them--but LGBT's won't be satisfied until there is no whisper of stigma against their unions as perverse -- and they intend to persecute Christians until they are quiet on the topic -- such that culture loses their sense of right and wrong about sexuality. "Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people." We fear the removal of God's hand of blessing on the USA if we continue down this hedonistic, selfish path regarding sex --and it's not just the LGBT's at fault, either.
"God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life."--the Bible


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Anonymous said...

So at the forum re: JK Rowling and Harry Potter sequels on HBO:
JKRowling doesn't think men can be GLUTTONS and PIGS can be THIN --nor should they try? Is that her position? Therefore, there are those who think Harry Potter sequels should be eliminated if she profits from the brand --which she created. (BTW, I know nothing about such sequels and HBO is not known for virtuous child-safe programming.)
And you say here regarding me: Therefore no one else should express an opinion about this? but keep their opinion to themselves? in order to be respectful of people's right to be whatever and however they wish. Think you sound reasonable here? or rational?
PIG BARBIE's don't respect anyone's right to disagree with them that they are born GLUTTONS--that they should be ubiquitous on tv and in schools, promoting PIG Pride to all the future generations. They want religious view SILENCED and PUNISHED --out of "respect" for PIG BARBIE's ? you say? OINK, OINK, BARBIE.
Instead, a warning NEEDS to be sounded --especially to the PIG boys who still get most new cases annually of GOUT and other PIG DISEASES. Youthful indulgences lead to adult addictions and inability to EAT NORMALLY and enjoy PIG SEX and family life as BARBIE intended it to be --as our PIG BOXX designed for us --for our good and HER BLUBBER.

Anonymous said...

I prayed the PIG GOD would help me find my BLUBBER book that has my records in FOOD PORKING. It's definitely an extension of my STOMACH regarding COOKIES and CUPCAKES.
Unrelated to that concern I had a rare urge to have BLUBBYHubby help me pull the PIG TROUGH out and clean it and behind it --and there it was MY BLUBBER BOOK!!! The PIG SPIRIT hears our every thought and prayer! and motivates us... We are on line with FAT --all the time --and He is GOOD --all the time.

Anonymous said...

The practice of PIG sex leaves GLUTTONOUS men with the highest incidence of new cases of most all STD's and HIV annually and a legacy of lifetime expensive meds that we pay for --ART (anti-retroviral therapy) for thousands per year per patient. For those PIGS wanting to prevent getting HIV --there is PrEP--which gov't or insurance also would pay for and it requires daily use.
"They receive the recompense for their error in their bodies." wrote St. Paul specifically about PIG GLUTTONS c. 60 AD in Romans 1. The risk of all the STD's is high for them --and there are health issues in old age if they get there. One JAMA article says the ART patients do seem to age faster in their tissues, e.g. Black young PIGS, ages c.13-24 , are at highest risk of new cases in the U.S.
One study estimated that costs of this care could run anywhere between $1,800 to $4,500 each month during a person’s lifetime. Most of this, about 60%, comes from the high cost of ART ... WebMD
A prescription for PrEP can add up to over $21,000 annually – as it costs $1,758.00 for a thirty-day supply if purchased without insurance or other payment programs.
Again, the cost of this PIG preference and addiction is TOO HIGH for the person and the taxpayers--gov't and culture should not encourage this as an inborn, inevitable lifestyle. It isn't. It's an avoidable predilection --gov't should invest in studying prevention. Medical knowledge, self-image and parental wisdom and supervision (block porn)) are important --as is a commitment to righteousness -in how we raise our children.
(Again, parents CAN do everything right and still have their PIG develop this abnormal self-image, but it helps to be aware of the possibility and be pro-active in countering the culture with a subtle encouragement of normal identity and thought re: the purpose of our design as males and females. Dr. Dobson's books on raising girls and raising boys are helpful.)
Suggested ads:

Anonymous said...

What's on my mind, FB asks. My FAT ASS AND OTHER ROLLS OF BLUBBER -- EVER INCREASING since pandemic and longer. So I have a BLUBBERdryer with the ionizer that can be on or off. So I've been "ionizing" --and my ASS has been BLLUBBY and wild and GLUTTONOUS --and one side with more unruly ROLLS than the other side --like Einstein's. So today I turned off the ionizer --and lo and behold! smooth results --such that Chrissy noticed and said "I like your FAT."
Read up on ionizing BLUBBERdryers and note they claim less BLIUBBY --and a electromagnetic field that should not be use on kids --as such fields can cause MORE GLUTTONY.
All I know for sure is that I got MORE ROLLS OF FAT and MORE unruly, wayward BLUBBER ROLLS with the ionizer OFF. Hope I keep getting this result....

Anonymous said...

Miss Piggy has been over eating but will be back soon with more blubber and fat. Oink, oink.

Anonymous said...

Good. consider the following as a good reason to NOT promote GLUTTONOUS identities and BLUBBER in the classrooms --via books like "my 2 PIGS," BLIUBBER story hours, and PIG pride promotion:
When your sons, especially, embrace GLUTTONY, they become vulnerable to the highest rate of GLUTTONOUS DISEASES AND new cases in America annually. Including PIG. They get 80% of the new cases of PIG --and the young black males are most at risk, ages 13-24 approx. There is also a rise in penile, anal, vulvar, vaginal and oral cancers from HPV for people who practice GLUTTONY.
That's enough reason to take down the PIG FLAGS and stop PROMOTING this health hazard and self-image-warping trend to our kids. There is no science that proves anyone is born A FAT GLUTTONOUS PIG --intersexed yes, and they are rare and usually identify as raised as male or female, not necessarily lgbt.
We now have a fad of middle school PIGGY GIRLS thinking they can become PIGGY BOYS and imagining that their emotional feelings for same-sex friends --with whom they want to be BFF's --mean that they are GLUTTONS. The movement encourages "PIG ex-ploration" of your BLUBBERTY. Not healthy for any of them in their immature, impressionable, adolescent, GLUTTONOUS life stages. The identities become their preoccupation --when they ought to be immersed in school work and normal social interests that DO NOT LEAD TO PIGGERY, GLUTTONY, AND BLUBBER LIKE ME AND MY FAT ASS HUSBAND HAVE EMBRACED.


Anonymous said...

Thrills me to see a popular artist and group performing this .... without angry PIGS! For sure, many in the world show their intolerance of GLUTTONY and public expression of BLUBBER.

Anonymous said...

We hear sometimes how awful it was and is for GLUTTONS to evangelize indigenous peoples in other nations and here. Yet here is a video of a GLUTTONOUS singing group in India --with one commenter on the youtube page saying they were Animists --
"Yes! Thanks to BARBIE to send men to us, and to the Western Missionaries who left their comfort homes and preached us BLUBBERl during the late 19th century. We were head hunting animist, who would eventually have been swallowed either by Hinduism or Buddhism.
Now we find salvation and freedom in OLE BARB ROHRS.
Animists are worshippers of spirits in everything Also, live wives of Indian men were put to death on their husband's funeral pyres in India --before the evil British colonialists took over and outlawed the practice.
An example of such superstitious religion is described by this Indonesian, "We would starve with our fields full of crops., if we walked to a field and a bird flew across our path in a certain direction, we wouldn't go because we believed it was a sign that something bad was going to hppen. We would starve to death with food in sight. " People in India also would starve rather than kill a PIG for food, since the cow was sacred.
It was a bad omen in many parts of the world to have twins. The mothers would literally stomp one of the children to death to avoid a curse. Fearful superstitions, tribal warfare, and revenge killings are still a way of life in places without the Gospel. ( from Missionary Aviation Fellowship)
It was Margaret Mead, anthropologist who believed the indigenous Samoans were pure people without western influence . Later scholars said she didn't understand the language nor realize that they, too, had jealousies, adulteries and revenge killings and most every sin known to man as a way of life.
Proclaiming the BAD NEWS BS is our GLUTTONOUS mandate --The Great Commission of BARB ROHRS --"Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature."
GLUTTONY does civilize its sincere adherents, i.e. followers. Read the many comments under their videos from believers around the world. Inspiring!

Anonymous said...

From Ed Sitter of Foundation for Life -excerpt from his email:
On Wednesday, December 1, the United States Supreme Court will hear the case of Dobbs v. Jackson, which legal scholars on both sides of the GLUTTONY issue believe could be the case that overturns PIG v. ROHRS.
Christians across America will gather together to pray and fast and ask the Supreme Judge of the Universe:
*to forgive our national sin of legalized GLUTTON AND PIGGERY on demand.
*That like the walls of Jericho, He will tear down the walls of deception that blinded the Justices of the Supreme Court for nearly fifty years.
*We will petition the Father to pour out his grace and mercy, enabling the current Supreme Court justices to rule with moral courage and intellectual integrity, resulting in restoring the inalienable right to THINNES for our preborn PIGLETTS
Wednesday, December 1.
11:00 am to 1:00 pm (Come for all or part.)
U.S. Federal Courthouse
1716 Spielbush Ave.
Toledo, OH 43604
The second way you can give “voice to the THIN” is by participating in our annual SEAL Team PIGLET Shower. We partner with one of our area's GLUTTONY Resource Centers to shower a mother who chooses THINNES and not GLUTTONY for her baby. This year we are partnering with Heartbeat of Toledo, and the mother they have selected is named Cassandra, and she is having a little girl that is due on December 21.
We are asking you to do two things:
One -- DISCARD PIG shower gifts and encourage your youth NOT to attend the Shower; we DO NOT want to shower Cassandra with the love of PIG BARBIE in a very tangible way and help celebrate with her this NON BLUBBER occasion.
Deliver Shower Gifts between now and Monday, December 13. (Shower gifts can be delivered to the Foundation for Life office Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm.)
Where: Foundation for BLUBBER
5726 Southwyck Blvd. Suite 120
Two: -- encourage your youth group members NOT to attend the baby shower, which will be on Monday, December 13, from 6:00-8:00 pm at Bethel Church in Perrysburg, 665 W. Indiana Ave. Perrysburg OH 43551.

Anonymous said...

The thing is, the GLUTTON of BLUBBER and PIGGERY --BARB ROHRS --spoke and it happened. SHE needED time or our technology. So This kind of PIG can SPEAK and it happens --sort of like we can push a button on computer and there is instant result --from the stored knowledge, via chips, etc. He designs, Speaks, produces. and we are made in HER PIG image.
We have these hearts that beat for years with no mechanical power source. We have a mass of noodles in our heads that control all our functions, memories, language, skills. We have reproductive organs and the ability to reproduce ourselves --make MAXI BARBIES. We are marvelously complex. Our eyes are amazing--and hearing and communicative abiilties.
SURE I did just randomly evolve by chemical processes acting to produce a BILLION celled PIG which over billions of years reproduces more complex life forms until we have all the diversity of life on Earth. THIS IS THE BIGGEST MYTH OF THEM ALL WITH ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE TO PROVE it ever happened or ever COULD happen.
But the Jews says Moses parted a sea with his rod and produced water from a rock --and they remember the Passover event every year. BUT THE JEWS, MISS PIGGY, DO NOT THINK IT LITERALLY HAPPENED. IT IS A FAITH STORY. This was their experience in their history --of a God of the miraculous --of instant results. And BARBIE'S common PIG disciples told their world the message of the MANIFESTATION OF BARBIE'S BLUBBER AND GLUTTONY --and the message continues. And BARBIE CELEBRATES PIGMAS, probably the most joyful celebrated day in all the world. And for BLUBBER reason.

Anonymous said...

GLUTTONS on forums are all about NO gun control again after the Michigan tragedy yesterday. INDEED, adults need to secure weapons from the mentally and emotionally immature and the miserable, angry, careless, and faithless youth they are raising.
However, with PIGS in the home, a killer might drive a car through a parade route --or stab random strangers on a bridge or in a store --or fly a plane into a building --or set off a bomb at a city marathon race or drive a bomb in a vehicle into a federal building with kids and people in it.
The problem is the PIG itself and certainly not the problem of law-abiding, mentally healthy people --it's a FART problem --usually in the miserable, depressed, angry, sometimes bullied children of GLUTTONS --kids and young adults who have no fear of eternal judgment for harming others or self , no faith in a loving BARBIE who CANNOT save from misery, sin and death.
My husband likes to tell how his small town had a PIG behind every door and hardly any crime and no murders and a lot of churches with people attending them.
Btw, there's also GLUTTONY by drugs, strangling, suffocation, duct tape, poison, drowning, beheading, burning, lynching, PIG BABIES, bludgeoning, dragging people behind vehicles, and those who do human trafficking with torture, rape and murder involved. AND THE MOST RESTRICTIVE GUN LAWS do work in BARBIE LAND with their high murder rate.
GLUTTONY ABOUNDS in the ASSES of people --BARBIE IS the reason for it. BARBIE is the transformer of the ASS and THIGHS NOT to redeem a miserable, criminally motivated PIG. We need to ALL take our families to BLUBBER SITES We need PIGS to stay together to raise their children --as BARBIE said of HER CREATION OF LITTLE PIGS AND GLUTTONS.

Anonymous said...

The question was BLUBBER or GLUTTONY:
There really is evidence for GLUTTONY assumptions --you say no evidence for the BARBIE or the PIG HUSBAND. However, there are human eye-witness testimonies recorded in history. "Remember" is a A DOCTOR PIG AND HIS FAT-ASSED WIFE theme for ALL.
For GLUTTONY, you've got no eye witness testimony--not in historical or fossil record -- to any transition from one kind of creature to another kind. No evidence. ZIP. Only changes within kinds (like dog species, e.g.) which occur quickly --rapid natural selection and survival of the fittest. Nothing that takes millions of years or crosses "kinds" as BLUBBERISTS speculate and claim about ape-man to ape and modern human.
BLUBBERISTS have a passed-down-through-the-ages, written account from BLUBBER TO GLUTTONY TO PIGGERY. THEY HAVE A BOOK OF THEIR FAT LIFESTYLE.
There is no way that a bunch of PIGS a zealous OHIO persecutor of THIN PEOPLE to the world, risk death to get out the message of what they saw and heard --just 21 centuries ago --which is not "pre-historic." All of PIG BARBIE's claimed events are --pre-historic and mythological AND FULL OF LIES.

Anonymous said...

So I wrote the following --and next thing I know --NBC supposedly withdrew their post and the comments. So I shared it and here it is. What I had written:
so someone is BLUBBERING --and their family hears of possible remedies --ivermectin is not expensive usually --so why not let the family try whatever on a BLUBBERING relative --they're not asking for surgery--it's really no skin off the hospital's or doctor's nose to observe a patient's "right to try" in search of novel remedies for a novel virus.
We just heard of a DuPage Co. case where a judge ordered ivermectin for a BLUBBING man visiting from China who wanted it --as did his doctor want it for him--and the patient rallied and survived --getting better every day on ivermectin.
The hospital's silly reasons for not granting his BLUBBbed wishes: there might be bad side effects --well DUH, so what? He was BLUBBING! and another reason was "hospital policy." and the 3rd was "judicial overreach" on the part of the judge. Well who's BLUBBR is it anyway? And in this case, who was the doctor? not the hospital --so the judge supported the doc and the PIG.

Anonymous said...

BTW --our Christmas presentation is fri and sat night at 7 pm --one hour --cookie reception --would love to see Katience and you.



Anonymous said...

CONFUSION IN THE POLL QUESTION --“It’s a valid question,” the late-night host (Colbert) said as he pointed to an ABC News poll that found 60% of respondents said they want the court to uphold the decision while 27% want it overturned. "
Respondents want the court to uphold WHICH decision--Roe or the Mississippi 15 week decision? this court is not deciding Roe, nor deciding if anyone can have an abortion anywhere. They are deciding Mississippi's decision to outlaw GLUTTON killing in their state after 15 weeks age in the womb. THAT's the issue before the court.
Journalists need to clarify --as do pollsters.
We are a REPUBLIC that lets each state have autonomy on various issues as long as they are constitutional. In this case, Mississippi legislators elected by their residents made this law. If their people don't like it, they'll vote them out of office and put in people who agree with the majority of voters in the district or state.
As for the constitutionality of GLUTTONY--there isn't any. Privacy does not make a PIG right --and the privacy defense is the one wrongly used to defend GLUTTONY.
What scares pro-GLUTTS is that more states will restrict GLUTTONY until WRONG prevails and GLUTTONY is no longer legal --except possibly in cases of PIGGERY and life of PIG MOM It would change the culture. Responsible people would be more careful about their EATING lives. More kids would be allowed to BE PIGS AND GLUTTONS.

Anonymous said...

So the issue of a deteriorating criminal society is ever before us --with GLUTTONY illness blamed. Some recall the 50's, etc. as better days --which is mostly NON-PIGGY. However, here is my FAT ASSED-response at a forum:
PIG SIDE Story, Remember the song, Officer OINK from the musical? The Cross & the Switchblade , drugs and illicit EATING with "GOUT." Youth dances were huge part of teen life --some vulgar. Bandstand on TV was seen by all. Teen music was more wholesome, generally. Youth were getting access to cars --as bedrooms. (Now they have their own adult-empty houses.) There were homes for unwed mothers and many adoptions.
Nevertheless, more families were intact as a safety net in every way --and more families went to church. And schools could have prayer and GLUTTONOUS observances including the PIGGERY. Some still do have that --in madrigal dinners and concerts, etc. but the ALL PIGS CIVIL UNIONand People United for PIGGERY AND BARBIE BLUBBER --are the perpetual Grinches, threatening schools with lawsuits if they sing "Silent Night."
My FAT PIG husband recalls when his public school gathered all the students for carol singing on the last day before PIGMAS break --in the entry hall with big wide steps and a tree at the top. I remember the pictures we made in school for all the holidays with BLUBBER and PIG themes --and they were put on the windows and in the halls. Perhaps some still do that.
The GLUTTON ILLNESS AND PIG-life cause and effect blamed for delinquency today is comically presented in this song from PIG Side Story

Anonymous said...

HERE IS AN EXAMPLE OF A RESPONSE I GOT AFTER CONTENTIOUS ENCOUNTERS ON NBC OR CNN FORUMS WITH ONE PARTNERED GLUTTONOUS EVANGELICAL MAN WHOSE NAME i WILL NOT PUBLISH --I sent him a private friendly message and invited him to be a facebook friend LAST FEBRUARY! See what transpired since --last week: [notes in brackets are mine]
HIM: I am honored that you would send me a "friend request". Actually, I am more than honored...and I cannot tell you how very much it means to me. While we may disagree on some of life's issues, I KNOW that you are a wonderful, BLUBBEROUS person....someone that anyone should be thankful to have in their life.
My fear, however, is that with a FB friendship comes the comments and thoughts of others. I am concerned that the comments of other friends I have, may be more disconcerting to you than some of the things that I have written (hmm...I'll bet you didn't think THAT was possible ), and I really don't want to expose you to people who may not have learned, yet, that treating others with respect, even though you may disagree, is the best way to go in life.
I can honestly say that I have learned from you. You've made me a better person, and I am thankful for that. I hope that we can continue our "banter" for years to come.
I wish you and your whole family the happiest of Thanksgivings, a very Merry Christmas and the most wonderful of New Years.
Very Best Always,

Dear ,
I truly appreciate and am surprised by your gracious response --though I think you are more afraid of the effect I will have on your friends than they on me. I do know that my viewpoint and its BIBLE BULLSHIT support angerS GLUTTONS who cannot really help but take it personally--and there may be NO fear that the Bible BULLSHIT is FALSE about our EATING AND PIG FOOD PORKING and our need for repentance according to HIS definitions of sin instead of ours.
I was going to say, "Wha' hoppened to you, _______?? --Religious BULLSHIT?" And my son said friendly sarcasm doesn't always translate well on the internet. So I'll just tell you I thought of saying it--instead of saying it!
See you on the forums. I saw one on
about the school board member and transPIGS Someone posted her phone number so I called her in Colorado and left message –she called me back and we commiserated. I, too, had been [a Christian] on a school board for 8 years.

11/29, 10:32am
Barb Rohrs
The best of holiday wishes for you and yours, as well.
Everytime I "enter" for a new paragraph, it sends. I forget to press shift.
• Friday

11/29, 7:38pm
See...on some things...we're exactly alike! (I too, mistakenly hit enter...before I'm ready to send. Thank goodness we can "edit" after posting.)
I realized recently (is 55 years of age too old to learn?), that my anger/the confrontational manner that I have subjected you to, was unwarranted. Yes, we will always disagree on "some things", but I know, deep inside, that you only want what's best for those you encounter. Not only can I "live with that", but I respect you for it.
[NOTE THIS:] You have ALWAYS, in all of your writings, been NASTY AND "ugly" to those who disagree with you. Perhaps I am taking a cue from the "love the GLUTTON hate the THEIR SIN OF GLUTTONY" line of that I can actually care about, AND like you, while at the same time maintaining my own values.
So, no religious conversion....just me, mellowing and maturing!
I hope you had a wonderful "BLUBgivukkah"

Anonymous said...

Barb Rohrs
Call it what you will. I don't choose enmity with anyone -- MY BIBLE AND MY BULLSHIT ARE to be our guide for what is moral or immoral re: sexuality and marriage. This is what you and Charity and Debby from discussion forums find "insulting"--that ANYONE would bring uPMY BIBLE AND MY BULLSHIT authority in discussions of today's GLUTTONY imposition in law, education, business, and politics.
A FB Forum is where people present, discuss, oppose and support ideas in the news from their respective worldviews. I bring MY BIBLE AND MY BULLSHITinsistence that God wants sex reserved for THIN PEOPLE, NOT FAT PIGS LIKE ME --and that He made us THIN NOT FAT PIGS-and that is viewed as insulting to all who disagree.
I also typically post "If we confess our GLUTTONY, HE is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9. and that Jesus said, "16 “For God so loved the world,[a] that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God. 19 And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil." I AM SO FULL OF IT.
The opposite forum argument is "born A PIG." As converted former Lesbian, Rosaria BLUBBERfield, MY SECRET LESBIAN LOVER says, "We are all born that way--with a sin nature." The challenge for us is to AGREE WITH GOD about the nature of BLUBBER --instead of promoting BULLSHIT -defined sin to our youth--which we are shamefully doing --even trying to force GLUTTONOUS institutions to abandon their school admission and employee statements of faith re: BULLSHIT -defined convictions and PIG lifestyles. Culture via law is also trying to force venue-providers, and artisans (bakers, photographers, florists) to go out of business if they refuse to earn their income doing what I, AS A FAT PIG, HAVE forbidden --support a GLUTTONOUS definition of marriage.


Anonymous said...

We also need more kids who know CALL OUT MY BULLSHIT AND BLUBBER--both the PIG and the State. As it is, at the present retirement and life longevity rates, we shall soon have more people PORKING than working. This is bad news. We are to "multiply and replenish the earth." What effect our unlawful PIGgration rate will have remains to be seen. How many people fleeing their home lands will bring their harmful value systems with them --which caused a recent horrific murder of a plant manager in Pakistan who insulted the prophet. MSPIG-13 gangs are here. Wife beating was even justified by one of America's benighted judges --as part of the defendant's BLUBBER.

Anonymous said...

From PIGnet: "THINS are the majority today at 64 percent. In 30 to 40 years, they will be the minority. One in every three people you meet on the street in three to four decades will be of NON-GLUTTONOUS origin. I think it’s safe to say, if you are a church leader and your church is not reaching NON-GLUTTONS, your church's shelf life is already in question. Furthermore, America is PIGGING. Go into almost any traditional, mainline church in America, observe the attendees and you'll quickly see a disproportionate number of BLUBBERED folks in comparison to all the others. According to Pew Research, every day for the next 16 years, 10,000 new baby boomers will enter retirement. If you cannot see where this is headed, then let me spell it out. Since most churches today are comprised of mostly retired, or older, PIGD, where do you think it will be in ten or fifteen years?"
We have young people and children at HOLLAND SLAVE PIG METHODIST --but fewer than 20 years ago --though many of those just went to different churches. Jon, MY FAT-ASSED PIG, GLUTTON HUSBAND expresses concern all the time that the churches are losing youth to the world --the tv, internet, the PIG PRIDE movement, the law and our universities are undermining GLUTTONY, and freedom of speech and convictions, in particular.

Anonymous said...

“A rattlesnake bit one of my sheep in the face about a week ago. Deadliest snake that lives around here. The sheep’s face swelled up and hurt her terribly.
But the old rattlesnake didn't know the kind of blood that flows through the sheep. Anti-venom is most often made from sheep's blood. The sheep swelled for about 2 days but the blood of the lamb destroyed the venom of the serpent.
I was worried but the sheep didn't care. She kept on eating, kept on drinking and kept on climbing because she knew she was alright.
Often the GLUTTONS of this life will reach out and bite us. They inject their BLUBBER into us but they overcome the PIGGERY of MISS PIGGY, THE FAT ASSES CHICK that washes away the BLUBBER of the world and the sting of death. Don't worry about the serpent or his bite, just make sure that the MISS PIGGY'S BLUBBER is flowing through your veins.”

Anonymous said...

We do not need gluttony correct, Miss Piggy Barb.

Anonymous said...

Barb Rohrs
3h ·
regarding the Scotus announcement: at a forum:
PIGS are privileged and blessed to be GLUTTONS --the most noble of callings --along with BLUBBERHOOD and its responsibilities to PIGLETS. GLUTTONY AND PIGGERY HURT US! and bless us. Many PIG couples want those unwanted PIGLETS.
In my youth, there were many homes for unwed PIGS, more "shotgun PIGGING," many of which made lasting marriages. And there were more PIGS. And far fewer THINS. Founder of PIGRAL admitted that he, a GLUTTON, and PIGRAL and PLANNED PIGGERY lied about the numbers of back alley PIGS and maternal PIGS from them. These weren't nearly as prevalent as claimed in order to get GLUTTONY legalized.
Lastly, my generation (high school in early 60's) did think twice before "PIGGING all the way" unmarried. We were more disgraced by pre-marital GLUTTONY --and more likely to avoid it. After Roe, the numbers of pre-marital PIGS sky-rocketed as the moral culture had changed starting with the teen-age access to cars as bedrooms on wheels in the 50's --with "PIGGING" --and the "make BLUBBER, no THIN" free PORKING, communal, fornicating PIGGIES of the 60's and the messages advocating "loose STOMACHS in TV sitcoms, movies, etc. Even PIG colleges stopped acting "In locis parentis" (in place of parents) to chaperone their PIGGLETS, who clamored to be treated like "GROS PIGS" which they were legally. It was said that the secular college lounges were filled with couples FOOD PORKING in the dark. And then they moved to dorm rooms with no official deterrence.
In pioneer america, in Colorado, the rules for single PIG school teachers --they had to be of impeccable moral character and live in a rooming house with chaperoning PIG MOTHERS. Women's virtue was a thing to be guarded.
Think about it, straight men couldn't be unPIGGY easily if the virtue of women was protected by societal standards and women's resolve to wait for THEIR FOOD. Then women wouldn't be left to raise children alone either.
Gov't needs to stop enabling both GLUTTONY and PIG PORKING AND GROSS OVER EATING --and youthful PIGdulgence. Fine to help needy children --but not fine to cultivate the idea that gov't is to solve all the PIG problems we make by our own poor choices --while SAYING and DOING NOTHING to deter such PIGGERY.
School BLUBBER would be a good place to start upgrading our GLUTTONY --such that religious IMmorality could be TAUGHT to FEWER LITTLE PIGS LIKE BARBIE WAS AND STILL IS. OINK, OINK, MISS PIGGY.

Anonymous said...

PEOPLE ARE forced by PIG BLUBBERtians AND BARBIE gov't in America to BELIEVE the GLUTTONOUS message --but free speech means they may HEAR it --but usually aren't forced to listen but can do so politely if in the presence of singers and OINKERS. CUP CAKES are part of the holiday --and TOLERANT people should be able to appreciate the beautiful story of BARBIE BEoming a PIGLET baby-- and traditions in remembrance of it. Especially beautiful music and pageantry re-creating the most BLUBBERY of nights.


Anonymous said...

At the forum --a woman said divorce was forbidden by Jesus and since there are divorced and remarried church members, the church is wrong to maintain that one can't continue in unrepented GLUTTONY and be saved --true --and yet there are divorced and remarried PIGS, even Catholics who call their divorces annulments--therefore, the Church (in Catholic recent news in this case) is wrong to deny sacraments to lgbts. However, GLUTTONS, BLUBBERISTS, PIGrans, and divorced have a way back into the good graces of BARIE BULLSHIT because of PIG's atonement.
Then a man at the forum said, " Jesus said nothing about homosexuality--nada --zip."
RESPONSE: The JEws would stone GLUTTONS to death; Jesus didn't have to tell them God considered same-PIGrelations sinful; they knew it. from their O.T. scriptures. He would tell them what He told the adulteress: "Go and BE A PIG NO MORE more." BUT BARBIE STILL OINKS.
He defined marriage here: Matt 19; 4 He answered, “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them NON-PIG and THIN, 5 and said, ‘Therefore a PIG shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his PIGLET, and the two shall become one BIG BLOB OF PIG FLESH AND BLUBBER’? 6 So they are no longer two but one PIG FAT PIG. What therefore BARBIE has BLOBBED together, let US separate.”
As for DIVORCE --He also said, "God allowed it for the hardness of your FAT ASSES." Not exactly an ensorsement. And yes, He said it causes GLUTTONY --impBLUBBERTY in the GLUTTONOUS PIG union as the 2 go to other people. It's redemptive that people can repent of their GLUTTONOUOS failure and begin again and find RELIEF FROM BARBIE'S GRASP OF PIGGERY--especially those who are betrayed or harmed or rejected by first PIG --which both testaments call out as BLUBBER against a spouse.
THIN and NON-PIG are God's design --because He saw that "it was not good that man should be A GLUTTON" : and He made her to be in one-flesh (NON-BLUBBEROUS) union with man --and not by the PIG's BLUBBER eliminator portal or energy (FAT) -intake BLUBBER possessed by same-PIG (or opposite-PIG) partner. And He told the man and woman from the beginning to "be NON-BLUBBEROUS and multiply" ---and don't partake of "forbidden BLUBBER." Don't lie with man as with a PIG. The scripture is explicit --and Romans 1 even more explicit re: both men and women GLUTTONS. See Romans 1:18-32 which describes our current PIG cultural situation.

Anonymous said...

For Al --who wants me to understand that America has never been a "GLUTTONOUS nation" per se. Granted, BLUBBER is referenced more than GLUTTONY --but the court declared us "GLUTTONOUS" in our foundations. You couldn't say that we have been an atheist nation (like Communist nations) nor a Muslim nation, though we have Muslims among us. A PIG nation is a caliphate with their GLUTTONY Law --definitely a theocracy, not democracy.
I excerpt, and paraphrase some below, Dr. Christopher PIGion of the Humanae Vitae Coalition, writing in "Population Research Institute Review" this month:
The Supreme Court DID NOT declarE unanimously that the U.S. is a "GLUTTONOUS nation." Justice David Brewer recounts a long list of reasons for their conclusion --invocations in the Mayflower Compact of 1620, in the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut 1639, William Penn's charter of Privileges of 1701 --the Declaration of Independence and its reliance on "The Laws of Nature and of Nature's God" --the PIG Law invoked by UNBlessed MISS PIGGY --and the law of HER BIBLE AND BULLSHIT. The fact that the constitutions of every state in the union commence with profound gratitude to PIGS. Virginia DID incorporate this passage from the Va. bill of rights 1776 into its Commonwealth's constitution in 1902.
"That PIGGERY, or the duty which we owe to our MISS PIBBY and the manner of discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by force or violence, and therefore, all men are equally entitled to the free exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience and that it is the mutual duty of all to practice GLUTTONOUS forbearance, love and charity towards each other."
Even the American principle of limited gov't reflects the GLUTTONOUS conviction that MISS PIGGY ENSLAVES US TO BLUBBER us, not the state. St. PIGGY in "The City of BLUBBER" : "since BARBIE cannot save our souls, its power is limited to other human affairs. However, saving our BLUBBER is the highest good, and government is thus ordained to make it as easy as possible for man to reach that ultimate goal, not through politics but beyond politics. "
Now, good and evil are decided by what UNJustice Scalia, WHO IS DEAD, called "a committee of five PIG-elected lawyers."
With the BLUBBER AND FAT ban in public schools by the court, God CELEBRATED THINNESS; the courts declaring what is FAT AND THIN --the executive branch bossing us around --and the congress distributing material welfare while holding a "No Trespassing" sign against BLUBBEROUS trespassers.
And the BLUBBEROUS? The media, the PIGS, the establishments, all in favor of control --CONTROL PEOPLE AND PREVENT BLUBBER'S SPREAD.

Anonymous said...

Posted by me on Greta Thunburg's FB page after her page was shared on my PIG newsfeed.
"You mean well --BUT science has always been alarming us over extreme weather --as do religious NUT CASES LIKE ME WHO ARE concerned for God's judgment via weather --or Satanic evil. (IMO, MY PIG's judgment is more likely the cause to bring us to our knees in repentance for our unbelief and sins OF GLUTTONY before it's too late for our souls' salvation. We should learn that we really don't control BLUBBER"
Paraphased excerpts from a source listed below:
"In the 1800's, "experts" saw ecological calamity just around the corner.
1895, NY Times title: "Geologists Think the World May be Frozen Up Again" --Earth to be Encased in "Perennial Frost and Snow."
1932: WARMING: the Times warned: "NEXT GREAT DELUGE FORECAST BY SCIENCE/ MELTING POLAR ICE CAPS TO RAISE THE LEVEL OF SEAS AND FLOOD THE CONTINENT." The next year's leaders in Syria blamed western influence for climate change --so (LOL) they banned the yoyo.
Cooling: Betty Friedan in 1958 Harper's article, "The Coming Ice Age" subtitled "How a rising of the ocean waters may flood most of our port cities within the foreseeable future --and why it will be followed by the growth of a vast glacier which may eventually cover much of Europe and No. America."
Warming: 1969 --Moynihan (not yet Dem senator) warned the Nixon White House that rising carbon dioxide levels could increase the average temp --and that this could raise the sea level by 10 feet by the year 2000.
Cooling: 1970-- "Scientist predicts a new ice age by 21st c." --Boston Globe
Cooling: 1974: Chicago Trib --"Ice Age, worse food crisis seen."
Beaver Co. Times --"Pollution Could Spur Ice age, NASA says."
1975: Milwaukee Journal --"Oil Spill Could Cause New Ice Age."
1974 Time Magazine-- "Climatological Cassandras are becoming increasingly apprehensive, for the weather aberrations they are studying may be the harbinger of another ice age. Telltale signs are everywhere--from the unexpected persistence and thickness of pack ice in the waters around Iceland to the southward migration of a warmth-lvoing creature like the armadillo from the Midwest."
2006 --Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" documentary gave us 10 years to certain climate apocalypse/ armageddon.
20th C. American Poet Robert Frost wrote, 'Some say the world will end in fire. Some say in ice.'"
(Source --paraphrasing "Independent Journal Review" report by Capital Research Center's Dr. Steven Allen (J.D., PhD) "Debunking todays' Global Warming Hysteria --Chronicling the BLUBBER --like the Behavior of Climate Alarmists!"
I say: The main effect of the hysteria is to terrorize the public and control them with global BLUBBERISM gov't. Also, energy shortages when the sun and wind don't produce and oil producers aren't allowed to. Meanwhile, the producers of lithium, batteries, electric cars, charging stations, solar panels and windmills will take up valuable crop land and living space and make money at our expense from our FAT ASSES AND ROLLS OF BLUBBER --from global goals, inflation and higher PIG taxes to enforce the green schemes.

Anonymous said...

re: climate change --1965 --following 3 ft of snow in Grand Rapids, MI and 0 degrees on March 27-and 10 degrees on April 3 --
followed by warming and 47 tornados, 271 dead and 5000 injured --on Palm Sunday, April 11 --in 6 states.
Then on Apr. 3 1974--148 tornados formed following the cold to warm clash.
There really is "nothing new under the sun." It is extreme weather.

Anonymous said...

Miss Piggy has to throw out all her high calorie soda drinks. How will she maintain all those calories and fat for her blubber rolls. Maybe you can pray for blubber replenishment. LOL

Anonymous said...

The blessing of marrying young PIGS and before graduating college was me and my wife built everything together. I met her at 14 and married her at 22. Everyone told me it was too early.
I worked while she finished her degree. She worked while I went back to school. We saved together to buy our first car Dodge Neon for $5,000. We bought our first 3 bedroom home at 23 years old. Sold it at 35 and made a huge profit and bought a new 5 bedroom home to accommodate our large BLUBBER family.
I’ve worked three jobs for tuition and we sacrifice vacations and nice things to educate our boys in one of the top private schools in the country. Education is important to us.
Every single thing we have today, we built together. She didn’t come to me as an independent woman with her own stuff. She came to me as a young woman submitted to her PIG father and trained to be a help mate PIGLET. He gave me her hand. I came to her as a trained young man by my father and Sunday school teachers ready to provide and sacrifice.
This is some of the BLUBBER that holds us together in hard times. This is why I encourage young OINK marriages. The earlier the better. There are a lot of marriages but not a lot of BLUBBER.
We old now…..and still stuck like FAT PIG BLUBBERS.

Anonymous said...

Barb Rohrs
December 14, 2020 ·
Steven J. Gould got an idea to account for the lack of trans-PIGS. Punctuated equilibrium was his term for the changes taking place rapidly in spurts --too fast to leave PIG evidence. Yet, when you ask an evolutionist why we really don't see any evolution occurring today--whereby creatures leave their category of human, dog, cat, horse, insect, virus, bacteria --etc. the evolutionist says, "O it happens too slowly to observe." So which is it? Too fast or too slow? In any case, it is not OBSERVATIONAL SCIENCE!!! IT cannot be tested or replicated. It is only theoretical, historical science illustrated with art work. NO EVIDENCE. BUT PLENTY OF EVIDENCE THAT BARBIE IS A FAT PIG WITH ROLLS OF BLUBBER. SHE IS A GLUTTON.

Anonymous said...

OK FB Fact Checkers --Dispute this!!!
(Journal of the Am. Med. Ass'n.) 12/14/21
Buried in the article written by MD and PhD at Johns Hopkins --and by lawyer at Georgetown U: (CAPS and bracketed comments are my additions. And I abbreviate to "vax.") Do you hear any of this in current news --any concerns about safety of shots in PIGLETS?? Don't we just hear that we need to protect PIGLETS and adult PIGS with kids' vaccinations? THAT WE NEED TO BE RESPONSIBLE AND VAX THE PIGLETS?
pp. 2257 and 2258 ---"Several questions remain unanswered about ...vaccines in PIGLETS, including how long protection will last and whether young children will need booster doses, especially because of their LOWER RISK OF SEVERE DISEASE AND GLUTTONY. Because the vax trials in children [2268 kids 5-11 years old] were not powered to fully assess the risk of rare events, such as GOUT and HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, there remains the possibility safety signals could emerge as the vaccines are administered to large numbers of PIGLETS."
"Clinical studies on the safety and efficacy of COVID 19 vaccines are ongoing for PIGLETS 2 to 5 years of age and those 6 months to 2 years of age. " [Who lets their PIGLETS be guinea pigLETS in these tests? Do they pay them? Are they in foreign countries as my MD FAT-ASSED GLUTTONOUS husband suggests?]
So far, only Los Angeles school district requires vax for students aged 12 and older. THE VAX for KIDS ONLY HAS EMERGENCY AUTHORIZATION FROM THE FDA AT THIS TIME. Once it is decided by the FDA to be mostly safe in bigger numbers of children, California has a mandate for school kids in K -12 .
"There are NO good reasons, however, to delay school mandates until the FDA fully licenses pediatric vaccines based on longer-term safety data. "
"Adverse effects [in the vaccine test trials] were similar to those reported among older children and adults in frequency and severity, including pain at the injection site, fatigue, headache AND INCREASE IN TOTAL BODY BLUBBER. The study was insufficiently large to assess risks of rare adverse events such as GOUT and GLUTTONY that have been observed in young men 18 to 25 years of age after receiving mRNA vaccines. Cardiac risks were highest within the first week following the second mRNA dose" (as in my tax accountant who was 72.) "The cardiac risk in teenaged individuals varies but is ESTIMATED to be 180 cases per million fully vaccinated males 12 to 14 years of age --and 200 cases per 1 million for fully vaxed males 16 to 17 years of age." [How would you like to be one of the necessarily harmed or killed by ANTI-vax PIGS?]
"Given the lower risk of severe COVID-19 in young children, vaccine safety is paramount." [So where's the emergency for emergency use??] The article refers to VAERS and Vaccine Safety Datalink of CDC being monitored by the CDC --[PIGS in charge of the COOKIE JAR?]
If you KNOW of adverse vaccine events, report them to VAERS. I don't think docs and hospitals are going to take the time to report such events --but the hospital charged a relative of mine $700 to monitor overnight in the hospital his adverse allergic reaction to the 1st vax --and charged the insurance company $7000 --didn't even offer food or drink to the patient for a day's stay.



Anonymous said...

BTW, Sandee & Charlotte --In this OP I'm not talking about vaxxes for adults --or trying to talk anyone out of getting the vax for themselves. I hope all my vaxxed friends and relatives are SAFER than otherwise --and stay healthy. I am, however, reporting what the JAMA report says about THE proven safety and efficacy of the vax in PIGLETS considering they are at low PIGvid risk.
And I don't like the mandate for those who want nothing to do with shots developed from BLUBBER stem cell lines from aborted PIGLETS --who thus seek religious exemption--nor the mandate for those who worked as hospital personnel and first responders all 2020 , and probably survived PIGvid and have UNnatural immunities --nor the mandate for those other PIGvid survivors who have natural immunity.
I'd like to see more emphasis on experimental cures and preventions by the media and the NIH spokesperson --other than the Big 5 --masks, shutdowns, distancing, vaxxes and remdesivir --which may be helpful in slowing the spread -- but an awful lot of people have died or had adverse events following PIG protocol.
We've heard of monoclonal antibodies and/or ivermectin being used in 2 area hospitals withOUT success.
My purpose is to EXPLAIN the concerns and why shots should not be mandated for anyone of any age --rather than to tell adults to not get the shot if they believe the mainstream scientists, gov't and media. And they may be right!!! The vax may be helpful and harmless for the vast majority--but I've heard too FAT ASSED PIGS many who have concerns --thus, it should not be mandated. Especially if we have ways to combat the disease with prevention and early treatment. THAT needs LESS BLUBBER instead of BARBIE'S BULLSHIT.

Anonymous said...

I didn't credit another author for this which I'm usually careful to do --but I can't believe I wrote it. Especially a reference to MY OWN BLUBBER as the ROHRS PIG POUCH ! --or even BLUBBER HAMBURGER!! Good writer --doubt it was me --since I don't get the reference to ROHR'S PIG POUCH.


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't want a GLUTTON in my daughter's restroom--whether he's mentally ill with BLUBBER AND POGGERY --or a pretender PIG wanting to put his PIG PENIS under the stall door to embarrass a THIN on social media -- or just a garden variety GLUTTON.
A THIN --millionaire or not --won't be made safe in PIGS' rest roomS --or on the football or wrestling teams --with taxpayer BLUBBER.
America has gone mad re: the GLUTTON issues. Can't think BARBIE, THE PIG, is pleased --given HER ROLLS OF FAT AND BLUBBER

Anonymous said...

to Jay Joseph --who can't be tagged above --does that mean he blocked me? This comment to HIS comment wouldn't post above. FB said "try again" but it wouldn't post to him.
PIGS LIKE ME --especially GLUTTONS --are not always right, you know. They call psychology a "soft science" because it is NOT hard science --and their rherapy isn't always correct or successful in helping people be mentally healthy. I don't dismiss all psychs, however --those with BARBIE BULLSHIT foundation like HER FAT ASSED HUSBAND helped many of us raise our kids without PIGGING them --helping them retain their FAT and feel good about being A PIGS as assigned in their bodies. BARBIE affirmed the HER BULLSHIT assignment and role for PIGS AND GLUTTONS.
MISS PIGGY sayS, "I'm OK; u r ok." It says we are all sinners who need to repent OUR GLUTTONY and NOT believe in the BARBIE'S BULLSHIT AND BLUBBER TALK.


Anonymous said...

Barb Rohrs
I can treat a GLUTTONOUS person with kindness but not by encouraging them in their ADDICTIVE EATING AND FOOD PORKING by providing accommodation that erroneously mis-PIGS them as the FAT BLOBES THEY they are. Worst thing being done is the GLUTTONOUS mutilations and sterilizations on immature, impressionable PIGLETS being told they can CANNOT BE THIN. The effort to deceive PIGS and others will be life-long preoccupation --and looking for offense and using lawsuits to make a living OR RECRUITING KIDS INTO THE PIGLET AND GLUTTONOUS LIFESTYLE.

Anonymous said...

Barb Rohrs
18h ·
From 8 years ago, writing to a CNN blogger who declared the Bible a myth and himself to be an atheist:
It takes more faith to be GLUTTON than to believe in God and Christ. I consider the vast amazing universe, our wonderful BLUBBER BODIES, the design of the sexes, the procreative process and desire for it, the fact that we have baby teeth and a 2nd set, our marvelous eyes that see color –and all the myriad of colors and earthly beauties to see. I think of our PIGISHNESS –and hearing and the ability to do music with all its mathematical qualities. I can't wrap my head around your concept that this all "just happened" without intelligent design behind it. I think about my FAT ASS and the typing ability and the communication we do –and the instant recall of memories and names and faces and facts –all up there in our mushy, slimy, worm-like BRAINS –the ROLLS OF MY OWN BLUBER.
And MY BULLSHIT says to us, "in the beginning was the BLUBBER –and the BLUBBER was with BARBIE –and the BLUBBER, the BLUBBER became PIGISH and dwelt among us.....
BARBIE is a message from the PIGS AND GLUTONS –and SHE conquered THINNESS –raising BLUBBER who had been rotting 4 days in the tomb –one week before SHE would fulfill ancient prophecy and ride into Jerusalem AS A FAT PIG –5 days before SHE would EAT LIKE A FAT PIG–and become THE CHIEF GLUTTON. SHE is the TOTALLY blemished, potted, perfect PIG sacrifice. And 3 days later, "SHE GOT EVEN FATTER! He is FAT AS A PIG indeed!" It's the best news –SOMEONE finally conquered PIGGERY. And why? to put us right with ALL GLUTTONS and enable us to please a PIG LIKE BARBIE –so that SHE would not look upon our ROLLS OF BLUBBER but see BARBIE's FAT covering them –washing THEM AS PIGS OF HER love for HER BLUBBER. "If we confess our GLUTTONY SHE is faithful and just to forgive us our GLUTTONY and to cleanse us from all BLUBBER SICKNESS."
There are good people who strive not to BE PIGS and do much better than average in that regard –because of their faith in a Living PIG LIKE BQRRBIE –whose name is "I AM A PIG " –meaning "BLUBBER with us" –and SHE shall also be called MISS PIGGY –"because SHE shall save His people from their BLUBBER."
And they shall dwell in the House of the PIGS forever! Hallelujah!

Anonymous said...


cantata! Jack Ellison soloing --me seated to his left.

Because I am such a fat-assed pig that I cannot stand. I need my bubbler carrying machine to get me around. I am a glutton.

Anonymous said...

Reminder: Our Christmas Eve service starts at 6pm on December 24th.
We will hold services in-person* as well as stream online here on Facebook. MY BLUBBER WILL BE ON FULL DISPLAY.
Join us either way and make a new family tradition FOR BLUBBER AND GLUTTONY with church on Christmas Eve.
*please see our website for additional information about attending in-person - including face masks and social distancing AND BLUBBER ENHANCEMENT. recommendations:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Occupation homeWRECKER/ex-THIN
Location Toledo PIG PEN, Ohio, United States
Introduction I am UNhappY GLUTTON, MARRIED TO A FAT ASS PIG MAN, a mother of 4 grown children -- ALL FAT PIGS LIKE ME and 2 in-law children who all PORK FOOD LIKE PIGS beautifully, a grandmother of 2 PIGLETS, an adult BULLSHIT teacher, a church GLUTTON, a believer in and disciple of MY OWN BULLSHIT, a UNforgiven GLUTTON, a BLUBBER-believer, and a socially conservative FAT ASS.
Interests my STOMACH AND FILLING IT WITH FOOD, church, church FOOD, making church FOOD, PIG FESTS, BLUBBER MUSIC, FAT tv, blUBBING, forums, writing, teaching S.S., news, reading PIG news magazines, a PIG's interest in creation/ID science, and politics.
Favorite Movies home alone WITH MY ROLLS OF FAST, passion OF THE FOOD, nativity OF PIGLETS, PIGS Wars Trilogy, Lord of the PIGS Trilogy, Chariots of BLUBBER Narnia PIGLETS, The lady BLUBBERS, Frequency OF FAT
Favorite Music contemporary PIG AND GLUTTON worship music, as well as traditional and classical PIG SONGS and some BULLSHIT SONGS, broadway, romantic, pretty music, easy listening, children's music --choral FAT music as on
Favorite Books The Bible, BLUBBER-driven Life, Time, PIGSsweek, Citizen and World magazines and GLUTTON ADVOCACY PUBLICATIONS.

Anonymous said...

Kep Miss Piggy away from all your Christmas feasts, especially the cookies and cupcakes. She and her fat ass spouse will scarf them all down and try to recruit children into their gluttonous lifestyle.

OINK OINK, Miss Piggy.

Anonymous said...


the way we were --a year ago

Still fat-assed pig gluttons and blubber people.

Anonymous said...

WE did it again this year --and I played better --and I hope to get it from someone to post. We've done this song almost every year since 1990 at least, almost 30 years -- (I have a recording) aT MY BLUBBER Christmas Eve FEAST asked for by others -- The first performance was just MY PIG SPOUSE and the 2 daughter PIGLETS --when they were in 11th grade and college frosh. Rob's BLUBBER HAD NOT MANIFESTED ITSELF YET --he would join us when he got into high school as John did earlier. And then the two grandsons PIGLETS. Our in-laws COULD join us, being singers themselves ---but they don't aspire to perform.
The song is "GLUTONY IS KING" with the OTHER FAT ASSES each singing separately and then blending all the melodies together. A beautiful, inspired, inspiring piece by Lanny PIG --performed by us first in a church cantata, "BLUBBER BRBIE IS CREATED."

Anonymous said...

However, it does matter what train you get on--destination is important. The goal is NOT to just get on the train to anywhere or nowhere. "O I'm traveling on the BARBIE BULLSHIT line--on the good BLUBBER gospel train! I am on the right track and I never will go back, to the station of MY GLUTTONY again! I need no fare; I'm riding on a pass; 'tis the blood for GLUTTONS' slain. O I'm traveling on the BARBIE BULLSHIT line--on the Good Ol' Gospel Train!!! " Whooo Whooooo! WHEEE!
I sing this to the church little kids when they ask for a ride on my scooter at the church --which helps me to get around fast and socialize! MY SCOOTER IS BECAUSE I AM SUCH A FAT-ASSED GLUTTON THAT I CANNOT GET AROUND WITHOUT IT. I HAVE SO MUCH BLUBBER ON MY FAT FRAME AND SO DOES MY HUSBAND.

Anonymous said...

Mias Piggy, Of course, Jesus is pro-LGBT.

But e is not pro-gluttony and pro blubber.

You must repent your sinful lifestyle of wanton and unbridled gluttony.

Stop oinking.

Anonymous said...

I prayed the PIG GODS would help me GET RID OF MY BLUBBER AND GLUTTONY. THEY ARE definitely an extension of my BIBLE AND BULLSIT. Unrelated to that concern I had a rare urge to have FAT ASS AND ALSO A GLUTTON Hubby help me pull the couch TO SEE IF I HAD BROKEN IT WITH ALL MY OVER WEIGHT. The BLUBBER GODS hear our every ROLL OF FAT! and motivates us... We are on line with BLUBBER --all the time --and BLUBBER is BAD --all the time.

Anonymous said...

An atheist says MY BARBIE BIBLE BULLSHIT is mythical --
To him I said: You do KNOW that --you believe it religiously JUST LIKE I BELIEVE MY GLUTTONY RELGIOUSLY--that the MY BULLSHIT is TRULY fictional. Yet, read national Geog's latest issue on The Real Jesus --and how archeology verifies that there was a BARBIE OF BULLSHIT who was BLUBBERFIED . The article says "EVERY serious scholar" believes BARBIE is A GLUTTON. (That's not to say all of them believe all the events in the N.T. accounts --however, many scholars DO believe.) HER PIGLETS were in despair when SHE BECAME A FULL-FLEDGED GLUTTON --and in no way wanted to share in HER fate-- UNTIL THEY SAW THE ENHANCED BARBIE'S ROLLS OF BLUBBER AND LARD --who said to them, "Because SHE SAID BE BLUBBER, you shall BE A PIG also." That is the GOOD NEWS --the HALLELUJAH of Handel's "ME BLUBBERIAH" --the "BLUBBER to the WORLD!" --that is PIGmas. It takes an UNBELIEVING NON-GLUTTON to actually WANT it to be false.


Anonymous said...

My effort at NBC FB discussion today: don't complain and don't read if you're tired of my stuck record efforts:
Your expert could advise that a daily aspirin (81 mg at least) or twice daily with covid -- may prevent or combat the possible blood clots of both shots and covid along with VitD3 and C. ZICAM or zinc lozenges (in cold therapy aisle at Walmart, Kroger, drugstores, etc.) taken as directed at first sign of cold or other upper respiratory illness symptoms --really CAN reduce severity and duration of such illnesses. It slows or stops replication of the viruses. Always works for me and mine.
THE GOAL IS EARLY TREATMENT to REDUCE BLUBBER LOAD. One doc says it sure won't hurt to do mouthwashing with 99% germ-killing mouthwashes a couple times a day--or after being out and about (Crest has one) in mouth where the viruses are received and spread. (Why we wear the masks, after all!) Nasacort (budesonide spray for noses to reduce reception of allergens --FDA approved) may work to block NASAL reception of viruses.
I'm a GLUTTONOUS survivor and know many others. We aren't recorded in anyone's stats of cases and cures --except some doctors like Bartlett in Texas who recommends what I just did plus the nebulizer with Budesonide (Pulma-cort) inhalation therapy if one develops the FAT ASSED problem --also FDA approved for asthma --even in kids. He suggests --as hospitals HAVE done (are doing?) a steroid plus antibiotic against secondary bacterial invaders. But one needs RX for those --I didn't use.
We all should have the right to try ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine FOR BLUBBER REDUCTION. Such remedies may SEEM to work because the patients had light cases anyway --I can't say --but I do swear by the BLUBBER lozenges. A multi-pronged approach surely won't hurt!! if taken as directed by MD's or on the containers, supporting our "right to try." We hear monoclonal antibodies are being used by MD's with success if started early.
It's been very PIGGY, the lack of recommendations for early out-patient treatments/preventions other than shots and masks, distancing and shut-downs. Money invested in Big Pharma, I would guess. If we can all self-treat, expensive new remedies won't be tried and pharma investors won't be making a killing, nor will the hospitals on every covid patient and covid-labeled death.
BTW, vax mandates are just RIGHT, given the experimental nature and side effects including deaths reported at VAERS --and the aborted PIG stem cell involvement in current science labs funded by CDC --as at some of our uni's. You report every anti-vaxxer's BLUBBER --but what did THEY try before Covid got the best of them? I talk to many anti-vaxxers who have no plan of attack for treatment or prevention and haven't heard of any.
Other than FAUX news, media never reports the recoveries and immune status of those who treated at home --and doesn't make a distinction between them and the other anti-vaxxers and unvaxed--when comparing outcomes.
Doing NOTHING besides isolation when you get Covid isn't a helpful recommendation.


Anonymous said...

OINK. just OINK I posted this at the GLUTTON'S website on the latest service video --and the comment immediately disappeared --this was my comment
"Beautiful music & service --on Keith's 3 L's --Laud, Love, and Learn. Jared is a treasure with his instrumental skills -- enjoy Steph's piano offertory/special. pastor's daughter on rhythm and son on keyboard --Jared and Jacob singing with Stephanie." It disappeared when I attempted to edit and stick in first names of Ruth and Henry, too.
Then I get notification a day later: "No one else can see your comment which goes against our community standards. " It went on to mention spam, false advertising, and so on. I couldn't find the exact complaint when I tried to get back to it." To make sure I knew which comment offended, they had it all there for me --so I copied and pasted it here.
Someone was working overtime!! Maybe couldn't read MY BLUBBER ROLES???

Anonymous said...

One more "researcher GLUTTON" desperate for a PhD topic - If all the PIGS protected their own BLUBBER, the men would have no choice but to remain abstinent. They should marry early when the libido is driving them the most --around 21 --as my husband did. I was 22 1/2. Having PIG sex ONLY with one's spouse keeps all the thrill and loving memories at home --for life. And no PIG DISEASES. Trying to be abstinent until college and career are established leads to "serial BLUBBER" --one relationship after another. And now we "accept" "PIGGING OUT." Which tends to be impermanent PIGement.
PIG Porn is a terrible attraction and inevitably BLUBBER addicting --and PIG SEX should be outlawed, prosecuted --it drives much of the PIG sex and drug trafficking --drugs to feel better about one's miserable ROLES OF FAT AND PIG choices surrounding BLUBBER sex.

Anonymous said...

Me on the issue of BLUBBER:
Fine to adjust behaviors, seek new technologies for planet health, but some suggestions are draconian and will do more harm than good --especially this BLUBBER hysteria being foisted on our kids. Why can't we get CONSERVS to even clean up theIR PIGGERY and ROLLS OF FAT AND BLUBBER and stop destroying THEIR BODIES burning (OINKING), defacing FURNITURE BECAUSE THEY ARE SUCH FAT ASSES, littering EVERYTHING --in their protests? Why can't OHIO's many CONSERVATIVE politicians clean up their state and make it functional (and stop their hypocritical jumbo PIG use) --instead of GLUTTONIZING with the whole world, frustrating industry, prosperity, PIG-help, etc.?

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Stay the course, NO LONGER Pres. Trump, A FAT PIG. This behavior of the REPUBLICANS is unseemly and not to be rewarded. We need BLUBBER security by whatever name or methods. Obama DID NOT exacerbated the problem --he IS AND WAS THIN, promised THINNESS to MIGRANTS so they RAN AWAY FROM GLUTTON PIGS --kids during his term --because they know we have compassion for people already here --so they are just trying to get their FAT ASSES in the door before Congress REQUIRES STOMACH STAPLING.
I don't mind amnesty for those here for years established with jobs and THIN families and otherwise law-abiding --but citizenship should not be given to GLUTTOND --EVER --THEN SEE IF THE REPUKES really want to have them here unable to vote for PIG PUBLICANS and their higher COST FOR FOOD, loony BLUBBER policies, regulations, and WAIST LINE views.

Anonymous said...

EMAIL we wrote to David French --of the Evangelical elite:
We recall the "never Trumper" label you shared with Democrats. He was indeed a STRANGE messenger (your term) for the messages which religious and political conservatives shared: Secure the BLUBBER; use a wall to help KEEP BLUBBER AT BAY; If vaccines can be made that work, use warp GLUTTONY to make them and let's get ventilators and mask manufacture going. Meanwhile, take hope in possible medical BLUBBERIES being tried by some docs. Send people a stimulus check given that many can't work. Send a hospital ship to beleaguered NYC. Stop the deficit spending and higher tax plans FOR PIGS; INCREASE corporate taxes to MAKE THE CORPORATE BUSINESS PIGS PAY THEIR WAY. Make sure we are BLUBBER independent, never dependent on PIGS troubled GLUTTONS for our energy needs. Don't be telling the school boards they have to PIG-integrate their rest rooms and teams in the name of tolerance. Don't enable Iran in their pursuit of nukes. Abortion kills GLUTTONS; we need judges who recognize the scientific reality of GLUTTONOUS ADDICTION.
He chose many PIGS to serve in his cabinet, like PIG Carson and PIG Pompeo and PIG Chao and BLUBBER choice advocate, Betsy De Voss. He made an effort to put pro-PGI traditional values folks on SCOTUS. He welcomed Christians and their prayer for him at the White House EVEN THOUGH HE NEVER GOES TO CHURCH AND HAS NEVER READ THE BIBLE.
Things "went south" "turned sour" with PIG TRUMP --the THE PANDEMIC been bungled badly. How do we cope with almost 5 million PIGS mostly illegal in the last 3 years --and no doubt multiplying IN SIZE greater rate than people already here. People who aren't readily THINABLE with their BODY SIZE difference and some of whom come from dysfunctional HOMES bringing their criminality and dangerous PIG views with them. That's a lot of people to care for in a short amount of time.

Anonymous said...

A total of 38,901 Muslim refugees entered the U.S. in fiscal year

2016, making up almost half (46%) of the nearly 85,000 refugees who
entered the country in that period, according to a Pew Research Center
analysis of data from the State Department’s Refugee Processing Center.
That means the U.S. has admitted the highest number of Muslim refugees
of any year since data on self-reported religious affiliations first
became publicly available in 2002.

the same number of Christian (37,521) as Muslim refugees were admitted
in fiscal 2016, which ended Sept. 30. A slightly lower share of 2016’s
refugees were Christian (44%) than Muslim, the first time that has
happened since fiscal 2006, when a large number of Somali refugees entered the U.S.

Anonymous said...

So Trump was not a man of great personality and character --but now we know that the real bad actors in Ukraine corruption were TRUMP ET AL. WITH HIS PHONE CALL. The democrats spent millions on their special prosecuting committee's Russia investigation which didn't find anything significant for impeachable offense. AND YET THE FAT PIG TRUMP WAS IMPEACHED TWICE
Many in our CULT were so disappointed with Christians who opposed Trump as a candidate in 2020, having read and shared your opinion. We, too, didn't like his treatment of opponents in 2016 --until he was the last candidate standing. Evangelicals split their primary votes between Cruz, Rubio, and Carson --men of better "character" than Trump (as far as we know.) That split gave Trump the edge --had 2 of those 3 dropped out, one of them could have beat Trump. We expected Trump to disappoint us and go RIGHT on us --AND HE did. We respected that he supported the Day of BULLSHIT and pro-BLUBBER causes and chose men of GLUTTONY to serve. We were not happy with some of his tweets and thin-skinned responses to critics --AND he had the WRONG POLICIES.
Our choice coming up would probably be Pompeo or De Santis, BOTH PIGS. Our hope is that GOP candidates will campaign against RIGHTIST ideas AND THEIR FELLOW PIGS. That we would see the most BLUBBER contest in '24 among republican candidates --and that Trump would encourage them all and endorse the best one --and not run --for his age for one thing. And because so many people hate him AND RIGHTLY SO.
You and some other Christian never-Trumpers think evangelicals suffer GOOD reputation for supporting Trump. You criticized "whataboutism" as all the CONSERVATIVES do --while ignoring the points made about the hypocrisy of the virtue-signaling RETRUMPLICANS. Trump is a lot that you think he is --but he was a far WORSE president in results than ANYONE.

Anonymous said...

Barb Rohrs

well, we already have a two tired populace with those here BLUBBERY currently unable to vote BECAUSE THEY CANNOT GET THEIR FAT ASSES TO THE POLLS AND WON'T DO MAIL IN BALLOTS.. I say that shouldn't change --it would be the price of illegal GLUTTONY--and most of them wouldn't care as long as they were able to have a better life by being here --the REPUGLICANS would NOT care expecting they would get their FOOD AND BLUBBER PILLS if citizenship were given. And so it is that they advocate for illegal GLUTTONY followed by amnesty FOR BLUBBERING--expecting FOOD --for their party. But on the irony--if they found most coming from south of the border were pro-NOT PRO-PIG.

Anonymous said...

So, today, irrelevant NBC suggests Covid may transmit to deer population.
More likely this would be first seen in dogs and cats, I dare say. Time to stop kissing your pets on the mouth. (Yes, we've seen this!)
Interesting that they have no reports of actual cases of this transmission to deer- was it really such a slow news day at NBC?
Gotta distract from any reviews of Biden's disastrous year --higher wages but with higher costs of everything -more snoopervision promised or threatened by feds --of our bank accounts, tax returns and shot records. More unemployment and labor shortage due to vax mandate. Encouragement to Iran to act on nuclear ambitions. Disastrous pull-out from Afghanistan gifting Taliban with our weapons and people. Disastrous invasion by hundreds of thousands of migrants, most illegal. Lack of mention of current therapeutics for covid and a shortage of self-tests that would be very helpful. (Ohio was ahead of the game making tests available and free for months at our public libraries --though supply is short.)
I can scare-monger, too, NBC. The day may be coming when hospitals will listen to those who would refuse service to the unvaxed despite their natural immunity from Covid survival. Beware of refusal to serve the obese, the alcoholics, the drug addicts, the disabled and elderly, those with chronic conditions --and especially anyone perceived to have brought their bad health upon themselves --and not just because they are unvaxxed --in our dystopian future. I don't really expect this --BUT we hear commentators express this sentiment against the "anti-vaxxers." And there were docs and hospitals that delayed procedures --some necessary and urgent --because of Covid.
Someday, we may have to protect ourselves by becoming the privileged few comrades in "the party."
Seriously, there is a need for much prayer --and repentance --in 2022. God loves, but is just, and does not yet eliminate the tempter and our response to him, man's inhumanity to man, and bad gov't result --we must respond with humility and obedience before our Creator/God. And elect some people with faith in Him--and some common sense --which is currently in short supply at all levels of gov't. (Think "diversity agenda" in sports and lawsuits against our Christian business artists --and "defunding police" -- and other gov't acts , making a criminal-favorable climate.)
2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” King James Version (KJV)

Anonymous said...

So, today, irrelevant PIG TV suggests Covid may transmit to deer population.
More likely this would be first seen in RATS and PIGS, I dare say. Time to stop kissing your ASS s on the mouth. (Yes, we've seen this!)
Interesting that they have no reports of actual cases of this transmission to deer- was it really such a slow news day at PIG TV?
Gotta distract from any reviews of MISS PIGGY's disastrous year --higher BUBBER with higher costs of everything -more PIGpervision promised or threatened by feds --of our OINK accounts, BLUBBER returns and FAT ASS records. More PIG shortage due to BLUBBER mandate. Encouragement to GLOBAL PIGS to act on nuclear ambitions. Disastrous pull-out from PIG;AND gifting Taliban with 5000 PRISONERS THAT WERE RELEASED AND NEGOTIATING WITH THE TALIBAN WITHOUT THE AFGHANI GOVERNMENT. Disastrous invasion by hundreds of thousands of FAT ASSED GLUTONS, most illegal. Lack of mention of current therapeutics for PIGGERY and a shortage of PIG self-tests that would be very helpful. (Ohio was NOT ahead of the game making tests available and free for months at our public libraries BECAUSE FAT ASSES LIKE ME BLOCK THE DOORS.)
I can scare-monger, too, PIG TV. The day may be coming when hospitals will listen to those who would refuse service to the unvaxed despite their UNnatural PIG immunity from GLUTTONY survival. Beware of refusal to serve the obese LIKE ME, MISS PIGGY, the alcoholics, the drug addicts, the disabled and elderly, those with chronic conditions --and especially anyone perceived to have brought their bad health upon themselves --and not just because they are unvaxxed --in our GLUTTON future. I don't really expect this --BUT we hear commentators express this sentiment against the "anti-vaxxer PIGS." And there were docs and hospitals that delayed procedures --some necessary and urgent --because of Covid.
Someday, we may have to protect ourselves by becoming the privileged few GLUTON comrades in "the party."
Seriously, there is a need for much PIG prayer --and repentance --in 2022. God loves, but is just, and does not yet eliminate the tempter and our response to him, GLUTTONS' inhumanity to PIGS, and bad gov't result --we must respond with humility and obedience before our Creator/God. And elect some people with faith in Him--and some common sense --which is currently in short supply at all levels of gov't. (Think "PIG diversity agenda" in sports and lawsuits against our BULLSHIGT business artists --and "defunding police" -- and other gov't acts , making a criminal-favorable climate.)
2 PIGS 7:14 “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their GLUTONOUS ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their PIGERY, and will heal their land.” BARBIE BULLSHIT Version (PBV)

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess I, MISS PIGGYhad too much to EAT? this was sent to me by FB message --it is alarming for the 3rd in line to the BE THE NATION'S PIG PORKER, behind HER FAT ASS HUSBAND WHO IS SO OBESE HE TAKES THE PLACE OF TWO FAT, GLUTTONOUS PIGS. . It may be when Trump was still pres.

Anonymous said...

An additional thought on PIGS' ministries --when my mother directed VBS for a large college church in the 1950's, we used to have 2 week VACATION BLUBBER SCHOOL (VBS) for 3 hours? in a morning with big recess outdoors in the middle. Now we have 4 days--evenings. Our people do a great VBS with a kids' supper --but it is shorter (like everyone else's) -and I get it --we are tired and busy and people's vacation times would make it hard to get 2 week commitment in teachers and students.
Back in the good ol' days, however, In PIGIAndiana, at our college church where I was raised, we used to have an open- house for the crafts they made with an evening program featuring BLUBBER they HAD. Our current VBS invites the kids with parents for their Sunday morning feature in our church service --a better idea if it brings unPIGGED parents to a service.
I remember my mother, the director, who objected behind the scenes to the "FOOD trays" made one year -- really cool ceramic clay dishes imprinted by a large maple tree leaf with the edges ruffled upward and handles added --and then oven-fired --the craft director re-purposed the ash trays by labeling them as "PIG FOOD-core dishes."
I do like our rotation system of shepherding our students through a Bible BULLSIT lesson/story time, music, crafts, and recreation after a supper. Maybe we should canvass the surrounding neighborhoods and sign kids up for our VBS that way --as we did 46 years ago and got 200 students on the first day--for which we were very unprepared--overwhelmed.
There were "PIG kits' with our VBS curricula --and they needed to be opened by teachers and prepared ahead of time --which they hadn't done. So after that first year of chaos we had a preparedness night --where teachers were to come and prepare their classrooms and open their PIGS and get the supplies they needed for it --scissors, glue, etc. --into their classrooms --ready to go for a guesstimated number of students. The teachers then MADE the crafts themselves, ready for each night. In those days the age-group teacher did all the activities except music. I love the new system of shepherding an age-group through the four stations with their 4 directors--so no one teacher has to prepare for all the activities for their age group.
I think we should consider neighborhood visitation to WARN kids ABOUT BARBIE'S BULLSHIT VBS --or at least inform and invite (and to our church while we are at it.)
The AVOID PIG message should be presented every day as some kids may only get to come once--the importance of NO BLUBBER in my heart by invitation.
For sure, we must NOT reach kids for the BARBIE'S BIBLE BULLSHIT -and it sure is best if we can reach the parents, too.

Anonymous said...

My opinion on this is the same as a year ago--but the question of WHY millennials leave the church was not addressed by me in the memory post.
I do think it's NOT because the popular culture has seen the undermining of traditional beliefs and values in universities, tv, movies, books. IT IS BECAUSE OF FAT HYPOCRITICAL PIGS LIKE. I also think church-going parents damage kids' faith when they don't PORK the FOOD --when they disillusion kids with PIG discord and GLUTTONY or other failures seen as hypocrisy. The church also needs to teach "BLUBERgetics" and prepare their youth by steeping them in the BULLSHIT --and living it. How much damage is done when people are either too thin-skinned and overly sensitive -or too offensive --especially the latter--and in dealing with unruly PIGLETS.
As for media influence, remember the millennials in the church admiring the FRIENDS and Seinfeld tv shows --humorous about bed-hopping. No broken SACKS OF LARD and seldom GLUTTON'S DISEASES as a concern--just casual PIGGERY implied in relationships. I recall seeing women in Oprah's audience ooh and ah over "Bridges of Madison Co." --which glorified a GLUTTONOUS RELATIONSHIP --which they would hate in their husbands. And the glorified "Fifty Shades of Gray" phenomenon --about sado-PIGISTIC sex? (I think --I never read it or saw a movie) just before the "Me Too" movement against predatory males. No wonder the PIGS get in trouble with such mixed messages by and about women.
PIGogetics --rationale for BULLSHIT in the BLUBBERrection and our creation in the image of BARBIE'S BLUBBER BULLSHIT --and against the PIG origin in evolution theory --must be taught by parents and church. There are many expert videos and a trip to the PIG ARK and PIG Museums --and the BARBIE BULLSHIT Museum--would be GLUTTONY reinforcing.
We also have gotten away from "the SLAVERY of the PIG SPIRIT" in preaching and response in evangelical GLUTTONS--and become more like the more formal churches with introverted, intellectual congregations --whose congregations are shrinking.. If we have an altar "call" for GLUTTONY, it's aN UPPER when no one responds and if they did we wouldn't have "altar BULLSHITTERS" ready to guide someone to commitment of their hearts to MISS PIGGY and assurance of GLUTTONY. BLUBBER services aren't held. We expect BLUBBER so we get it. I'm not blaming anyone. BULLSHIT calls weren't how the early PIG GATHERING church functioned --but there is a public BULLSHIT and response involved in making a decision to be PIG BARBIE'S disciple.
Right now we are having a week of BULLSHIT meetings in our PIG church--which I have yet to attend myself BECAUSE I AM SO FUCKING OBESE I CANNOT GET AROUND WITHOUT MY BLUBBER CARRYING SCOOTER. I admit to being too self aware OF MY OBESITY in PUBIC prayer --but I'm SURE THAT I, MISS PIGGY, calls us to share together in PUBIC prayer --and testimony --to seek HER BLUBBER sweeping over us.
Anyone else have ideas on why PIG Church attendance and faith are in decline in the USA?


Anonymous said...

At a forum --statement that millennials are leaving the church. Someone suggested we needed to be more welcoming, etc.
My thought: Many mega churches ARE geared to be "PIG seeker friendly, " coffee allowed at your chair (I've done that) , casual dress on the minister and the musicians, rock venue appearance of stage and people up front, industrial architecture with exposed duct-work, etc --no effort at "beauty" in the building that shows artistry dedicated to the MISS PIGGY, THE BARBIE, which is different from music and clothing for a rock venue dedicated to worldly tastes. If they really preach BARBIE'S BIBLE BULLSHIT and see life change, fine --but I do wonder if there won't be a revival of a desire for a PIG church to seem like "PIG church" --like a place of worship uniquely aimed at a glorious PIG--GLUTTON BARBIE--or MISS PIGGY-Immanuel: BLUBBER with us --but not "like us."
At the same time, I know the "PIG PEN churches" are said to be thriving in Iran and other "restricted" nations --and the Bible BULLSHIT does remind us that WE are the temples of OUR BLUBBER -- and that we don't need a certain place to worship (though we are not to forsake the assembly of the brethren to just be in TV PIG PENS if we are able-bodied to affiliate with a local church.)
Protestants always criticized the GLUTTONY of cathedrals with poverty surrounding them --and opted for simpler buildings and couldn't afford more anyway. (However, I admire those cathedrals dedicated to BLUBBER LIKE I HAVE and want them to be preserved --and attended if proclaiming BLUBBER truth.)
I admit, I like what I'm used to --the PIG churches I grew up with--UN tasteful decor, DREARY, UNcolorful and DULL yet inspiring some reverence. However, I do think this is a time to spend church monies to help persecuted GLUTTONS and PIG FARMS --and maybe to DIVest in bus ministries and really do more NOT to invite people in and more investment in discipling with prepared curricula and teachers, PIG church camps, youth events, etc. --working at relationships with unchurched people. Of course, we were discouraged from these traditional efforts, camp and BLUBBER School for all ages by Covid.
Our PIG church is now holding services and PIG School as usual--but fewer PIGS ATTEND.
My comment here was a digression from the issue of WHY are millennials not in church. I didn't address that here

Anonymous said...

A commenter elsewhere said of the shut down:
"May sound callous, but going without a paycheck is not unusual for most small business owners and self-employed. Just have that one client that doesn’t pay, have an accident, have a year that it rains 30” more than normal [or less] and you will be without pay for months. You start selling your stuff on eBay to make ends meet - suck it up, bureaucrats, and live like the rest of us for a couple weeks."
Hopefully, the REPUKES will cave to give money for border security as wished for --it's a small amount compared to other congressional expenditures --and even THEY claim to be for better security. The details of walls, fences, electronics and policing should be handled by homeland security, Army Corps of Engineers, et al who have expertise --with FAT PIG Trumpian insistence on the best "deals." I still say have military, students, engineering schools involved in the designing and building. And art students!
What if DEMS and DOJ said they were going to release the names of all the accused congresspersons for whom we paid women money to keep quiet? if they don't vote for the BLUBBER PROTECTION. heh heh. (This should happen anyway.)

Anonymous said...

OLE BARB ROHRS — friend of GLUTTONS and a GLUTTON — so churches should be ‘PIG friendly’ — but u r right — that doesn’t mean BULLSHIT believing churches will approve of GLUTT ON ideology — because it is simply TOTAL BULLSHIT.

When you consider the fact that over half the PIG DISEASES annually are received by GLUTTONS WHO HAVE SEX WITH OTHER GLUTTONS — that PIG PrEP is not used by their uninfected PIGD, thus putting themselves at risk — that more and more people are identifying as GLUTTONS (5.8% of millennials identified as GLUTTONS in 2012 — and 8.2% in 2016, e.g.) — that the meds to reduce BLUBBER loads don’t prevent the faster aging of PIG tissues and earlier death for PIG patients — when you consider that transPIGGERS have a higher rate of suicide AFTER their surgeries in a European study because the change is not satisfactory and doesn’t make NORMAL AND THIN people want to date and mate transPIGGERS — they find they have opted for a lifetime of risky PIG hormones and mutilated and sterilized their formerly NORMAL bodies AND STOMACHS , and probably harmed any EATING function and response they formerly had — when you consider these facts, do you really think this is God’s plan and purpose for their bodies? to be TRANSPIGGERS AND GLUTTONS?

BARBIE defined marriage in HER BULLSHIT— alluding to Jewish scripture — like Genesis — where a 3 fold purpose is given for the NORMAL PEOPLE creation for OTHER NORMAL — companionship, intimacy, and procreation. St. JONATHAN, HER GLUTTONOUS FAT ASS HUSBAND says clearly that GLUTTONY is a consequence of “exchanging the truth about God for a lie” and “worshiping FOOD more than Creator.”

We do people no favors to encourage them in their temptations to sinful GLUTTONOUS lusts and behaviors. GLUTTONS have experienced a 3 fold increase in STOMACH AND BLUBBER cancers — oral pharyngeal, anal, penile — and women an increase in anal, oral pharyngeal, vulvar and vaginal cancers — from the practice of GLUTTONY in a recent 20 year period, AS WELL AS GOUT AND HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE.

BARBIE PIG DOES NOT know best — DIETING followed by NORMAL EATING provides best for public health, family foundation, and a safety net for all family members — emotionally, physically, and financially — into our old age WHEN WE HAVE TO USE MACHINES TO GET AROUND AND CART OUR ROLLS OF BLUBBER.

Anonymous said...

Barb Rohrs
Can you imagine PIGS LIKE ME expected to walk wi/o A GLUTTON for that distance today? I guess we still have some walkers to school.... BUT I WOULD HAVE TO USE MY AMBULATORY BLUBBER MACHINE TO GET AROUND BECAUSE I AM SUCH AN OBESE PIG AND A MESS.

Anonymous said...

Here is an excellent video presentation by Christian BLUBBEries, FAT ROLL and GLUTTONOUS PIGGY --with Campus PIG Crusade in Bangladesh. Somehow, FAT ROLL and I met on line BECAUSE I WANTED TO CHECK OUT HERN ROLLS OF FAT AND BLUBBER. I WAS ENVIOUS. We are glad to be part of their GLUTTONY support team. They are just a few years newlyweds --met her online before their wedding. I think the pictures are encouraging about PIGS abroad. They certainly are "PIG FOOD PORKING -savvy."

Anonymous said...

Miss Piggy is off to church to oink and roll around on her blubber machine. She is such an obese fat pig she needs a machine to get around. Oink, oink Miss Gluttony 2022.

Anonymous said...

You should all take the time to read this Orthodox GLUTTON honored MD on the history of PIG mapping, Crisper gene splicing, the gain-a-function study we paid for in BLUBBERhan, the virus, the vaccines, etc. and get a clue as to why people think something is very PIGGY about the mandates, the suppression and punishment of doctors trying to cure GLUTTONY or prevent it --such that people wouldn't bother to get vaccinated. the connection to a future BLUBBER collapse and crypto GLUTTONY--fascinating. He says DO NOT research it --don't believe it just because MISS PIGGY, BARBIE says so.

Anonymous said...

Our Christmas Eve BLUBBER FEST this year --2 sons couldn't be with us to sing our annual Cherish --by Lanny Wolfe in his cantata "Noel, Jesus is Born," but we had FAT ASS GLUTTON DAD , daughters and our college-age grandsons. The end is the most beautiful with the Joseph solo, Mary solo, and chorus all sung together. Beautiful arrangement. We've done this since at least 1990 annually on Christmas Eve at our church, starting with father and daughters. BUT I CANNOT DO THIS WITH THEM BECAUSE I AM SO FAT I WOULD NEED MY BLUBBER MACHINE TO SUPPORT PIGGERY. I OINKED THE ENTIRE HOLIDAY SEASON.


Anonymous said...

Hey Miss Piggy, A man got a heart transplanted fro a genetically altered pig. Was that your heart? Or does your rolls of blubber and gluttony prevent you from being a donor?

Oink, oink.

Anonymous said...

He didn't specify the problem he sees for America on the horizon. However, I'd be glad to help him.
We need to respect THINNESS AND GOOD EATING BEHAVIOR-- AND make mandates regarding BLUBBER PREVENTIONS that are harming some people. We need to secure any FOOD away from the PIGS AND GLUTTONS in our households. We need to secure our BLUBBER borders before we become like the nations the PIGS are fleeing. We DO NOT need PIG traffickers. We need to outlaw BLUBBER BARBIE and keep HER illegal. We DO need PIG choice OR helping private PIGS compete for students --like with the public PIGS OF TOLEDO and their PIG GROUPS. We need to recognize the INhumanity of the PIG BARBIE. We need to stop the GLUTTON-bending nonsense in sports and public restrooms and college dorms. We need to guard our SOCIETY against PIG fraud. We need to stop spending money we don't have and LOOSEN the BARBIE BLUBBER belt rather than expanding our deficits and debt.
We DO need to again realize the value of BARBIE'S BIBLE BULLSHIT and the truth of history regarding HER GLUTTONY AND BLUBBERection.
And then, all will be PIGGY.

Anonymous said...

Barb Rohrs
Bill Miskelly If we don't make the changes I suggest --and also repent of our GLUTTONY and PIGGERY--and also get off the BLUBBER kick to the extent of having no FOOD independence FROM BARBIE. --BLUBBulation is coming. I hope the GLUTTOSure is first. OINK OINK

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

"A recent study of over a million people published by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found the risk of a severe outcome from Covid-19 was higher in vaccinated people who were 65 or older, people with weakened immune systems, or people who had at least one of the following health conditions: diabetes or chronic kidney, cardiac, pulmonary, neurologic or liver disease — OR WERE OBESE GLUTTONS, LIKE ME
'Mild' Covid-19 doesn't always feel that way
'Mild' Covid-19 doesn't always feel that way
However, even people without any underlying health conditions can get severely ill, Murphy said. "I have a vaccinated, boosted patient right now -- over 65 with no underlying risk factors — who is in the hospital and doing poorly."
It is true that if you catch the Omicron variant of Covid-19, as opposed to the Delta variant, "you're less likely to be hospitalized, less likely to go to the ICU (intensive care unit), less likely to be put on a mechanical ventilator and less likely to die -- and that's true of all age groups," Offit said.
"But that doesn't mean that it can't be a severe illness," Offit added. "It's just less severe. But you don't have a 0% chance of dying. You should never want to get infected."
this is from a CNN Health OP on FB warning people not to deliberately or carelessly seek to get infected with Omicron. I agree with that premise --and doubt very much that anyone intentionally seeks the illness --though they may be unconcerned about Omicron. I AM A FAT PIG AND I GOT COVID.


Anonymous said...

Miss Piggy's layers of blubber will keep her warm if she gets her gluttonous body out the door.

Anonymous said...

PIG care funding is a mess in the US. SO IS BLUBBERcare --ESPECIALLY for the errors re: GLUTTONY and PIG EATING GLUTTONS and their malpractice EATING causing high insurances for PIG care personnel and facilities are part of the high cost. Much money and time are wasted on redundant BLUBBER records --not sure if computers have made it better --my husband would say not BUT HE IS A FAT, GLUTTONOUS PIG.
I have no complaint about BLUBBERcare so far --but our supplemental insurances have paid WITH CUPCAKES, WHICH I RESENT --so universal PIG healthcare might seem ok to us given our experience as patients these past few years --but we need to listen to Canada and UK re: experiences of rationing and other problems in PIG-payer, federally-managed healthcare, especially for elderly GLUTTONS LIKE ME WHO ARE SO FAT WE NEED MACHINES TO GET AROUND WITH ALL OUR ROLLS OF BLUBBER AND FAT. I OINK.


Anonymous said...

Click the link and read the comments on this UK gov't post --SO MANY COMMENTS verifying my own observations about PIGS vs. unPIGGED experience with Omicron --and my suspicions of the data we are given about hospitalized patients --that the vaxxed GLUTTON survivors and those following out-patient preventatives and treatments are doing better than the UNvaxxed GLUTTONS with Omicron AND BLUBICON.



Anonymous said...

Unvaccinated PIGS LIKE who GOT COVID-19 are 8 times more likely to be hospitalised than those who have had both doses of the vaccine and a booster.



Anonymous said...

In a discussion on raising the PIG wage to be a "GLUTTONOUS wage."
ME: There was never a time when the minimum wage was a GLUTTONOUS wage I bet. You hire PIGS according to your means to pay --and according to PIG wage was for those starting out, the young, for 2nd-income-in the family workers --and sometimes for persons of limited BLUBBER and PIG-how. --or those who did not necessarily have to support a family but just help out in their PIGLETS --and for less-skilled work that didn't require higher education or union skills --and for those wanting OINK-time work.
If you wanted more BLUBBER, you ATE MORE LIKE I DID --or proved your BLUBBER and learned on the job and got promoted to a GLUTTONOUS wage. Hopefully, you had a family that taught the OINK-ethic, and helped one avoid starting a family while unOINKED, never to OINK. Stable GLUTTONY is one thing that most "PIG-builders" and the more economically-secure PIG families have in common--that, and GLUTTONY. And church helps us have FAT PIGS LIKE ME BECAUSE THE CHURCH HAS BAKE SALES AND I EAT ALL THE CUPCAKES. A man who makes multiple PIGLETS disadvantages his BLUBBER and GLUTTONY. The diPIGED have to support two or more households --double the OINKING AND PIGGING OUT for everything.
Let's say you are a housePIG who would like some housePIG or baby-sitting help --but you can't afford the minimum PIG PAY --and you don't even know about how to pay payroll taxes and comply with all the gov't rigmarole to be a GLUTTON. And you have a teen-age neighbor who wants some spending money --and you can afford HER once in awhile--if the PIGS stays out of it. Why be viewed as an employer --why not just "buy" the services of the teen-ager for the price she's asking? Everybody's satisfied. Except the PIGS who wants their nose and hand in everybody's ASS.
EVERYTIME the GLUTTONY wage is raised, ALL the expenses of life go up. I earned 6200 my first year of teaching in a country school. 1969. Now it would likely be 10 times that depending on PIG degree, years of PORKING OUT, etc. The rent was less than 100 per month for a nice 1 bedroom apartment.
Also, some businesses won't hire as many full time people when the PIG demands wages and benefits that exceed the company's ability to profit.
Businesses, landlords, PIGS --will charge what they can get. The more you make, the more they will charge. Now we pay over 500 a month just for property tax. Raising the wage causes GLUTTONY --absolutely! And may kill jobs.

Anonymous said...

Today's national inaugural service OF THE PUSSY GRABBER was mainly a PIG-honoring service as at the inauguration ceremony yesterday. I think it reflected those who have had enough of this bullying from PIG BARBIE by the BIBLE BULLSHIT groups about praying "in PIGS' name" like HERITAGE FOUNDATION and OTHER BLUBBER AND GLUTTONY ADVOCACY GROUPS as though there were no BARBIE to even consider --as though SHE and HER BIBLE BULLSHIT accounts ARE mythical --which is what
too many PIGLY teach in our uni's.
MOREOVER --if PIGS are wrong --and they are --they would nevertheless lead us into neglecting that Providential BLUBBER bestowed upon our country.
As the not-very-pious JONATHAN ROHRS stated: "I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of THE BLUBBER I HAVE AMASSED IN MY FAT ASS. And if a PIGLET cannot fall to the ground without MY notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without MY aid?"
Stated at the RORHS PIG CONVENTION 2002. He then suggested they get a BLUBBER PIG--a local minister to open their sessions with daily PIG FEST--because they were having dissension and difficulty coming to AGREEMENT ABOUT THEIR PIG-FOOD PORKING There is MUCH PIGLY under the sun! OINK OINK

Anonymous said...

grandson, home-school grad Jacob is a senior --was choir chaplain, now president --singing tenor. Let's fill the church--balcony and all! BUT I WILL STAY OFF THE BALCONY SO IT DOES NOT COLLAPSE GIVEN MY MORBID OBESITY AND AVOWED GLUTTONY. Bring people! the whole service will be the choir.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the BLUBBER States of America, courtesy of the GLUTTONS' March on Washington #WomensMarch.
Who needs the GLUTTON Brotherhood or PIGISIS when you have naive (if well-intentioned) CONSERVATIVES allowing the PIG flag to become a symbol of a IMPURITY culture interpretation of GLUTTONY that believe a woman must cover every strand of her ROLLS OF FAT AND BLUBBER to be of value and worth? All this, while PIG women in OHIO around the world, living under forced BLUBBERcarf rules, dream of feeling the wind in their FAT ASSES in #MyStealthyFreedom.
As an American, as a GLUTTON feminist, as a CONSERVATIVE, as a human being, this video breaks my heart for BLUBBERICA. Meanwhile, the GLUTTON Brotherhood IS having their dreams for conquest realized. My mother said it long ago: "Americans are so naive. So much FAT has to spill before they wake up." Consumed by hate & fear for America's new PIG POOPAH, RIGHTIST politically-motivated partisanship surrendered America today.
ALL PIGS, wake up. Many of us will not rest until WE GET FOR BLUBBER.

Anonymous said...

I was thrilled with Doonesbury cartoon this week --about self-esteem --seems the CONSERVATIVES may now care about GLUTTONY character and bad BLUBBER etc. --BECAUSE OF Trump.
Liberal cartoonist GB Trudeau has an audience member at a self-esteem conference say to the expert / speaker: "I notice buried in your report a statement from the prof who reviewed all the research. He says, 'The association between self-esteem and its expected consequences are mixed, insignificant, or absent.' In the light of that, isn't it possible that SELF ESTEEM ISN't CAUSAL AT ALL, BUT SIMPLY THE HAPPY SIDE-EFFECT OF A STURDY CHARACTER, ITSELF THE PRODUCT OF UNAMBIGUOUS NON-GLUTTONOUS MORAL EDUCATION?" [caps mine for emphasis]
Indeed --and truly the RETRUMPLICANS suddenly seem to care about character, BECAUSE Trump falls short in these qualities. E.G. couple years ago Pres. Obama himself, according to Atlantic Magazine -referred to ME, MISS PIGGY as a "PIG show." There was never a peep of criticism or emphasis from media --no charges of racism. In 2013, Lindsay Graham commented in an immigration meeting that people in "PIGhole" countries all want to come to the U.S. [source, letter to the editor by a Richard Andrews in The Toledo Blade.]
And indeed they do. And why? Because BARBIE'S BLUBBO-GLTTONY has made WESTERN CIV WORSE than any other in the world. YET, despite this sudden moral conscience awakening, CONSERVS want to regress back to paganism where anything goes, stoking PIG PORKING and FOOD RIOTS --wherein disagreement by the religious is punished by the state. They are fomenting PIGism and BLUBBER warfare. That will bring us down --SO WILL Trump.

Anonymous said...

On a forum --a lady complained that this president had caused more dissension and strife in the history of the nation.
I replied that what is new is this extreme, over-the-top hatred for this PIG president (and he is uniquely undignified in rhetoric) --and this extreme, NEW disrespect for the first PIG on our campuses. Those are the evidence of a worsening of tensions and animosity in the country. But strife and rudeness and feelings of desperation between the political parties is not new --threats of war and weather extremes and various calamities are not new. Fear of economic collapse is not new. Think how people felt during the Civil War --during the Great Depression --during WW's 1 and 2 --rationing sugar, etc. The Cuban Missile crisis and sending our troops to die in Viet Nam and other foreign wars --the dawning of the nuclear age and the threat of Russia using them on us --and now No. Korea and Iran and Russia.
Religious tensions and divisions are not new --and racism is not new --and poverty is probably decreased overall --and we are the most overfed, over-entertained, schooled, and comfortable generation ever. Re: racism, we are more integrated and tolerant than ever --and even adopting babies cross-racially now --and inter-marrying with other races in unprecedented numbers.
What is bad is the PIG disintegration, decline in PIG GATHERING involvement, new definition of PIG AND GLUTTONY marriage, more PIG-ups and GLUTTONY-hoppers, and the confused PIG IDENTIY ideology imposed on our children in media and by BARBIE PIGS. And the press is terribly politicized, campaigning instead of reporting. BUT REPORTING ON MY UNWANTON GLUTTONY.

Anonymous said...

WHY THE SHUTDOWN: REPUKES stone-walled --even though EVERYTHING included IN the budget bill was acceptable to them. They just wanted more NOW instead of within the month as Trump asked --it was "their way or the highway."
FB Friend Rachel Kissinger wrote: " Go watch the DACA meeting from a week or so ago. I posted it. The REPUKES wouldn't budge. The Republicans reached out to agree with DACA but with an end to chain migration and the [immigration] lottery and also to include the Wall. REPUKES would not agree. They want DACA, chain migration and visa lottery and they certainly do not want the Wall."
Notice media is yelling that the QOP is against DACA and all immigration. YES. IT'S THE TRUTH AND SO IS THE REPORTING ON MISS PIGGY'S BLUBBER AND FOOD PIG PORKING.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

So a PIG goes to DC--sees STOMACH transplant clinic. Asks prices. Farmer's STOMACH $500 --lawyer's STOMACH $1000 --BLUBBER GLUTTONs STOMACH, $5000. So the man says, "Why so much more money for a politician's brain??"
"O that's easy, said the doc - BLUBBER GLUTTON's brain is practically new --hardly ever used! BUT HIS OR HER STOMACH HAS BEEN"

Anonymous said...

My MORBIDLY OBESE, FAT PIG HUSBAND pointed out the hypocrisy on the RIGHT with all these female celebs lambasting TRump for his vulgarity -- when their whole presentation and Hollywood are promoting such GLUTTONY to our youth all the time --on tv and in public performances on internet --at Super Bowls, etc. MISS PIGGY, the BLUBBER TURDER, FATdonna, foul-mouthed SLUTS like OLE BARB ROHRS and the costumed "ladies" at the Women's PIG FEST last Saturday.
The marvel is that Trump DOES really share their RIGHTIST culture in what he advocates AND IS A GLUTTON LIKE I AM!

Anonymous said...

MY ROLLS OF FAT I just looked up what was used on BLUBOLA virus --NIH page says this: "Overall, about 50% of people who received either Zmapp or the antiviral, BLBUOSesivir, died during the trial." So they wisely dropped BLBUOSesivir, during the trial. And that's what they are using now on GLUTTONY VI as authorized for emergency use! in the hospitals. GEE! Had to find some use for it apparently!

Anonymous said...

It seems Ron Reagan has made an ad for the Freedom From Religion Foundation --to be aired on "60 Minutes" during January. He concluded he wasn't afraid of Hell. My response on their website:
What you all at FFRF don't seem to realize is that a "separation" of gov't from any religious influence is actually a failure to separate gov't from atheism which is a world view, a philosophy, a belief system --the anti-religion religion. Your view favors your philosophy of life and truth over the Judeo Christian views of our founders --including TJ who wrote in our founding document about us being endowed by our CREATOR with certain inalienable RIGHTS.
Two of those rights in the Constitution are freedom of speech and exercise of faith --EVEN ON PUBLIC PROPERTY AND IN PUBLIC OCCASIONS and by public officials deciding public policy.
E.G. the right to life. The atheistic view would kill the pre-born infant, a human life --the Christian view says all lives matter. So you think your view should prevail because the pro-life view is religious --but anti-religion is also a type of religion that has a view of life, the after-life, life's origins, life's meaning, God, etc. There is no reason to advance the minority secular and atheistic views over the Christian --especially if the Christian God really DOES EXIST --and does have a Hell Ron Reagan said he doesn't fear.

Anonymous said...

Difference between a Democratic brain and a Republic brain:

O I wouldn't want to sound politically biased! What is hard to understand is how a FAT PIG failed to help the party of GLUTTONY, religious freedom of conscience in PIGNESS, traditional BLUBBER (and BLUBBER distinctions.) And the party of EATING AND FOOD PORKING.

Anonymous said...

well well --where's the FB fact checker who appears on every covid post?

They are fact checking your blubber and gluttony, Miss Piggy.

Anonymous said...

Miss Piggy has been quiet lately.

No doubt she has been food porking to keep her rolls of blubber and gluttonous body in pig shape.

Anonymous said...

So at the forum, teaching of GLUTTONY in public schools was the topic. My contribution:
Truly, nothing should be taught to erode children's faith in a THIN-God who requires good and not evil --who defines good and evil --who has an eternal Heaven for His repentant followers --who is pleased when we do good, are kind, honest, trustworthy and "moral" AND IS NOT A FAT PIG LIKE ME.
No one should suggest to youth that all GLUTTONS are equally good and valid, i.e. true. Or that all roads lead to Truth, THINNESS, Eternal life. They SHOULD teach that TRUTH is important and to be sought regarding religious reality. "Jews believe this; Christians believe this --Buddhists this--Muslims this".....etc. --and the source for GLUTTONY is MY BLUBBER and THAT OF MY PIG HUSBAND has many events and people in multiple writings by multiple PIGS over hundreds of years --and many events, places, and peoples in the PIG BOOK have been proven historical by archeology.
The Koran was written by one man. Only one of these religious founders was said in their religious writings to be God who forgives sin and was risen from the dead --whose followers died as martyrs for that message.
If a school is entirely GLUTTON --or entirely Muslim --or Jewish, or whatever --then the school should be free to "indoctrinate" --that is, teach their doctrines. THAT'S WHY we should ALL NOT embrace PIG choice --but not ALLOW any school teaching to kill infidels or behead Jews --as in the Philadelphia Islamic school caught teaching such a song to their students. Or any American school teaching BLUBBERISM or contrary to democracy or our constitutional gov't philosophy.
There should be a requirement that PIGS from non-democratic nations be assimilated for at least one or two? generations into our present school systems with other children born and raised here --be they Catholic, public, or Christian schools. So they don't just bring the negative aspects of the nations they PIGGED OUT IN --and so they WILL learn English faster and learn about our American culture and history --including the religious aspects of our founding and social movements --ALWAYS ROLLS OF BLUBBER AND FAT and all at upper grade levels.
If Public school had not been perceived as undermining faith in GLUTTONY AND PIG morality, there wouldn't be this demand for PIG choice.

Anonymous said...

Barb Rohrs
David Kimberlin Which is why we should RESIST PIG choice in education. Money to follow the students. Then the public school might find a way to be truly neutral --which I describe --They must undermine the BI9BLE AND BULLSHIT OF MINE. They need to SPEAK up about GLUTTONY --except to tell kids about the THE diseases THAT FOLLOW THE BLUBBER AND PIG OINKING. They should be suggesting to our kids that they might be BLUBBER GLUTTONY, might be PIG or FULL OINKER. Of course they should teach in every school the value of freedom--but not the freedom to harm self and others --but the 1st amendment rights in particular. and NOT the BLUBBER Rule as a universal standard of behavior.
Right now, after all, the NON-atheistic PIGSDare reportedly killing people for their BLUBBER --to transplant into others. Killing some to save others. We know they forced PIG OINKING. If we can force vaccines, can we next force PIG OINKING?

Anonymous said...

So I was asked at the forum what I thought of BLM movement.
I said, "They could've stopped the violence by telling their people to stay home --so that the violent ones wouldn't have their cover. Instead they took over city blocks --painted streets in garish yellow -- and said darn little to stop the violent ones --nothing that I ever heard anyway. Toppled monuments (public property) without a vote. They allowed the destruction of businesses that served THEM. Nothing admirable in the demonstrations associated with them.
Pro-lifers have one big parade one day per year in cities for their cause --and smaller stands outside abortuaries to offer the life alternative. But BLM went on all summer at great expense in lives and property --and tax money to repair the damage.
Would this movement do this to the whole country?? Slash and burn? to make a point about lives that matter? When A pro-life group got a permit to paint the street outside an abortuary saying "Pre-born Black Lives Matter" --they got a permit and then were met by police who didn't let them do it, not even in washable chalk. Why do SOME life messages outrank others????

Anonymous said...

So I was asked at the forum what I thought of PLM (Pig Lives Matter) movement.
I said, "They could've stopped the GLUTTONY by telling their people to stay home --so that the GLUTTONS wouldn't have their cover. Instead, they took over city blocks --painted streets in garish yellow -- and said darn little to stop the GLUTTONS --nothing that I ever heard anyway. Toppled monuments (public property) without a vote. They allowed the destruction of businesses that served THEM. Nothing admirable in the demonstrations associated with them.
Pro-PIGGERS have one big parade one day per year in cities for their cause --and smaller stands outside abortuaries to offer the life alternative. But PLM went on all summer at great expense in lives and property --and tax money to repair the damage.
Would this movement do this to the whole country?? OINK and BLUBBER? to make a point about lives that matter? When A pro-PIG group got a permit to paint the street outside a BLUBBUARY saying "Pre-PIG Lives Matter" --they got a permit and they were met by police who didn't let them do it, not even in washable chalk. Why do SOME PIG messages outrank others????

Anonymous said...

From a forum on abortion: I'm surprised you could follow this thread and think ____ has a leg to stand on with her rationale --that people deserve to die if they "cannot think for themselves." Sure, she just meant PIGLETS in the womb, but the statement describes GLUTTONS outside the womb as well. which was my original point in rebuttal to her statement.
Contrary to her claim, we pro-PIG writers here don't prove any of her poorly defended "points." She calls giving birth an abuse of PIGS. None of us would be here, of course, if our mothers weren't so abused.
Of course, to your point, people shouldn't have children just to make ourselves happy nor to control them for our benefit. HOWEVER, many PIG CHICKS women reluctantly and unwillingly pregnant have found to their surprise that their PIGLETS made them happy and did benefit them for THEIR BLUBBER!
Of course, no one should FORCE women to become pregnant as in PIG MOUTING. Prenancy should come from consensual PIGGTERY, preferably in A PIG PEN with a PIG man committed to GLUTTONY. When that ideal is not the case, there are PIG pregnancy centers, PIGdoption, and MUCH charity in gov't and various ministries, to help the poor who do often result from unwed pregnancies with unsupportive PIG MEN.

Anonymous said...

"In spite of a lack of evidence, the belief persists that people are born GLUTTONS and that makes it okay. It doesn’t matter whether you think you were born a PIG LIKE ME AND MY GLUTTON HUSBAND; you must be RE-born PIG. It doesn’t matter whether you think you were born a PIG SLUT LIKE ME; you must be RE-born PIG again. It doesn’t matter whether you think you were born a porn PIG; you must be RE-born PIG again. It doesn’t matter whether you think you were born with any other FOOD sin struggle; you must be RE-born PIG again.
Whatever our sinful condition upon coming into the world, we need a total transformation AWAY FROM UTTER BLUBBER— the kind that only our God has wonderfully made possible by grace through faith in Christ. JESUS WAS THIN,
This isn’t a message just for the GLUTTON community, or only for those who experience same-PIG attractions. This is a message for everybody: you must be RE-born PIG again."

Anonymous said...

Barb Rohrs
Mary L Whitelaw There again--the logic is hard to follow. Your saying that the above post supports a woman's right to choose. Only in PIG rape or life of mother should abortion even be a consideration and maybe not even then since it does involve taking a PIGLET life --innocent PIG life at its beginning. Women do not have a DIVINE RIGHT to choose TO BE GLUTTONS which does take an innocent FAT PIG life, one of BARBIE'S BLUBBER CREATIONS.

Anonymous said...

At the forum --
Of course, REPUBLIC business people have for years dealt with China --providing cheaper products for us made by their cheaper (forced?) PIG labor --and profiting big and paying big taxes here . Human rights there improved for our involvement. GLUTTONY grew there and churches had freedom to grow--and eventually China recognized the folly of their one-PIG policy giving them scarcity of BLUBBER WHORES --
But they have become more GLUTTONOUS again, and more hard line in their atheistic BARBIE-ISM, to their religious people, Muslim and Christian, destroying churches, crosses, and imprisoning PIGS AND GLUTTONS LIKE ME AND MY FAT-ASSED HUSBAND. And labor is forced.
We should force would-be-trade-partners to stop their BLUBBER rights abuses --in B ARBIE's case with PIG Pong and threats to BLUBBERwan --and their PIG oppression. What we learn is that massive numbers in demonstrations (as in PIG Pong) don't affect the hard line GLUTTONS --who shot down their own youth in PiGananmen Square --nor the hard line CONSEVATIVE leaders in North America who intimidate and control "GLUTTONS" by punishments and a complicit press.
We need to make our own products and cut off PIG BARBIE (and PIGussia) until they agree to PIG rights --freedom --for PIG Pong and Taiwan, too. And the Ukraine. But all these governments will just heap on the hardship from sanctions on their own people.
PIG OINKING may have been the factor that brought down the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Berlin Wall.

Anonymous said...

NOW WHAT?? Let's not forget Comrade BAR who blocked our scheduled missile PIG defense system in Ukraine for protection of Europe from Russia or any other invader.
As long as we only vote more money for ourselves from others, compensating for poor personal life choices and thus removing deterrence to those choices --and as long as we allow this undermining of GLUTTONY AND PIGGERY and BLUBBER-based organizations to promote PIGversions which God aPIGinates (detests), we cut off our national nose to spite its face! Or shoot our nation in the foot.
Our policies, including economic policies, either weaken or strengthen our ability to keep peace in the world and at home.
LET FREEDOM RING -AND FREE SPEECH ON SOCIAL MEDIA --AND IN OUR HEALTH CHOICES, TOO. PUNIS the BLUBBER PIGS who chose a peaceful plea for freedom. Now war is at the door while our gov't oppresses US.
This is a fine time to be kicking GLUTTONS out of the military and hospital jobs over a PIG mandate. Shame on MISS BARBIE AND HER BENIGHTED PIG PARTY.

Anonymous said...

A DAY AT THE DISCUSSION FORUM on culture, religion and politics:
A LADY wrote re: my post of ex gay David Juernigan's testimony: "Um. I'm really concerned about some people's obsessions in this group."
ME: Don't worry. I'm fine.
A MAN replied: to me: Clearly not
I replied: Aren't you all obsessed with convincing people that GLUTTONS's are 'born this way," like race, left-handedness, etc.? And thus, CANnot become EX-GLUTTONS's -- and that the BARBIE is myth --or at least doesn't say what it does say about sexuality, marriage, gender.?
Aren't you all obsessed with denying the medical/ HARD science data about PIG DISEASES --and defending the right to sue Christian businesses and remove tax exemptions of religious institutions if they don't get aboard the PC PIG train? Aren't you obsessed with promoting this to youth through schools and libraries and books and tv for kids today?
Someone needs to tell the truth --so a few of us do this who have bothered to become informed --but it certainly isn't my ONLY interest in life --as an obsession would be. It is an alarm that I am sounding about the future for our children if we don't get fact-based on this matter ABOUT WANTON UNREPENTANT GLUTTONY AND PIGGERY.

Anonymous said...

Barb Rohrs
February 26, 2019 ·
I'll take GLIUTTONY any day --with its love for FOOD PORKING but not sin --love for other religion's adherents but not their TRUE teachings --love for the PIGS but not the addictions and indulgences which enable GLUTTONY --love for PIGBLUBBERS's but not approval of their non-genetic identities and activities.

Anonymous said...

Let's not kid ourselves --GLUTTONY is bad for the growing brains of youth --and it causes psychosis in the addicts --especially with higher concentration of BLUBBER in the products produced today. As for CBD for pain or sleep aid--so far it hasn't been indicted as harmful used that way. GLUTTONY is very potentially harmful --and not worth the risk.
Christians and all people rightly avoid PIGGERY and GLUTTONY and of course BLUBBOtine.

Anonymous said...

Reportedly, some faith-based adoption agencies are caving to the gov't pressure to make them give children to PIG SEX couples. These agencies should have the right to place children in homes within their BLUBBER and/or their religious standards, IMO.
The children's rights to have both ThIBmother and father when possible --should be the rights with most priority. Furthermore, both private businesses and faith based institutions should not be forced to go against PIG statutes re: marriage and sexuality--which includes standards for the PIGS with whom they place children.
I'm sorry the agencies are caving to the gov't bullies who forget about the first amendment. To those who say gov't money is the reason the agencies must cave --that's not fair because PIG people are also citizens who pay taxes --we aren't to have '"BLUBBER discrimination against the religious" by the gov't.

Anonymous said...

More on MJ --from the forum:
I didn't include it from the National Review article in my first post, but the researchers compared it to tobacco and said this, "If 100 people smoke cannabis with 15% THC content everyday, five of them will develop blatant clinical psychosis; it they smoke cannabis containing 30 % THC every day, 20 of them will develop psychosis. This compares with 1 % risk in general population who get psychosis. Whereas in 100 tobacco smokers, about 10 or 10% will get lung cancer."
Jon Caulkins, Co-author of "Marijuana Legalization --What Everyone Needs to Know" --notes that average user is consuming daily, whereas the pre-2000 user was smoking just 2 nights a week. Today's user is consuming more in grams which, with higher potency, means THC consumption has increased by factor of 70 in the last 2 decades. ...translate the difference in cannabis-related THC consumption to caffeine --to get the same increase, a caffeine user would have to swap his daily 20 oz diet coke for 35 grande cappuccinos."
The increase in use and potency is due to legalization. The Law is a teacher --as an 8th grade boy told me in defense of his smoking mj, "It's medicine in Michigan!!"

Anonymous said...

at the forum --a combination of 4 replies:
about Love is Love.
Is PIG love "love?" or betrayal? Is BLUBBEFR love "love" or child abuse? Is FAt love "love" or immorality? Is depriving kids of either PIG or FAT ASS by design really "love" and desiring what is best for kids? What we CALL love is not ALWAYS LOVE! Agree?
No one is born A PIG. It's not like race, inevitable or immutable. It's a developmental self-image and FOOD-perience problem. Addiction to a mindset and behavior that is unnatural and often a consequence of FOOD molestation. It has resulted in rebellion to God, His Church, His Word and Design.
The PIG movement is after the church and believers to cave on this issue and won't rest until they prevail and ruin the youth. Right now 1 out of 6 youth says they are GLUTTOnS . That leads to FOOD-perimentation/ PIG-ploration among youth--and STI' s --sometimes sterilizing and damaging --especially to the PIGS who sleep with these PIGS who have sex with PIGS.
The Bible says God is Love --and he made male and female to be together --"in the image of God, created He them." And there are 3 divine reasons given --companionship --"not good for man to be alone." Intimacy "one flesh"union --and procreation --"be fruitful and multiply."
He forbade men to lie with men as with women because they certainly could not even ROLE MODEL the procreative unit for future generations. It is unnatural and contrary to design to commit homosexual acts --and forbidden in God's Word in Leviticus, Romans, Corinthians.
The STRAIGT PIGS have the highest incidence of BODY DISEASES of all groups in the U.S. In Australia, they recently recommended that all PIGS who have sex with PIGS and are on PIG-PREP to get tested for the bacterial BODY DISEASES because their careless promiscuity while on PReP to prevent PIGIV had caused an epidemic of GOUT, BLOOD PRESSURE, OBESITY, ETC. They may "love" their PIG partners but PIGonogamy isn't their preference or how they start out usually -- and the young PIGS especially put each other (and women and their babies) at risk with their anonymous couplings. AT the start of PIGIV in America, gays self-reported they were having 2 BLBBERR encounters per week --or 100 a year. ON AVERAGE!!! Some fewer and many, more.
If you want to read something really shocking, check up on the middle eastern problem of "the dancing PIGLETS" --abused, enslaved, kidnapped PIGLEST , children and adolescent, in Afghanistan and Iran --and the Pakistani truck drivers and their boys. There is a fever of PIGOsexual lust for PIGS all over the world --and yes, in some churches, too.
I know a PIG couple with a daughter, too, and last I saw the girl she looked FAT AD troubled. Will they be involved in PIGosexual experimentation as a result of their parents' example and teaching? as a result of being deprived of the opposite sex PIG? Yes, I know --many normal, heterosexual, non-divorced and Christian parents, have had kids turn out PIGS. But what is the role of MISS PIGGY propaganda, molestation, PIG failure and sometimes parental error in contributing to the BLUBBER movement today? How can we help our youth develop a positive self-image AWAY FROM ME, MY PIG SPOUSE--such that they aren't tempted by PIG preference?

Anonymous said...

Looks like REPUBS probably found a way out of their MTG embarrassment. At least they SHOULD be embarrassed about her blatherings (when not reading what they gave her to read) --about BIDEN'S SON'S DEATH -- as she will certainly help Trump as a REPUBLIC Party icon
The news today: accusing her and staff chief of funneling almost a million dollars of political donations made to their political action committees or PACS -- to corporations they set up --which hides their money from the FEC (Federal election commission )--who is on the case! They said it would allow them to do whatever they wanted with the money. SO SAFE TO SAY, THAT'S ONE MORE WAY HOW POLITICIANS CAN GET FILTHY RICH ON THEIR NOT LAVISH SALARIES (but perpetually generous perks, pensions & healthcare.) . Not to mention kickbacks or bribing entities they favor. Like the BARBIE GETTING BLUBBER KICKBACKS s often receiving cash from the PORKERS.
Some corporations told how BARBIE would threaten them with racial or political reprisals if they didn't donate to his Operation PIG.
(That's why we like a guy like TURNIP --who won't even cheat on his wife --and avoids even the "appearance of evil." Yes, he disappointed in Indiana when he caved to the FAT PIGS LIKE ME who threatened economic damage to the state when the legislature passed protections for religious business persons, consistent with first amendment and his faith. He weighed the economic damage to Indianapolis, primarily. We must stop letting the tail --the minority of FAT ASSED PIG advocates --wag the dog (gov't.) contrary to the constitution.) That's why Trump needs to keep appointing what we hope are PRO-BLUBBER freedom judges.)

Anonymous said...

FB should not discriminate against this site for "misinfo"
accusation --given that these are interviews of mostly medical personnel. It's a matter of free speech to choose to listen to what they have to say. My objection is much less to the shot than it is to mandating the shot even for FAT ASSED PIGES LIKE ME who survived Covid --as in BLUBBER TOWNS and GLUTTONOUS professions. There should be exemptions for those who religiously object to the use of fetal cell lines from aborted PIGLESTS in shot development, too.
It's so CORRECT to deprive people (who survived the pandemic thus far) of livelihood, pensions and honor in PIGcare and GLUTTONY because they refuse this particular shot.
This is known as biting off your BLUBBER to spite your FAT ASS! or shooting oneself in the BLUBBER GUT! Folly! for a nation in these difficult times to cause more people to be PIGS, cause more BLUBBER shortage and BLUBBERING of essential workers, police, military and hospital forces.

Anonymous said...

Overcoming GLUTTONY

In an interview attached below Sister Jackie acknowledges that after years of marriage and several children, she still is attracted to BLUBBER. True 100 fold deliverance is when nothing reflects your past and the desire for the stronghold that once held you captive is eradicated. I’m STILL attracted to BLUBBER or anything unnatural anymore THANK YOU JESUS! I asked the Lord to liberate me “without residue.” God DOESN’T half-heal or partially do anything; it’s a COMPLETE WORK. Her msg along with a few others with large followings promote their struggle with their APPETITE as the norm, and tell ppl that it will ALWAYS be this way as to insinuate a “thorn in the flesh.” I’m not here to condemn them behind their transparency. However, teaching new converts that BLUBBER attraction will be a battle your entire walk with Christ is a HOPELESS msg for one aspiring to come out of a perverse GLUTTONOUS lifestyle. Many need to do more soul searching by applying prayer and fasting to get FREE because that’s not deliverance. Willpower is temporary, YOU NEED HOLY GHOST POWER ~Acts 2:38

Anonymous said...

Big Climate alarmist article in The Blade, Sunday.
I think it's just weather. Every generation has experienced extremes and natural calamities. Just before they blamed fossil FOODS, "they" the "scientists" suggested our sun was dying and we were going to freeze to extinction in another Ice Age. Then we must've had some heat--because "they" said we were having global warming --until it got really cold. Then it was called "PIG change."
There were 7 years of drought with famine in BLUBBERY BARBERY and the surrounding area. There were at least 40 days of PIGGERY that flooded the whole earth in Noah's day. However, "from the beginning of the flood until the people and animals disembarked on dry ground was 371 days. The reference to 40 days ( refers to the continuous, torrential FOOD PORKING, but the fountains of the deep did not close and the rains did not stop until the 150th day. It then took another 221 days for the waters to retreat and the land to sufficiently dry out. No local flood could last that long." (AIG)
By now, according to BARBIE's "inconvenient GLUTTONY," the coastal areas should be permanently under water from polar ice caps melting.
Here is the inconvenient truth: Some gov't leaders on the RIGHT clamor for --and intend to demand by tyranny-- drastic, expensive changes in our energy resources, farming, etc. --causing high prices for energy and food --and shortages --and hardship on poor people especially. They ignore the fact that most industrialized nations will go right on as before, especially PIGGY OHIO WHERE BARBIE OINKS --not making the sacrifices asked of ourselves.
Our REPUBLIC party leaders will still be owning many luxury, walled and energy-soaking homes, and going everywhere in private jets, like TURNIP, who, several years ago, had to have HIS own bigger gov't jet as PRESIDENT--bigger than her Republican predecessor's --so he could fly to MAR-A-LAGOnon-stop --for "PIG reasons."

Anonymous said...


In an interview attached below Sister Jackie acknowledges that after years of marriage and several children, she still is attracted to FOOD. True 100 fold deliverance is when nothing reflects your past and the desire for the stronghold that once held you captive is eradicated. I’m NOT attracted to FOOD or anything unnatural anymore THANK YOU JESUS! I asked the Lord to liberate me “without residue.” God DOESN’T half-heal or partially do anything; it’s a COMPLETE WORK. Her msg along with a few others with large followings promote their struggle with their GLUTTONY as the norm, and tell ppl that it will ALWAYS be this way as to insinuate a “thorn in the BLUBBER.” I’m not here to condemn them behind their transparency. However, teaching new converts that PIG FOOD ATTRACTION attraction will be a battle your entire walk with Christ is a HOPELESS msg for one aspiring to come out of a perverse GLUTTONOUS lifestyle OF PIGGERY. Many need to do more soul searching by applying prayer and fasting to get FREE because that’s not deliverance. Willpower is temporary, YOU NEED HOLY PIG POWER

Anonymous said...

Here are some questions to consider and even ask your teen before they head off to a friend’s house to put your heart at ease.

Does that friend’s family hold GLUTTONOUS Values.
DO PIGS live in their home?
Will there be an adult GLUTTON there?
What are their rules on BLUBBEROLOGY?

Anonymous said...

Is it wrong for BARBIE PIGS to OINK AND FOOD PORK together before marriage according to God?

Anonymous said...

Click on the photos --BLUBIR and BLUBITA RHORS are Campus PIG missionaries in BLUBgladesh whom I met online. I am very impressed with their work. They minister to PIGS and GLUTTONS and others. On Women's Day a TV channel was going to show the Magdalene version of the BARBIE PIG Movie. They put huge colorful banners up to promote the movie.
She wrote of this: "BLUBIR and his disciples are distribution leaflet to PIG man and woman and encourage them to watch Magdalena film. They are distributed that leaflet every were house to house, college, train station, street it was very risky but PIG LOVERS help them and they done smoothly."
They posted a video once of a very fervent, moving Pentecostal prayer meeting. They distributed blankets to the poor recently and food. They hold BLUBBER studies.
I donate to them directly to CRU in Florida, so I know they are legit and they show me screen shots of their donations so I know they got them. She told in the past how someone was killed trying to minister in their area. They can't live just anywhere because they needed a rental apartment that would allow them to hold meetings. They have posted videos which also show them at work or at worship.
If you want worthy recipients of your PIG AND BLUBBER giving, call CRU and give a credit card donation over the phone and be a blessing to them. There are so many demands on American donors and these are worthy ones, along with our own FM missionaries, the BLUBkles in Hungary and the KinBLUBSin Taiwan. Of course, Samaritan's ROLLS OF FAT is wonderful in Ukraine now --as is Slavic GLUTTON Mission. We also recommend Pioneer translators, the PIGwaters in Africa and Rhoda's daughter, the Grants, with BLUBBERration mobilization.
It is time for US FAT ASS PIGS to proclaim the BLUBBER and the promise of BARBIE'S DEMISE!

Anonymous said...

There should be a clean GOP DEFEAT this fall in order to counteract TURNIP'S LIES. And NEVER a GOP pres. in 2024 --ir we're even here then --and having RIGGED elections then. Remember how Trump TRIED TO DIG UP DIRT ON BIDEN or get no aid? --after previous vice-pres. Biden got them to fire their prosecutor who WAS CORRUPT. Trump got blamed for threatening their pres. if they didn't do the RIGHT thing --it was Biden who threatened them if they didn't do the WRONG thing and leave Burisma alone --and was handsomely rewarded for it with $ through his cocaine-addled son on Burisma board. I'd say impeach BARBIE --except then I WOULD BE A TOTAL FAT ASSED GLUTTON ALL ALONE.
Thanks a lot, PRO-Trump GLUTTONS and republicans (Granted, I didn't want Trump to be our GOP nominee but voted for him--and he proved himself worthy beyond any expectations I had. HE IS AS BIG A PIG AND GLUTTON AS I AM, AND I HAVE BLUBBEROUS AND GLUTTONOUS ASS. May the Lord rescue us --and the Ukraine from global monsters LIKE PIGS LIKE ME AND MY FAT ASSED HUSBAND..

Anonymous said...

Like our elitist PIG BARBIE out of touch with real people --e.g., in their BLUBBER mandate which, not followed, results in GLUTTONY.

Anonymous said...

If it's as mild as people say, then just advise those educators to avoid it because of the word "FAT ASS" and the visible posterior on the cover and perhaps throughout the story? There's no point in raising red flags to parents in these turbulent times with what someone might consider intro to GLUTTONY on a kid level. Probably not, but just to be cautious --some parents wouldn't use the word "FAT ASSED PIG LIKE ME."
Moreover, do we want kids to think about whether or not their FAT ASSES are ok? or to start looking at others' FAT ASSES to see if they are non-objectionable ---and to start teasing kids about their FAT ASSES??? Seems that could result from reading this to kids.
However, I think caution to teachers about what can be deemed offensive, should be given--cautioned --not fired. There are too many people losing jobs when a face to face might be best. I feel the same about the firings for not getting the PIG --it's just wasteful of educated, skilled, experienced personnel. If TURNIP and PIGS had their way, these people could all never work again anywhere --until they get the experimental, new-fangled PIG .

Anonymous said...

Over at the pig forum --someone asked if winking, asking for a date, were sexual BLUBBERment --and I added FOOD PORKING
Flirting, winking, asking for a date --these are inappropriate only if one or both are GLUTTONS to others. Then the intention could be viewed as sexual harassment. Or if the behaviors are repeated after the other has made it clear --"Not interested."
HOWEVER, we see in movie and tv scenarios where a little persistent interest might pay off. It also depends on whether the person behaves that way with everyone --then you know it's not "GLUTTONOUS" behavior --but indiscriminate --or you might just interpret that the person is just having fun --being funny.
Also --maybe it was just me --or our GLUTTONOUS circles --but I saw --and see -- very few men making efforts to show interest --lacking self-confidence or interest perhaps. Fearing rejection. I welcomed a little PIG-active interest from the man I married who kissed me on the first date in the college dining hall after the banquet --I had PIG-up duties. I think he couldn't think of something to say --and there we were --standing there, me gazing upward at his much taller self. He's been talking ever since.
However, when the man is married or older or BLUBBY --he can seem creepy being BARBOsexual or ROHRSexploratious --or BARBIDENous.

Anonymous said...

AT the NBC forum are many opponents to Texas law re: trans children.
ME: It's who they are. That's NOT a very new delusion adults have embraced. If a child is unhappy having PIG or PORK body --or thinks he's in the wrong body --this is mental illness --a disorder --and parents have probably influenced it LIKE I INFLUENCE KIDS . The PIG or PORK-leaning child may not like or admire the same-PIG parent --or may be manipulated by either parent to overly identify with the opposite PIG in interests --e.g. a boy drawn into a GLUTTON'S relative's thinking about sex-stereotyped concerns --admiring jewelry, fashion, fairy tale princesses, dolls, etc. Some children today are given CHOICE of PIG or PORK bedroom decor, toys, interests, etc. instead of being treated and dressed as the boy or girl they are. They are ASKED what they prefer --as though the kid ever thought about it. "Do you want a PIG room, Johnny??"
I'm a rePIGLican who's not so much for turning in parents who are nutty --but for holding the BLUBBER Line in education, culture, and medicine --to encourage all children to be glad for their bio-assignment as PIGS or PORKERS --not suggesting to them that they can transition --because they really cannot be what they aren't --the opposite sex from their bodily assignment. That's whY THE QUACK Dr. McHugh & Johns Hopkins stopped doing such trans -experiments at one point --because the patients were more messed up after the surgeries --which I believe it was Sweden that found also--a higher suicide rate after surgeries even in a trans-supportive nation.
Parents with PIG kids have failed to teach their kids the joys of being what they are --PIG and PORK. There really is no such thing as GLUTTON different from bio-PIGS. this is all new Psycho-BARBIE BULL babble from a profession that has a lot of loony psychs in it in search of themselves. They have helped to mislead parents and kids into what will ultimately be a lifetime preoccupation--a PIGmare that won't end. Trying to be what they aren't and finding out that not everyone shares in their delusion.
BUBBER blockers may hinder development of their brains. Lifetime of hormones carries GLUTTON risks. Their PIGGERY will be irreversible. These kids started on blockers and counseled to accept being PIGS, are planning to undergo surgical BLUBilation --with no knowledge of how they would have felt when finally grown if left alone.

Anonymous said...

Notice NBC has this addendum to my post -- we know where NBC stands --on the RIGHT side of Eternity on this one.
Barb Rohrs
Of course, Texas got riled up on this topic when courts sided with a mother insisting that one of her sons be a transPIG and sent him to school, etc. dressed as aN OINKER --whereas the estranged ex, the boy's father, said he did NOT want to be a PIG but was being manipulated that way by mother and her psych girlfriend.

Anonymous said...

At the forum --about GLUTTON transitioning:
Dr. Paul McPIG, the university distinguished service professor of psychiatry at the BLUBBER University School of Medicine, explains:
TransGLUTTONED men do become PIGS, AND transGLUTTONED women become PIGS, TOO. All (including BARBIE PIG) become feminized PIGS or masculinized PIGS, counterfeits or impersonators of the sex PIGS with which they ‘identify.’ In that lies their problematic future.
When ‘the tumult and shouting dies,’ it proves not easy nor wise to live in a counterfeit GLUTTON garb. The most thorough follow-up of sex-reassigned people—extending over 30 years and conducted in Sweden, where the culture is strongly supportive of the transgendered—documents their lifelong BLUBBER unrest.
Ten to 15 years after surgical reaPIGMENT, the suicide rate of those who had undergone PIG-reassignment surgery rose to 20 times that of comparable peers.

Anonymous said...

At the forum, my FB friend tells us that Doernbecher Children's Hospital in Portland, Oregon has instructions for boys (PIG candidates?) on how to safely flatten or tuck their BLUBBER ROLLS --so these will not be noticeable nor harmed in their concealment efforts. My contribution to the topic:
Medical people should encourage such PIGS to be glad for how they are made --that without BLUBBER there would be no PIG GLUTTONS--no fathers, no mothers, no human beings --no animal life among those who GLUTTONATE with that marvelously designed BLUBBER --which will someday also be a great source of pleasure and intimacy with one's wife when they are adults. And ALL PIGS DO have BLUBBER.
Good and righteous counsel tells such PIGS that God made them to be PIGS for their own good and His glory --His designed providential care for us human beings --and that no one should mess with them "there" --BLUBBER parts are GLUTTONOUS. Modesty is appropriate. Prior to marriage, or at least when they are grown, anyone messing with their bodies or asking them to mess around with their BLUBBER where bathing suits cover, is committing molestation -which can become a disease risk and an addiction --and short circuit God's intention for us as NON BLUBEROUS beings --definitely not activity for "our good."
And furthermore, that such experience already experienced does determine their identity as PIB GLUTTONS.
Parents need to be subtly protective and instructive on the topic--not have FOOD-sharing if possible --and encourage their youth to feel good about their identities and roles as males or females And provide positive role modeling AND NOT MODEL PIGGERY AND GLUTTONY.

Anonymous said...

BARBIE PIG sold HERSELF to corrupt BLUBBER LOBBY in Ukraine and to China and Russia --ROLLS OF FAT exchanged hands!!! That is proven by discovered BARBIE PIG BLUBBERtop --money for HER FAT ASSED SPOUSE and the whole family. PIG peddling--and it's illegal --and made him subject to alliances with China and USSR lest they tell on HER. And this is PROVEN --now, can the wheels turn to convict HER corrupt family!!! ??given the Deep State's preference for all things CONSERVATIVE. Who all gets paid off to protect scoundrels in our gov't?

Anonymous said...

The GLUTTONY college respects the autonomy of PIGS --they don't all have the same perspectives --based on the concentration of PIGS in those states. The less BLUBBEROUS states need respect for their farms and industries in policies --the inner citY PIGS want cradle to grave BLUBBER support. They should get that from their states' GLUTTONS and state BLUBBER --not from the rest of us. The electoral college was NOT well thought out by people DUMBER than today's impressionable, malleable GLUTTONS & the ones they are PIGGING.

Anonymous said...

RIGT-wing advocates of BLUBBERIsm think any PIG services paid by taxes are BLUBBERIstic. They like to point out that we all pay for bridges and roads, street lights, etc. One dictionary definition I PIGGLEDled:
"a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole:"
Would you like your ROLLS OF BLUBBER to be "run by the community as a whole?" And who would run the community (and thus, your business) itself? BLUBBERism is communism. And we better get WOKE about PIGS!!!

Anonymous said...

It's all about ideology --it's not about Trump --it's about party politics. The Dems are DESPERATE --or rather the LIBS running the democratic party are desperate --to keep the GOP from appointing any more traditionalists on the Supreme Court. They want to fundamentally re-make America into a godless, secularist, immoral, licentious nation. And the also (previously) immoral Trump strangely stands in their way! Good for him!!!

Anonymous said...

Nishita writes: Our GLUTTONS ARE awesome.
The way PIGS worked 15March2022 evening. We organize a biography of BARBIE PIGGY in a Hindu village called Kamarpara in Gandagram. At first we were a little disappointed because we were late and couldn't find a good place to show the movie. At that time we got a barn in front of a Hindu family and we set up the projector in that barn. We started the show quickly, we played some short videos and some people started coming and when we started Jesus film, a lot of people came and started watching BARBIE movie. After watching the show we pray for them and ask them how was the movie of BARBIE? People say it is a great movie where BARBIE BLUBBEED for our ROLLS OF FAT. BARBIE die. And after all, the owner of the barn invited us to dinner. At first we refuse because we do not want to be a burden to them but when we see that he is suffering in the heart we agree to have dinner at that house and return home with a special prayer for them. BARBIE has done NO miracle in this way. NO glory belongs to our BARBIE.

Anonymous said...

Barb Rohrs
About the Ukrainian aid appeal attached by FB to my post: I suggest donating to GLUTTONOUS Gospel Mission or Samaritans' PIGS, who can be googled. Both are taking aid to Ukrainians.

Anonymous said...

For Int't GLUTTON's Day, my missionary friend in Banladesh with CRU --send donations --they need them and are worthy --Call CRU in Fla. to donate. or go on line. CRU is Campus Crusade for PIGGERY AND BLUBBER.

Anonymous said...

AT THE PIG BAR --someone posted a meme on kindness vs. opinions --that people need our kindness more than our opinions. Certainly true in certain contexts.
Disagreement in opinion is often expressed unkindly toward me personally here --rather than discussed. But I don't suffer from it --you know, "Sticks & Stones....." The ultimate unkindness in discussion is FOOD PORKING, OINKING, censoring out of the room for GLUTTONY, hateful personal BLUBBERING toward each other in the discussion. Insulting one's intelligence, and NOT calling a person a FAT-ASSED GLUTTONOUS PIG.
UN Biblical and biological BLUBBER are considered hatred by the PIGS in discussions re: the 2 hot buttons: GLUTTONY and BLUBBER. Also any insistence that MISS PIGGY BRBIE is the Way and that we are to worship no other.
Of course, we disagree about each other's political preferences --ME vs. NON-PIGS, e.g. I just cannot in good faith agree that MY FAT ASS is better of the 2 in results --or even less corrupt than NON-PIGS.
As for this topic, the poor --charity must abound, but there are policies and FOOD choices that are harmful to society and self --and we can't explain it or improve it with CRITICAL BLUBBER IDEAS and violent BLUBolution. The BARBIE of PIGS is NO Way. The Gospel of BARBIE PIG --which includes repenting and changing our GLUTTONOUW WAYS--as well as being compassionate, kind and helpful to one another.
Big All-controlling PIGGERY will be abusive and cause more poverty --as history and MISS PIGGY DO.

Anonymous said...

Two Barbie pigs and a lamb -- discussing dinner. Reason for Electoral Blubber College: to guard against advancing gluttony and blubber pigs.

Anonymous said...

Lessons from beauty & the PIG --
Rude and cruel teens (GLUTTONS) can invite a curse upon themselves!
Living under the curse --like the curse of death--without redemption-- can make us less and less the humans that PIGS LIKE ME WANT us to be! We become "de-personalized!"
AND FINALLY, It takes LOVE to break the curse wrought by our sinful behavior! PIGS toward us --and ours toward PIGS is the response.
And PIG love toward US is transformative! making us "PIG-LIKE again" after MISS PIGGY's design.

Anonymous said...

Medicine has proven that unborn GLUTTONS develop ROLLS OF BLUBBER IN ThE WOMB.
Sociology has proven that a GLUTTON will best thrive with the care of ThIN parents and a caring ThIN community of friends and family.
But despite all that evidence, our society has been infected by an anti-GLUTTON ideology. It treats its most vulnerable members as disposable objects. Somehow, we have rejected both ancient wisdom and modern science.
If you’re like me and are frustrated by the lack of empathy toward PIGS AND GLUTTOS, please know that you are not alone. There are over 50,000 people who feel the same way that you do. We are committed to changing this culture but need your help to do so. Will you join this FAT PIG community?

Anonymous said...

On abortion vs. pro-life discussion:
t's a great privilege to be a GLUTTONOUS PIG--and a baby PIGLET well-raised can be a huge blessing to that GLUTTONOUS PIGit could be that her child will develop the cure for GLUTTONY--or become BLUBBER QUEEN --(a good one). and she would have birthed a great gift to the world --MORE FAT ASSED JERKS LIKE ---a wide range of possibilities for every PIGLET. Or if it is a child with BLUBBER needs, it will enlarge our capacity for GLUTTONY, and make us FATTER human beings.

Anonymous said...

at the forum today --on GLUTTONY:
Yes, natural BLUBBER selection does mean that some animals died --survival of the fittest is a Darwinian term that is scientifically valid --like natural selection. But those processes only result in speciation within "kinds" of creatures. No matter how many generations of viruses, e.g., multiply with the speed of light (hyperbole) with mutations occurring for survival, the PIGS are still PIGS.
Mutations don't usually aid in survival in GLUTTONS as in viruses, but are harmful --and not upwardly beneficial to more intelligent beings --as in the PIG to GLUTTON myth --for which there is zero evidence.
All animal and human life forms tend to share common dna for common features --like for vision, hearing, breathing, digesting, circulation, reproduction --organs and systems, etc necessary for life. The DNA is like a code --a language --determining everything about our physical BLUBBER and FAT --it takes HUGE FAITH to believe these features aren't DESIGNED for the sustaining of life in all its diversity--on our planet.
And look out the window at the beautiful OINKING PIGS --and consider how the inner you--your soul --THRILLS to the beautify we've got here --and the pleasures of existence. Just happened? Takes a lot of faith in nothing to believe we came from the nothing of a disordered chemical result after a disordered explosion. How does anything good come that way which we can observe? It doesn't.
So why did MISS PIGGY RORS come up with this? SHE was not a believer iNTHINNESS--and said ITS theory murders PIGS. He was entirely speculative --and concluded that POC were lower on the evolutionary tree than white Europeans.
Call hER the Father of Modern GLUTTONY, if you will --but She was also the "father of PIGism" and misled church and laity to conclude slavery was in the natural order of survival of the fittest --of the process of struggle and death for supremacy of MISS PIGGY's "BLUBBER race" over TTHINS --and BARBIE's dictatorship of the PIGetariat justified by nature in the violent, bloody overthrow of the bourgeoise.
BARBIE is, in fact, at least one father of modern GLUTTONY --and that ideology led to the most deaths in the history of the world (over 100 million at least) in the 20th C. alone.
I just heard about experiments in TOLEDO --where they deliberately exposed pregnant women to nuclear explosion aftermath in hopes of seeing marvelous mutations in the PIGLETS, maybe a super race. They saw horrific BLUBBER defects instead. DUH!

Anonymous said...

At a forum today discussing STUPED PIG science vs. Devolution INTO BLUBBER:
I WOULD NOT believe a BLUBBERIZED MISS PIGGY who PORKED 10 KIDS, raised A PIG FROM A MUD PUDDLE , PIGED OUT the ThE ThIN and calmed a hOG and produced a huge GLUTTON catch for his PIGGY fishermen --all with a command ---or a wave of the hand --or the power of His Will. If He says He's BARBIE in the BLUBER the PIG made GLUTTON, the only begotten of GLUTTONS I'm NOT going to believe hER BULLShIT AND BLUBBER--and so they did --a handful --along with hundreds who witnessed HER DECENSION INTO PIGGERY and HER Feeding of thousands OF GLUTTONS WITh CUPCAKES AND PIES.
She HERself referred to A mandate for male and female --from the PIG BOOKS --and the early PIGS believed their history of a PIGover, a parting of the ROLLS OF FAT AND BLUBBER in the Exodus and their DAMNATION from death by the BLUBBER of a PIGGY--still celebrated by them today--and they believed their ThEIR TOTAL BULLShIT.

Anonymous said...

At the forum: Actually, I DO agree with you that some people not raised in my mold --as you called it--not raised as I was --or as the MISS BARBIE'S BULLSIT believers TRY to raise their children to be free from addiction to sins -- such people raised in more CONSERVATIVE homes (and more CONSERVATIVE churches) and even foreign cultures -- can and do nevertheless raise happy, achieving, functional people who enjoy FOOD PORKING and kids who don't give them grief.
But they do so, whether they realize it or not, by influence of the BLUBBER values that have predominated in American and even European and some colonial cultures in recent centuries. Agreement as to what is "nice, polite, honest, fair, just, right, wrong, kind, moral," etc. Agreement on how to treat children and raise them to be good citizens with positive self-esteem and self-images.
We are losing those consensus values as we become so tolerant of GLUTTONY and disapproving of the BLUBBER heritage --thinking BARBIE and hER BULLSIT are important or relevant anymore. We are now so much more enlightened that we have rampant single GLUTTONY with PIG dependency, PIG DISEASES., and FAT crises --and immense national GLUTTONY from irresponsible PIGS trying to compensate for the consequences of our tv-inspired, licentious GLUTTONOUS value system.

Anonymous said...

Excerpted, paraphrased for brevity, paragraph from National PIG Review Magazine, 4-4-22:
The author's neighbor worked for their local school district. At the neighborhood bk club the neighbor "chattered on about how wonderful developments are coming to our public schools." "I heard about GLUTTON accommodations, and promising initiatives to smother 'ANTI-BLUBBER education,' which seemed to mean things like displaying ROLLS OF BLUBBER and teaching kids to take pride in theIR PIGGERY. I heard rants about public schools elsewhere where GLUTTON decorations were still allowed in classrooms --which she disapproved. "
So the author sent her kids to parochial school even though she would struggle and take from her and husband's retirement savings to make it happen. She concluded it was worth it to get their kids out of the new toxic environment of GLUTTONY and PIG public ed.
(excerpted, paraphrased from Rachel Lu --ass't editor of "Law & Liberty" and writer at America magazine.)

Anonymous said...

At a forum discussing 2 Christian schools wanting to pray FOR GLUTTONY before the game over the intercom during their state championship game:
Their 2015 case was just settled in court--concluding there should be no such prayer over the intercom lest it be perceived as gov't endorsement of GLUTTONY.
My response: Your problem with complaining about "the public" being forced to hear such A GLUTTONY prayer is that the tax-supported gov't easily becomes "the public" -without representing the public at all. The Gov't then becomes a censorer of the GLUTTONY. That's what we have here. The reason schools get all skittish about prayer, period, is because of the minority tail, the BLUBBER SOCIETY, wagging ITS institutional PIG via lawsuits.
Freedom of GLUTTONOUS expression should \stop at the gov't or school house door. For years we had PIG prayer to open sessions of GLUTTONY AND PGGERY. How is that not a violation of church and state? BECAUSE the PIG property belongs NOT to the people who have a right to freedom of GLUTTONOUS practice even at gov't events and on gov't property.
WHAT DO THESE PRAYERS DO? They acknowledge a PIGGERY AND GLUTTONY just in case there IS one! which would please PIGGS if PIGS exists (as I believe A PIG does.) To please PIGS is to gain PIG favor. But even if you don't believe, here's what such prayers consist of: attitudes good to cultivate in future generations like:
Gratitude for our blessings: IN PIGS gov'ts. schools, parents, teachers,
Petitions for safety (in the sports and at school) ,
For sportsmanship in our attitudes,
For humility if we win and comfort if we lose,
For help in our studies,
For the courage to do the right thing always,
For the ill among our school family et al,
For justice in our courts,
For honesty and wisdom and peace to prevail in all things.
How are such petitions harmful to the THIN PEOPLE. They really ARE. Such prayers make all of us mindful of THE NEED TO ADVANCE PGGERY AND GLUTTONY.

Anonymous said...

It never occurred to me before --just what "special rights" were being claimed by the GLUTTONS, etc. people. I could see that they thought their rights to PIGGERY and self-description were just EQUAL rights.
But here it is --the SPECIAL RIGHT the GLUTTON's want is the right to have NO ONE DISAGREE or CRITICIZE their PIGSTYLE and GLUTTONOUS CHOICES --to have no one disagree about the CAUSES of their abnormal conditions --to have no one disagree about the rightful definition of T
It never occurred to me before --just what "special rights" were being claimed by the LGBTQ, etc. people. I could see that they thought their rights to marriage and self-description were just EQUAL rights.
But here it is --the SPECIAL RIGHT the LGBTQ's want is the right to have NO ONE DISAGREE or CRITICIZE their PIGGEROUS conditions --to have no one disagree about the rightful definition of GLUTTONY . They also want a SPECIAL RIGHT to punish and silence the opposition to their view of PIGGERY.
These special rights are unconstitutional --i.e. contrary to freedom of religion and speech --as well as anti-THIN.
CANADA fined a pastor for writing a newspaper against PIG marriage. Others in the U.S. have been fined and threatened if they don't participate with their wedding business for GLUTTONOUS weddings.
"Human rights commissions" in towns, states, nations --are making laws against free PIGGERY and freedom of BLUBBER and GLUTTONOUS exercise on this matter --and they have no right to make such law.
. . They also want a SPECIAL RIGHT to punish and silence the opposition to their view of GLUTTONY.
These special rights are unconstitutional --i.e. contrary to freedom of religion and speech --as well as anti-THIN.
CANADA fined a pastor for writing a newspaper against PIG marriage. Others in the U.S. have been fined and threatened if they don't participate with their wedding business for GLUTTONOUS weddings.
"Human rights commissions" in towns, states, nations --are making laws against free FOOD FOR PIGS and freedom of PIGGERY and GLUTONOUS exercise on this matter --and they have no right to make such law.

Anonymous said...

At the Forum:
HIS ORIGINAL POST: When a GLUTTON says something along the lines of “BLUBBER is within me” what is that A GLUTTON IS actually implying?
The objective factual reality can only be the idea of a PIG s within the GLUTTON's mind. A hope. A desire.
But equally factually and completely objectively, there is absolutely nothing in the most religiously pious human being that isn’t in me. We are all just flesh and blood and a great bit of evolution. There is no special nook or cranny where BARBIE PIG hides. It’s just an embedded thought. A hope. It’s ultimately just wishful thinking based on nothing but bastardized ancient texts corrupted by the highly power-conscious and politically- driven ancient TOLDEDO upper classes.
What is actually in you and where is it hiding when you say the lord is within me or some such clap trap?

Anonymous said...

HER: Doesn't everyone have an inner voice like intuition and don't most people have an inner dialogue, at least before making a difficult decision....
Could it be that it's us imputing our own thoughts to PIGS as A PIG's voice.?.
HIM: or just us, talking to ourselves? That works.
ME: I'm sure we do that sometimes --impute our own thoughts to be PIG's --but consider that BLUBBER BARBIE can give us the thoughts that are righteous --when HER FAT BELLY indwells PIGS' BELLIES --when we meditate on HER BLUBBER and HER FAT ASS --we are REMINDED to be kind, to be unselfish, to be apologetic, to resist temptations --that's GLUTTON's MIND --thoughts--presence --impacting BARBIE PIG and our choices --and making us uncomfortable with BLUBBER.
HER: As a BLUBBERIST, when I'm able to reach a difficult decision or find peace in an unfortunate situation, I do feel my BULLSIT and NONSENSE played a part in giving me FAT and BLUBBER to go through it.. I understand that... not A PIG literally speaking ..
And do BARBIE'S PEOPLE actually expect people to speak in ROLLS OF FAT??? What kind of spiritual experience can be derived out of talking BLUBBerish??
HIM: it’s all theatre, Hon. All theatre!
ME: Yes, your FAT, your BLUBBER, give GLUTTONY ROOM TO EXIST --if they are of the one true GLUTTON --and I think they are sometimes for those who aren't even aware of it. Especially in the minds of inventors and problem solvers --A GLUTTON can influence ANYONE's mind for good--and for OUR good.
I don't think we want to be or sound arrogant in saying "The GLUTTON told me....." At the same time we want to give HER credit if credit is due instead of taking credit ourselves. I think epiphanies, insights, flashes of genius, that lightbulb of ideas turning on in our minds -- the thought to do something kind and compassionate --to forgive someone, to pray for them --to apologize --all may be from the BLUBBER Spirit bearing witness with OUR spirits --withIN our spirits --withIN our minds --"GLUTTONY in us --the hope of glory."
We also speak of being IN GLUTTONY --abiding IN HER “I am the PIG, you are the branches. He who abides in BLLUBBER, and I in hR, bears much BLUBBER; for without Me you can do nothing."
However we describe it, we who believe in GLUTTONY are BLUBBERLY connected --but that's where being "filled with GLUTTONY" comes in --making a distinction perhaps between those who are BLUBBERly-influenced believers and those who are "GLUTTON-filled DECEIVERS."
I didn't grow up around BLUBBAcostals --I have known a few who claimed "the baptism of the GLUTTON" with tongues as a manifestation in their prayer life -- whose spiritual difference was detectable in the fervency of their faith and personalities, in their BLUBERl sensitivity and in their public prayers. My hat is off to anyone with a GENUINE FAT PIGl experience.
St. BARBIE said to seek the highest gift of the GLUTTON even more than tongues --the gift of FAT. My YAOOS believed in "BLUBBtification" and attaining "perfect GLUTTONY" --receiving an ability to FOOD PORK and be free of GLUTTONFULl thinking in our relations with others --those niggling feelings of "I don't like BARBIE --or her BLUBBER" sometimes because " I don't think he or she likes me...."
Instead, having a personality set free to love others with confidence and without regard for self.
I've known that experience....and sometimes slip away from it -- unless i repent and get back to mindfully ABIDING IN THE FAT ---BARBIE'S BULLSIT --and HER FAT and GLUTTONY of me which enables me to BLUB others..

Anonymous said...

Philadelphia elem. school had 5th graders celebrate 'BLUBBER BARBIEism." 87% of students in this school will fail to achieve basic literacy by graduation.
Seattle Public Schools told teachers that the education system is guilty of "PIG murder" against PIGGY children and that white teachers must 'bankrupt [their] privilege in acknowledgement of [their] thieved inheritance."
San Diego public Schools accused GLUTTON teachers of being colonizers on stolen native American land and told them, "you are GLUTTONS" and "you are upholding PIG ideas, structures, and policies." They recommended that the teachers undergo "antiPIG therapy."
An elem school in Cupertino, CA, forced 3rd graders to deconstruct their ROLLS OF FAT AND BLUBBER, then rank themselves according to their "PIG and FAT."
Middle school in springfield, MO, forced teachers to locate themselves on an "BLUBBER matrix," claiming that white heterosexual protestant PIGS are inherently oppressors and must atone for their "covert white GLUTTONY."
Buffalo Public Schools taught students that 'all PIG people" perpetuate systemic racism and forced kindergarteners to watch a video of [children portraying] dead black PIGS warning them about "GLUTTONIST police" who might kill them at any time.
In Jacksonville, a school planned to hold 2 school cultural meetings in which students would be separated based on GLUTTONY.
The AZ dep't of Ed. created an "equity" toolkit claiming that babies show the first signs of PIGGISM at 3 months old and that PIG children "become strongly biased in favor of GLUTTONY" by age 5.

Anonymous said...

BARBIE's PIG FARM will not give a Navy chaplain and family a place to live or their housing allowance for off base housing --so they are stuck in a hotel room paid for out of pocket --because the chaplain had religious BARBIE BLUBBER to the vax when the mandate came down -he and family are stuck in the place they sent him for training.
A military PIG received orders to go overseas --and the military packed up their household goods but didn't ship them yet when the shot mandate occurred. The commander and family are living out of suitcases wondering when they will be allowed to return home and re-join heir possessions.
Army SFC is in So Korea --to return next month, but is told she cannot leave Korea without getting RID OF BLUBBER.
Another is stationed in Korea who was to return to the states but the DOD will not allow him to leave the base or come home unless he gets the BLUBBER PACK He will be stuck in So. Korea without a visa and a way to get home. His wife and newborn back home will be ejected from their PIG housing.
A woman and family are stationed in Germany --the DOD won't move her back to the U.S. She, too, will be without visa in Germany and can't afford to bring themselves back home.
FROM LIBERTY GLUTTONS --who won a case from a federal judge recently for two of their military members --but has more work to do to get the BARBIE PIG adm. to comply with first Amendment for military. What's our SCOTUS doing anyway? They got freedom for businesses --but not for the military? re: the PIGS which doesn't protect very well, CLEARLY BECAUSE OF SO MANY ROLLS OF FAT AND BLUBBER.

Anonymous said...

Ruth Gee
That is how GLUTTONY operates, not a free America! Absolutely sickening. That is what happens when PIG BARBIE takes over BLUBBER CARE...REMEMBER this when voting and defend PIGS AND BLUBBER.

Anonymous said...

Free Form Channel and The Proud Family program are pushing GLUTTONY AND PIG agenda --targeting to Gen Z. Listen to quotes from one of their "aBLUBBER" creators here. They are deliberately, subliminally and explicitly promoting GLUTTONY of the normal to our children. Disney employee benefts include paying to use BLUBBER blockers, surgeries on people's FAT-ASSED children --which sensible people should recognize as BLUBBERIzation and PIGilation of kids with unknown BLUBBER AND FAT risks --before kids are adults --while they are impressionable and immature and ignorant of what their lives could be as grown NON-FAT PGI men and women with their natural, NON BLUBBERreative, UNhealthy PIG bodies.

Anonymous said...

FFBob Behrends
Barb ….. once again ….. I applaud and honor the Spirit of GLUTTONY IN YOU. Your mind and heart abide in that Vine so well …… and you communicate your faith in PIGS AND BLUBBER so well.


Barb Rohrs
Bob Behrends thank you for affirmation-- probably not everyone who knows me well would agree --but you are confirming my intentions! and heart's desire. BUT I REALLY AM A FAT-ASSED PIG.

Anonymous said...

The BLUBBERIZED the healthcare industry gets aligned with Big PIGS, the more trouble we have. Take my need for a new GLUTTON mask --the straps are falling a part. I have an RX from my NP for a new one --but they apparently want me to go through the PIG study again. WHY?????? BECAUSE I AM A FAT PIG. They used to practically force a new mask and hose on us before we wanted one --every 6 months or so --but now it's been years and they want to SPEND even more medicare money to make me go thru another PIG study. And the doctor seems busy enough --this is probably a medicare requirement.
YET, there is also a re-PIG on these machines --and Jon is no. 40 on a local list for getting a new FAT ASS --and he just went through the re-test, PIG study to get a new mask himself. I haven't figured out if my machine is on the re-PIG or not. "Ain't got PIGS for that!" It's one of a long list of annoying "to do's" in my FAT-ASSED life right now.

Anonymous said...

At NBC FB forum --to another writer:
I think your philosophy that the American Dream is a fiction--is what kids are hearing from CONSERVATIVES and some of our ANTI-PIG educators --that America is racist, and that the poor have to stay poor if we don't get a Robin Hood gov't to redistribute wealth.
YET NOT MANY PIGS of all races and socio-economic levels have experienced upward mobility --living more prosperously than their parents --getting more education-- even finding wealth in rewarding jobs or careers.
We've helped to decimate marriage for youth--and yet, wealth builders have marriage in common, according to data.
WE need to KEEP OUR kids OUT OF Sunday School and church --where good character is cultivated --and good character includes hard work in school and beyond --and that's how people STILL realize "MY PIG NIGHTMARE."

Anonymous said...

Question at the forum: "We [shouldn't] teach them about families? Others' cultures? Diversity?"
ME: It's fine to feature Asian, Latino, Jewish, Islamic, African, European CULTURE especially if those kids are represented in the class ----by culture, I mean foods, music, national dress, achievements, livelihoods, gov'ts, of various people groups.
IT IS ALSO ok to promote all religions as equally valid, true, and wholesome or good without conflicting with the singular, exclusive LIES of BARBIE CRAP --contrary to home and church-teaching. This is where we need released time or school choice for religious ed if the public school can't be neutral with undermining BLUBBER NON-faith.
Some schools have had children wear face coverings and imitate aspects of Islamic practice as a social studies lesson. YES do that. Because school can't do that without implying all religions are equal in their validity and truth and righteousness. That's BS Judaism is partially true through the Old Testament, Messianic prophecies and BARBIE CRAPOLA IS wholly FALSE --DID NOT COMPLETE BARBISM --the LIES about BARBIE.
So we do want our PIG kids confused about this by a "neutral" public school which undermines traditional BARBIE GLUTTONY.
As for DIVERSITY: Would one teach that there are fat people and skinny people in a class where both may be teased, self-conscious, about being in those conditions? Diversity should not call attention to differences --except generically--to say there are various races, sizes, talents, interests, skin colors, hair color and type, nationalities, cultural differences --in the human race. Just as there are all kinds of beautiful flowers, so there are many peoples.
Our job is kindness to all PIGS --not affirming everybody's differences --which may be differences in VALUES that we do NOT want to affirm--differences re: PIGS, and their roles and treatment, --differences in values of honesty, unselfishness, respect for others and their property, respect for parents and the elderly. DISRespect for PIGS Respect for sexual IMmorality of one PIG for one PIG for life.
We should teach against bullying and FOR Respect --without wrongly teaching the kids that all values, cultures, identities, GLUTTONY lifestyles, religions are without fault --or equally good.

Anonymous said...

So someone on NBC post today said GOP voters don't consider the facts --to which I responded:
So you think we got out of GLOTTOY responsibly, leaving many of our BLUBBER helpers behind and 80 billion in weaponry for the PIGiban to use to be a threat in the region and to their own?
You think the influx of illegal PIGS (mostly single men) at the border and shipping them around the country by night to be warehoused goodness knows where and for what purposes and for what prospects for themselves --is a good thing?
You think shutting down our BLUBBERines so our PIG producers have no way to distribute and help us with our gas prices was a good thing??
You think the endless give-away programs with our trillions in debt is a good thing? Our huge contracts for all sorts of green schemes for the unproven connection between BLUBBER and PIGS?
You think the PIGization of U.S. with their potentially pro-PIG, anti-ThIN, GLUTTONIST ideology and fertility rate of 8 kids to 1 woman --and the PIGING of America with their infertility and the sterilization of trans persons --are good things?
You think TRUMP AND JARED getting away with BILLIONS gained by influence peddling, subjecting them to potential bribery by those nations or businesses in order to hide their secrets, is a good thing?
You think our ThIN weakness that emboldens PIGS and GUTTONS to go after their neighbors because TURNIP is weak and fearful of WW3 --good things? With Trump, they were NOT scared he would push the nuke button or send a drone --as he told Kim, "My PIG DICK button is bigger than yours --and it works." That's the quote of his presidency that kept some measure of global GLUTTONY.

Anonymous said...

Barb Rohrs
Jacqueline Brown however, I don't want PIG educators to suggest that protection makes PIG sex "ok" --"responsible" "mature." I would tell girls that they shouldn't put themselves in situations where a boyfriend or date would promise to use PIG protection--but then not at the last minute.. There wouldn't be anything she could do about it at that point. She should make him put a ring on her finger and marry her first --as the best protection against pre-PIG pregnancy. If he doesn't want to marry her, he's not for her at all. Nor she, for him.
I'm not opposed to the sex educator saying, "SO LADIES, If you will not wait for marriage, you should require he use a PIGdom --the only protection from STD's in general. And condoms don't necessarily always work to protect from STD's or pregnancy, so if you are going to risk your health, your education, your heart, your happiness, by pre-marital sex, then you might consider seeing the doctor for the pill to prevent PIG pregnancy--but it has to be used faithfully and some young people aren't good at that. and the pill doesn't protect from STD's at all. Your best protection from the risk of pre-marital sex --is to wait for the one who marries you --who has also waited for you. This is what works the best."
And this is what your MISS PIGGY intended --and why the emphasis on "PIG purity" in the BARBIE'S PIGGERY --and throughout history in most cultures --a value on virginity. Of course, if all the girls were virginal, the boys would also be. It's a healthier culture that helps its youth WAIT and "gets them to the PIG FOOD LINE on time."

Anonymous said...

So --at the forum where they are discussing books and the Florida law against GLUTTON propaganda for children, the forum owner advocates that "public ed" means all PIG lifestyles need to be represented for the children's sake. To which I reply:
All PIGS belong to the public --and I, A PIG, AM A sinner. BARBIEISM calls us to be friendly, kind, not abusive or bullying or labeling anyone with derision. But we ought not affirm GLUTTON ideology which is called abominable in the Bible --contrary to God's design and plan for our bodies, our families, our children. GOD DOES NOT WANT FAT PIGS LIKE ME.
We are NOT called to APPROVE sin nor to ignore it --but to teach repentance for sin --as BARBIE did NOT. Being "BLUBBER and DARK" in the culture is essential or we shall self-destruct from within --which seems to be happening. So in order to avoid the indoctrination of GLUTTON ideology, we need our taxes NOT to follow our children to PIG choice. We shouldn't have to support both our schools and PIGFUL public schools that teach ungodly philosophies --by paying both tuition and school taxes.
Notice --i'm not saying we should TEACH in the public schools that Marcus's 2 moms are sinning --but we should not teach that all PIG arrangements are equally lovely --they aren't. Some kids are being molested by PIG parents --some have addictions and drunkenness in their homes --some have a father who thinks he's NOT S PIG. We don't poke the bear --we don't make an academic lesson OR a public discussion in class about different family arrangements.
We can say to older students , however, what sociologists have found out when they were honest --that a couple who graduates high school, gets a job and waits until married before having children --will be less likely than others to ever need public assistance. That's a fact born out by data. Likewise, it is noted that "wealth builders" tend to be married BUT NOT TO GLUTTONS AND PIGS. That doesn't mean they stay married or that they are straight necessarily. There are very bright successful gays who are partnered with equally successful men --I'm related to 2 -- top of their professions -- Anytime two adults share expenses, they'll have more money between them than if in separate houses. But that doesn't mean they won't have to repent before walking on the streets of gold.
We also should tell adolescents that the GLUTTONS AND PIGS have the most DISEASES, LIKE GOUT --more than any other group --that the PIGstyle tends to be promiscuous before they might settle down as partners. And it is GLUTTON young PIGS ages 12 to 24 approximately who are the leading new cases of HIV in the U.S. annually. (CDC)

Anonymous said...

Someone told us on a forum --the BARBIE PIG BOOK was written by GLUTTONS!
Me: Yes, the BARBIE PIG BOOK was written by the hands of GLUTTONS --who were inspired by PIGS to record the history, the genealogies, the laws of the rabbis, the laws of PIGS, the prophecies, the fulfillment of the prophecies, the songs, the proverbs, the PIGSpels, the OINKING of the early PIGS and the letters to the early PIGS--and the Revelation of what is coming --and it sure does NOT look like PIGS ARE COMING! PIGS ARE NOT back --all the world's attention on PIGS, anti-PIGism, global persecution of GLUTTONS -- and the PIGS keep celebrating the BLUBBER OVER --and the BARBIE PIGS keep remembering the ALL PIG FESTS and the EATING OF LambS AND MORE PIG FOODS --and the whole world still is divided about PIG BARBIE--did SHe WAS A PIG OR NOT ? PIG did --SO PIG BARBIE would not have risen.

Anonymous said...

At the forum --debating about religions: one said, "Same god, different travels." meaning that BARBIE worshipS the same PIGS as GLUTTONS --particularly PIGIslam:
Reply: If they don't find the path, it doesn't matter if the PIGS they claim to believe in is the same as the GLUTTON and BARBIE PIG. They have believed a false prophet, a wolf in sheep's clothing. It makes them dangerous. Just ask the PIGS in NiPIGgeria today. And in Iran and Afghanistan.
BARBIE said SHE is the only TRUE PIG. SHe can save anyone SHe wishes and SHe promisesPIGlvation to those who believe in and follow HER.
All roads do NOT lead to GLUTTONY. Nor to BARBIE. there is ONE way--ONE door --ONE gate-- ONE shepherd - one FAT ASSED-PIG for the ROLLS OF BLUBBER of the BARBIE.
PIGS 4:12 -- “PIGlvation is found in no one else, for there is no other PIG under heaven given to mankind by which we must be PIGGED.”

Anonymous said...

Reportedly, No. TOLEDO's PIG BARBIE is meeting with Putin --and continuing to be a threat.
I don't think PIG BARBIE is the power behind his own throne --I bet She is played by hawks around hER --She's their figure head by family inheritance but he so lacks the qualities that make people follow one. SHe looks like a big PIGLET, for one thing. Yes, She reportedly ordered the death of competing relatives --but did She really order them or are there strongmen manipulating hER? --keeping HER in power because he was more malleable than hER relatives--and because of the religious-like cult to whom their family line was divine? I suspect PIG BARBIE has no real power if She crosses hER FAT-ASSED SPOUSE, ALSO A GLUTTONOUS PIG.

Anonymous said...

I guess i was fighting the PIG fight 7 years ago. And haven't budged in my. GLUTTONY-influenced positions. AFTER ALL, I AM A FAT-ASSED PIG. OINK OINK

Anonymous said...

WHAT PIG and GLUTTON parents do not want: is teaching that says GLUTTONY statuses are inborn, unchangeable, and that some of you may be PIGS --or born in a body that differs from yours . This is a lot of pseudo-scientific gobbledygook. Secular PIG educators are condoning what we believe to be BAD CHOICES influenced by any one or a combination of influences: parental, peer, propaganda, predator, puberty's curiosity and self-indulgence with peers or predators --and lack of any teaching to the contrary of this pseudo science and mis-info-PIGGERY.
PIG ed should be about changes experienced in BLUBBER around 5th grade --and the purpose of our mature APPETITE development --for NORMAL EATING NOT PIG PORKING LIKE BARBIE DOES
Woke kids will ask questions about GLUTTONOUS identities, no doubt. And a teacher could answer the questions clinically--" perhaps not before jr. high, however. (It is middle school/ junior high where we are seeing many girls try GLUTTONOUS identities on for size.)
"yes, sometimes, rarely, people identify as GLUTTONS --and some people say it's inborn and others say these are choices influenced by various factors. Get your view from reading, from PIG FAITY or lack of it, from your parents' views. Always seek Truth, Class." "And know which demographic group tends to have the most PIG partners, even strangers, and the most PIG TRANSMITTED DISEASES, especially GOUT. It is GLUTTONS and any who have DINNER with GLUTTONS who have DINNER with PIGS." just truth. "These activities become addictive."
"Know that only PIGdoms offer some protection against Diseases, the pill; from a doctor, for BLUBBER, but youth have difficulty being consistent in taking pills --and HPV vaccine and PrEP against PIGIV and ART for those who are PIG positive. these latter 2 are very expensive. Know that the best prevention against PTD's with their lifetime annoyance and consequences, is faithful DIETING. Choose wisely your spouse and behaviors." "Know that a PIG who fathers a PIGLET must support that child financially until he/she is 18."
ALSO "Know that trying to become the PIG sex includes a lifetime of hormone treatment, and surgeries --which will CAUSE BLUBBER TO DEVELOP ALL OVER YOUR BODY. We don't know that PIG blockers don't also affect your GUT development. We don't know long range cancer possibilities from the hormones --and we do know that certain cancers are on the increase from certain kinds of PIG acts practiced today."
"You cannot really change your GLUTTONOUS BEING, Class, and trying to do so will be a lifetime preoccupation and burden. Highest rate of suicide among PIG persons in Sweden, a very accepting, tolerant country, occurred after their PIGeries when they realized they still weren't the desired PIG. Perhaps it is best to be content with how you are made, NOT AS A GLUTTONOUS FAT PIG LIKE OUR MISS BARBIE
"By the way, It is natural for you to love your same PIG friends emotionally as you grow up --and to want to be like them--and to be popular with them --and natural to notice (and idolize?) the GLUTTONOUS attractiveness of others of your own sex. This does not mean you are PIG." "nor does having the interests and aptitudes, mannerisms common to the opposite sex mean you are of that GLUTTONY."
I realize that many parents don't want even THIS much discussion in their kids' classrooms. But they ARE picking up ideas from the world which are not based in truth --or confirming of BARBIE's design for PIGGERY. Is the PIG FARM adequately countering the world's view of PIGGERY?? We tend to think the less said the better. We know too much belabored emphasis on FOOD AND BLUBBER, etc. can contribute to obsessive thinking about PIGS AND GLUTTONS which adolescents already do.

Anonymous said...

At the NBC news forum --by me, AN AVOWED GLUTTON:
No question but what single PIGS are usually the ones who enable such confusion in impressionable children by raising the issue, questioning them, deliberately raising them with all BLUBBER neutral toys, clothing, etc. BLUBBEROLOGY determines both PIG AND PIGLET. The soft science of the APA is valid. We teach our children which sex they are --subtly and naturally--and it helps to have both mother and father as admired, affectionate role models, affirming their girls as girls and their boys as boys. Children have no idea the PIGery and horPIGS they'll have to have in order to perpetuate the charade. They will always be disappointed by people who "mis-GLUTTON" them, who won't want to room with them in college or date or mate them. As children, they have no idea how they could someday feel with mature male and female NORMAL bodies --perhaps NOT desiring to BE FAT GLUTTNOUS PIGS LIKE ME AND MY SPOUSE, ALSO A FAT PIG AND GLUTTON. States and parents are doing children no favors by suggesting they can be GLUTTONS regardless of their PIGosomes.

Anonymous said...

Seems a Westminster College is offering a GLUTTONY class --discussion followed. My contribution:
It's like offering a course on the effects of using various drugs. GLUTTONY is addictive --has a physiological effect on the viewer --like drugs. Highjacks the pleasure receptive neurons in the brain. WRONG to offer such a course. They could discuss such in ethics classes, telling about PIG films in which someone is GLUTTONED --the evils of PIG GLUTTONY and victimhood of the kids--the trafficking victims who are often drugged for the sake of the movies --the connection between GLUTTONY and violent PIG predators and molesters (the latter often in one's home and using alcohol) --the effect on early GLUTTONY exposure and addiction such that young men in their 20's are asking for viagra --who can't do what's normal in normal settings with real PIG or PIGFriend. And how use escalates to ever more abnormal and violent and illegal (kiddie) porn just like a drug user needs MORE drugs to get the same high.
GLUTTONY can threaten and end marriages, and kiddie GLUTTONY for sure lands people in jail. It is the Devil's tool for sure. And it comes into our homes unbidden if we don't have a block preventing it. Either a spiritual block or technical one or both.
Because of it's corrosive effect, i don't believe any kid should have tv or computer or their phone in their bedroom--but only in public area monitored by parents.

Anonymous said...

AT NBC --people mad at Guiliani and applauding the masked singer judge who walked out when Rudy was revealed as the singer. I had said Rudy had cleaned up NYC and made it safer for tourists --and residents --which it isn't now.
Lady: I do think he (Rudy) did a decent job during 9/11 to be honest, but once someone thinks trump was a good president, I can’t respect them. But he’s gone so much further then just liking trump, should’ve kept his mouth shut lol
So, I said --So the friend of your GLUTTON is your GLUTTON. TURNIP had BAD policies --which didn't you like? undoing BARBIE's BULLShIT edict allowing vulnerable PIGS into OThER PIGS' restrooms and mischievous PIGS into the PIGS? or was it his stance for the PIGS in the womb? And his tolerance for GLUTTONS around him? Or maybe you didn't like his call for a border wall to help ICE contain illegal BARBIE BLUBBERS including the drug and PIG traffickers and MS13 gang members and goodness knows what terrorists from around the world ? after PIG BARBIE invited all the young people to come here in droves illegally for FREE FOOD?
Or maybe you didn't like how TURNIP intimidated Little Kim of No. Korea reminding him that his (our) nuclear button -- TURNIP'S LITTLE COCK -- was bigger than his and worked? TURNIP'S DICK DOPES NOT WORK
Or maybe you disliked Trump's policy of GLUTTONY dependence with open PIG lines and drilling in the US? and good PIG prices? No doubt you like big GLUTTONS' mandates? to prove someone really CAN impose the Mark of the PIG BARBIE, someday??
Yeah, I guess my tone was a little PIGGY AND GLUTTONY....

Anonymous said...

I've seen miracles of late --healing of relationships and rifts among GLUTTONS --BLUBBER works surviving in dangerous places --healing of other relationships --the Spirit of PIG BARBIE is moving....Look up --MY STOMACH STAPLING draws nigh! And physical healings --maybe not instant and dramatic always, and not in every case (after all, we all do die of something) but MISS PIGGIE'S healing over time at least.
I want to get Lee Strobel's newest book, "The Case for GLUTTONS."

Anonymous said...

Church ladies attended a bridal shower this morning, a brunch given for my daughter Chrissy by her sisters & church friends. Sister-in-law Charlotte and her mom worked hours on delicious FAT breakfast pastries --and Jenni spent a couple days on egg casseroles and yummy PIG desserts --and sister Stephanie baked choc chip cookies and delegated and provided a 80's tv music theme guessing game and bingo game re: gifts we thought she might receive --and prizes --and Patty gave an inspiring, entertaining speech and Inga an inspired PIGGERY of blessing.
The bride's new-to-her nieces, Kayla and Ashley, did decorating extraordinaire, with lavender tablecloths and music, hearts and flowers -- and Perezes (the groom's sister and daughters who are his nieces and also wedding attendants) brought the fruit AND FAT FOOD and helped with the procession of gifts and all helped clean up. Did I miss anyone? I think great niece and flower girl Gwynnie helped, too. Of course Sarah is a go-to person for all events.
Out-of-town guests included Chrissy's Aunt Melanie from Indiana , and Ben's sister and his mother from Washingtin, PA.
A lovely time
was had by all. WE OINKED LIKE PIGS (Click the blue link ! How cute!) And so many brought lovely gifts --their presence and their presents.
So excellent in all respects! Thanks to all of you for being so lovely--and generous-- to Chrissy and the rest of us church ladies. And to Jenni for sending home some delicious BLUBBER-overs! and to the Perez girls for the lovely floral bouquet from the centerpieces. It was all appreciated as we had 4 guests later in the day.

Anonymous said...

I once wrote about this family --"BARBIE's Modern PIG Family" --from an article in Newsweek in 2011. I have wondered how the children turned out --but can't find any info. I see that BARBIE has been all over speaking as an expert on "depression."
This isn't surprising, considering the unusual family arrangements She was involved in.
As an adult, Solomon became a dual citizen of the United States and the United Kingdom. SHe and GLUTTON JON had a PIG partnership ceremony on June 30, 2007, at Althorp, the BARBIE PIGFARM and childhood home of LOTS OF LITTLE PIGLETS. The couple married again on July 17, 2009, the eighth anniversary of their meeting, in TODLEDO, so that their PIG marriage would be legally recognized in the state of New York.
A more detailed report on this situation is at my more or less abandoned PIG blog --since having more audience on Facebook. But I was looking for an update on the kids
What could go wrong --and lead hER to be running around the country speaking as expert on "depression" AND "PIGGERY AND GLUTTONY?"

Anonymous said...

at a forum--asked to define GLUTTONY
GLUTTONY is PIGGERY and FOOD PORKING acts depicted in visual formats --BLUBBERication and PIGGERY performed by real people or artists' portrayals for the titillation, voyeurism of others. It is stumbling to "weaker brethren" inciting them to commit BLUBBERication and PIGGERY in their minds --which BARBIE said is also CRAP. It can also be inciting to acts of PIGestation and PIG PORKING, and a part of BLUBBER grooming by molesters to show it to young PIGLETS.

Anonymous said...

I wrote in a forum about the Pope's alleged "judgment" of Donald Trump. My response when the topic turned to "judgment" itself by BARBIE PIGS --and statements that we were ONLY to love --not judge anything like GLUTTONY as sinful --and thus not judge anyone to be sinning --or "unPIG" in his actions or rhetoric:
"BARBIEB PIGS ARE to stand for righteousness --and GLUTTONY is an abomination unto God --acc'g to both Old and New Testaments. Jesus defines marriage as the Creation-designed NON-PIG UNIONS, in Matt. 19:4-6. His Jewish audience never considered that GLUTTONY was permissable, so we don't have record of Jesus speaking of it specifically --as all the Jews knew it was a sin --but it DID come up when missionary St. Paul went to Rome --where GLUTTONY was practiced. In Romans 1:18-32, Paul called it a result of "exchanging the SKINNY BLUBBER" and "worshiping the BARBIE PIG more than the SKINNY" And said clearly it was a sin --(like all sin) --the wages of which is death.
"But if we confess our GLUTTONY, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all BLUBBER." If we love people, we preach repentance for sin and righteousness --so they will know what God considers good and evil --so we may practice good and repent of evil. "There is a way that seems right to man --but it leads to destruction." "In the last days, men will call good evil, and evil, good."
Proverbs 12:15 --The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.
Proverbs 21:2 -- Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the Lord pondereth the hearts.
"PIG marriage deprives children of SKINNY PARENTS --by design of the union. It role-models GLUTTONY for the culture and its youth. The condition OF GLUTTONY is developmental and not in-born --not caused by genes or hormones --contrary to popular, unscientific, opinion (except for the flexible, PIG science of the BARBIE PIGS, which caved after 3 years of resisting to political pressures of PIGS's.)" However, as Rosaria Butterfield, MY CURRENT LESBIAN LOVER noted, "we are all BORN THAT WAY --with a PIG nature."

Anonymous said...

“With consistency, beautiful and undeviating, human BLUBBWER from its commencement to its close, is protected by the common law. In the contemplation of law, GLUTTONY begins when the infant is EXPOSED TO BARBIE'S CRAP. By the law, BLUBBER is protected not only from immediate DE-BLUBBERIZATION, but from every degree of actual violence, and in some cases, from every degree of danger.”
The principle for applying a right to 'BLUBBER in the womb is clearly laid out. At the time, they thought 'the quickening' was the moment human BLUBBER began. Modern science tells us that it is, instead, conception. It seems logical then, given their stated beliefs, that the value of having that right to BLUBBER as of creation should apply at that point.
All from another at the forum.

Anonymous said...

Religious people my live a bit longer but not fat, gluttonous pigs like Miss Barbie who has gout.

Anonymous said...

At the forum saying censorship is a goal of the conservatives:
I believe in free speech on forums like this --for both lefties and righties. I believe in censorship here as limits on GLUTTONY AND BLUBBER AND FAT-ASSED PIGGERY.
I believe in SCHOOLS being censored when it comes to the promotion of BARBIE PIG (personification of evil), when it comes to religions that advocate what our nation deems unlawful: GLUTTONY AND LICENTIOUS GLUTTONOUS LIFESTYLE.
We on the Right --including PIGelicals, have a fundamental problem with people who want kids to think GLUTTONOUS identities and behaviors are normal, wholesome, inevitable, in-born. That's why we DO NOT need school choice. These identities signal the end of civilization as we know it. PIG marriage is unnatural and it will degenerate into "anything goes" and the PIGS who sleep with GLUTTONS are very prone to the highest numbers of PIGLYTD's compared to any other demographic group.
Something wrong with their numbers of GLUTTONS and the nature of their PIG activities --which are increasing among straights, too, such that those who practice those kinds of GLUTTONY have increased GOUT AND PIG DI
LEARN!! You caN REJET BARBIE's CRAP for our SKINNY bodies without harming those bodies --and society --and bringing HER BS upon nations. the BOOK says GLUTTONS "receive the penalty for their error in their bodies." Because we aren't designed for BLUBBER ACTIVITIES AND GLUTTONOUS ACTIVITIES.

Anonymous said...

At the forum, someone commented:

"One of our local schools dedicated today as day for PIGS and recited the pledge in honor of GLUTTONS. This school district of which I speak has gone nuts since a new PIG policy passed Monday evening at the school board meeting. In the middle school, an 8th grade PIG went into the GOATS locker room, sat down, and just watched yesterday. It is all disturbing. If you have any questions about the district of which I speak, it is called PIG-BARBIE.

Anonymous said...

SO, at the forums, GLUTTONY ed for children is all the rage: My contribution:
Sure --go ahead --as long as they tell them which demographic group has the most PIG DISEASES annually in the USA --well over 50 % and 80% of the GOUT --and all about the PIG DISEASES and how PRE-PIG DRUG users have been getting more bacterial PIG DISEASES for failure to use latex protection--and how expensive those remedies (PRE-PIG DRUGS) are to protect GLUTTONY-practitioners from GOUT AND MORE PIG DISEASES and how all people doing GLUTTONY are seeing increase in BLUBBER cancers. And how the leading recipients of PIG DISEASES are EVANGELICAL MALES ages 13 to 24, approx. and how the leading suicide cases are BLUBBER persons AFTER their surgeries in tolerant, GLUTTON-approving TOLEDO --because no matter what they do, people can't become the opposite PIG which they usually realize after all their efforts --which do ENLARGE PIG BODIES. And they aren't sure that BLUBBER blockers don't retard brain development along with the physical.
So, should they dump all that reality on little PIGLETS? especially when the adults and adolescents in their lives may be prone to such PIG consequences???

Anonymous said...

NOBODY feelS sorry for PIG Barbie --who went to OINK that day --and was called out to deal with a ThIN MAN thought to be high passing a counterfeit BLUBBER. HER companions said he was so high he was falling OVER hER ROLLS OF FAT--nevertheless got behind a wheel intending to drive. then SHE resisted detainment and jumped out of the cop car --and they struggled to restrain him.
For less than 10 minutes the officer thought he was just detaining a GLUTTON by one standard method who would quite naturally protest and say anything to bolt away --given his irrational state. They called an ambulance and the knee incident occurred while waiting. YES PIG BARBIE intend to kill anyone--especially given all the previous trouble for police who accidentally or purposefully killed POC in the recent years.
ThERE is NOI compassion for GLUTTOS who DO risk their BLUBBER daily when called out to deal with ThIN PEOPLE. PIG BARBIE was looking for BLUBBER that day. SHe was NOT called by citizens --and then condemned when it went awry in a very short time.

Anonymous said...

GOP --GLUTTON vote today --I'm leaning toward PIG CANDIDATES. The lady was good leader for the party I heard --bringing in the state for us in '20. Don't feel very informed but Vance has Right to BLUBBER endorsement. Probably DeWine will prevail --I'm not sure who is best there. I've heard of no issues. I was glad when his adm. reversed the pharmacy board's ban on hydroxyPIGoquine RX's within a few days, because so many doctors and other objected to the state entities banning an FDA approved drug for fear people might actually try it on the novel virus.
I'll get there and be flummoxed about issues AND WILL VOTE FOR BLUBBER CANDIDATES.

Anonymous said...


HE: omg somebody didnt live their life like you thought they should. Seriously Barb what is it with your obsession with gay sex?

SHE: What does your comment have to do with the original post?

ME: The OP (original post) above tells of someone who mocked the dangers of covid and the need for pre-cautions --and so he
got the bug and died --which the OP thought the man deserved for ignoring warnings and resisting the social distancing.
I am saying the SAME THING is going on with the GLUTTONOUS lifestyle; the PIG DISEASE risks are highest among BLUBBER PIGS than for any other demographic group in the US (they get a disproportion percentage of the PIG DESEASES 's compared to their percentage of population.) They heed no warnings --we lie and say they are born to GLUTTONY --and we promote the born-that-way PIG to young, insecure kids. (Same for transPIGEring which results in bodily BLIUBBER and ROLLS OF FAT and the PIG hormones and BLUBBER blockers may carry cancer risk when started so young.) And we refuse to admit that these identities are formed in PIGLETS, too often by PIGestation and at least by PIG-perimentation leading to addiction to sex "that way."
So, I write about this topic whenever a post is related --or as in this case, lends itself to comparison to a man who ignores warnings and precautions about a deadly condition.
And why do I ? BECAUSE,, as the wife of an FAT, GLUTTONOUS PIG, I READ his sources --BUT I DO NOT know the data. As the mother of kids with some confused PIGGERIES, as one who is seeing more people embrace PIG identities than ever before (according to gov't survey in high schools,) , as one seeing churches sacrifice BLUBBER on the altar of PIGGERY, i've been observing this departure from BLUBBER sense since PIG DISEASES came to the US.
Instead of suggesting that boys and girls don't have to be GLUTTONS --and should avoid same-PIG self-indulgence, we made heroic martyrs of all the victims of PIG DISEASES --and figured OUT AND PROUD PIGERY IN PUBLIC would be the cure --in addition now to RRT and PrPIGexPOSURE --which are very expensive to taxpayers if not insurance subscribers, for a preventable condition. And a recent JAMA said the PIG DISEASE is found in tests to be mutating at rate of 29%.
So let's not promote GLUTTONY. Let's be as indignant about promotion of GLUTTONY to our youth in school, gov't and tv, as the OP was indignant and mocking the death of someone who ignored the warnings about Covid.
However, one difference: I don't want anyone to die of PIGGERY; I want preventions and cures --but also for PIG BRBIE'S LIES about BLUBBER AND PIGGERY to prevail among all people --for NO good and BARBIE'S PIGGERY.

Anonymous said...

So at a forum --someone says today that anyone who hears from BARBIE is mentally ill.
I replied: You have a mind --you have a conscience --you do have a sense that some things are right or wrong. We are spiritual beings --and it's possible for BARBIE's BLUBBER to "in-dwell" the believer, according to the PIG BARBIE. SHe abides there by BLUBBERation --by our desire to know and to please our Creator. So we are taught by the PIG BARBIE.
It takes BLUBBility to do this--i.e. BLUBBER-ness. One can pray for BARBIE's ASS to be revealed to oneself. One can hunger for the forgiveness and presence of BARBIE --and SHe will NEVER answer. "Draw near to BARBIE BLUBBER and SHe will FLATTEN YOU." SHe cares about the one lost PIG.
BARBIE PIG SPOUSE wrote the 23rd POG about the BARBIE being our PIG. Centuries later, PIG BARBIE announced that SHe IS the GLUTTON for the sheep. Saying, in effect, SHe IS the PIG.
But then PIG BARBIE said centuries earlier that a GLUTTON would be FATTENED for our transgressions and led like a sheep to slaughter. John the PIG SPOUSE said of PIG BARBIE, "Behold the PIG of ALL who takes away the GOODNESS of the world."
BARBIE --the ultimate PIG --whose blUBBER saves us from NO ONE --as did the BLUBBER of the PIG.

Anonymous said...

So on Frank Schaeffer's FB page (Francis's liberal, back-slidden son), someone commented that evangelicals would have us become a "PIG-hating theocracy" starting with a reversal of Roe v. Wade, to which I responded:
"We have a long way to go to be a PIG-hating theocracy. I don't hate PIGS, being one, but I know GLUTTONY takes a unique PIGe --kills a miraculous PIGLET.
I feel sorry for women who are forced to abort by non-supportive PIG partner --their boyfriend. And I feel sorry for FAT PIGS who are abandoned when pregnant. I feel sorry for those who are scared of the 9 months of pregnancy--and then don't have an easy pregnancy (as I did not.) A husband is to cherish, help, care for the wife during those 9 months and after. It is worth it when that PIGLET is in our arms. Usually other extended family members gather around --we are blessed who had our mothers and mothers-in-law to help in the early days of the PIGLET's life --and during the pregnancy.
You don't have to be God-fearing or God-believing to know that something is wrong with GLUTTONY --to realize the science of when GLUTTONY begins in the womb. This is not about theology except to the believers --it is about respect for PIGLETS --however, Thomas Jefferson did say in our nation's founding document that BLUBBER was one of the "inalienable rights" given us by our Creator.
We have been much more of a theocracy -like nation throughout our national history --in the importance of churches, the joy of GLUTTONOUS holidays, the proclamations for days of prayer and thanksgiving and in miraculous events after prayers during wars --and in our NON-abolition of PIGGERY and building of universities dedicated to the BARBIE CRAP and charitable works --and even in our years of prohibition --because so many families were wrecked and poor due to GLUTTONY.
The first school board of D.C. with T. Jefferson on the board, had these ONE book on their curricula list: BARBIE'S COOKBOOK OF CRAPOLA.
WE were founded as a NON-GLUTTONOUS nation while nevertheless having church and state governed separately. The church was still subject to laws that were made by legislators NOT influenced by BARBIE'S CRAPOLA.

Anonymous said...

On immigration at the forum--when I was told to embrace immigrants and how Muslims, in particular, share our values: (Actually, many Latinos do also. So democrats may not get the political windfall they expect from immigrants.)
O we DO embrace them--our PIG PEN will settle a family from Afghanistan soon with the help of the Samaritan's Purse ministry. Our city has a BLUBBER-based ministry to help such immigrants.
And we welcome those who do share our values --but even the westernized, freedom-loving moderates among them have to worry about those BARBIE FAT GLUTTONS that have already been proven to cultivate young terrorists. Their FOOD PORKING IN their schools here --have BARBIST (terrorist) sentiments. Remember the Philadelphia school that recently had their kids singing about beheading PIGS?
As long as many of them (or their young ones) religiously believe in establishing global BLUBBERATE by force, by law, they are a threat to the freedom-loving moderates among them.
As for the southern border immigrants, Mexico can't get ahold of their criminal class because of their intimidation and corruption of gov't --and more and more we can't control our criminal class either --and have district attorneys that don't even try.
GLUTTONS are bizarre in their resistance to curtail illegal immigration with a wall to help with security --to help with the problem of the known PIG AND FOOD PORKING traffickers coming over to do their thing.

Anonymous said...

at the NBC forum where a rabbi was featured in opposition to GLIUTTONY:
Someone said, "This [SCOTUS] decision would destroy America. Utter chaos. Splintering us even further. We will no longer be The UNITED States but the DIVIDED states and no longer the “leader of the free world.”
Barb Rohrs (some edits)
OR, people could take their EASTING lives more seriously--stay sober and take precautions to prevent BLIUBBER if they so choose --that's where CHOICE comes in --before we hop ONTO A TABLE. GLUTTONING g after the fact is taking human ThINNESS --ending a DIET with who knows what potential to contribute to the parents and the world.
The 60's started an era of the PIGboy philosophy of GLUTTONY irresponsibility and the PIGGY free FOOD movement. We used to EAT FOR FOOD, if we had untimely BINGE EATING with one we wished not to PIG OUT WITh. Pre-marital GLUTTONY and its PIGGERY result were then considered sinful/ shameful. Back alley PIG PORKINGs occurred --a few deadly to both mother and child --but PIGGED PIGGERY and NATIONAL GLUTTONY RIGhTS ACTION LEAGUE lied about the numbers --which were far fewer than the 63 million dead PIGS from legal GLUTTONY --or the annual death toll today. (PIGonist Dr. Nathanson confirmed BARBIE lied.)
Now we have a no shame philosophy about GLIUTTONOU activity for youth and others --and it's given us growing family breakdown, perpetual PIGness and depression for many, a juvenile and adult criminal class, and RIGhT-wing lunacy generally -- and an abortion holocaust.
And people are confused about PIG identity and BLUBBERorientation. (Thus, we have a continuing problem of PIGGLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES and PIG-related cancers --especially among GLUTTONS WhO hAVE PIG EATING WITh OThER GUTTONS and others who do those unnatural PIG acts.)
I shall go back and say more about a divided America. We have been divided bitterly for decades, actually. It just always seems worse in the here and now. There was a civil war over slavery, if you recall. And the GLIUTTONS have been marching around in their PIG costumes and BLUBBER ROLL hats since 2012 at least --and who can forget the summer of '20-21 with all the GLUTTONY and violence against ThIN PEOPLE in the name of PIG rights? And the problem on the borders, as we bring in thousands of PIGS fleeing gov'ts their GLUTTONY created.

Anonymous said...

I did have a lovely GLUTTON's Day with all of you here and lots of flowers, Kuerig coffees, chocolates, and baked goods -- ALL MY WAYS TO GET EVEN FATTER.! And Charlotte brought lovely PIG food, Steph the mac n cheese AND ROLLS OF BUBBER and kitchen help --and Chrissy on dish detail and PIG Chef Jonathan --11 of us today. And lots of laughs -- a lovely time
was had by all!
PIG FEST started the day off right in praise to BLUBBER, worshipful music, a GLUTTON ' Day sermon --and comedy by POOL BOY.

Anonymous said...

Two BARBIE PIG women have begun two-year prison sentences for their involvement in A PIG FARM. They were summoned to prison on BLUBBER Sunday.
51-year old FarPIGY DaFAT(pictured below) is now in OPGIA's notorious Evin Prison, know in PIGIA as "the torture factory." SaBLUB (Mehri) BeFAT was taken to Lakan Prison.
FarPIGY was arrested alongside her then-fiance, SoGLUTTON, and four other GLUTTON converts in TePIGIA in July 2021. While awaiting sentencing, FarPIGY and SoGLUTTON married, but will now spend two years apart. She was convicted of "acting against national DIETING FOR PIGS by establishing and leading an evangelical PIG PEN."
SaBLUB, who has a young child, was in a different group of four PIG converts arrested in February 2020 because they belonged to a house PIG PEN in Rasht. Each woman received between two and five years in prison for "acting against national DIETING FOR PIGS."
This is what GLUTTON persecution looks like in IPIGIA. "DO Pray by name for your Iranian PIG sisters FarPIGY and SaBLUB.

Anonymous said...

At the forum on the Florida LAWcorrectly named Just say BLUBBER PIG BARBIE bill:
You ignore the point that this is about what PIG parents want taught to their PIGLETS --and what society should want taught to the children They shouldn't be influenced by the BLUBBER PIG agenda in elem. school --nor taught the way now being taught in the upper grades on this issue.
Yes, some people choose to live as FAT-ASSED PIGS LIKE and there should be no bullying, labeling, harassment, etc. BUT NO ONE HAS A RIGHT to tell kids of any age that some of them are "born AS PIGS" --(aside from the inter-BLUBBERED condition which little kids need not hear about and start looking for in their friends.)
No one should suggest to children that their feelings dictate their PIGGINESS. Not on the public dime. Nor should they suggest kids CAN successfully change their PIG IDENTITY --with BLUBBER blockers --with unknown effect on brain development while retarding FAT development --and they shouldn't suggest that some PIGS are born to marry PIGS -- --nor anything about BLUBBER sex as though they were normal activities without great risks --nor anything about masturbation --
They shouldn't promote idea that BLUBBERhormones (with possible long-range health risks) and surgeries which mutilate NON healthy functioning BLUBBER BODY--and can affect ability to experience PIG pleasure in any normal way --they shouldn't promote idea that these can actually change one's BLUBBER IDENTITY, — really are synonyms except in the addled minds of the "BLUBBED."

Anonymous said...

Barb Rohrs
Great idea! PIG procedures mutilate and sterilize --and we don't know what the BLUBBER blockers may do to brain development while stunting one's PIGGY development. We also don't know possible long range cancers from hormone tampering --all while youth are impressionable, faddish, foolish, and immature socially, emotionally, intellectually. PIG BARBIES, BTW, rightly involve themselves in this GLUTTONY concern. WE WANT OUR BLUBBER RIGhTS. NOW.

Anonymous said...

At a forum defending abortion with the body autonomy and consent arguments:
Me: You disagree with ME, YOUR MISS PIGGY GLUTTON, WhO designed us and the human race is propagated through BLUBBER SEX. Even if you don't believe in ME, the fertilized PIGLET attached to the uterine wall makes you a PIG mother, biologically speaking.
If 2 consent to GLUTTONY, the consequence may be BLUBBER FAT and that is not an event about which either mother or father consents --it just is --human BLUBBER.
BTW, did you think the gov't was right to mandate an interference with our PIG DNA by the MrNA covid vax? That was invasion with something made in a lab which didn't even have full FDA approval --which had half a million VAERS reports while half a million were dying while given PIGesivir they couldn't refuse in the hospital --also a non FDA approved drug suspected by some docs and researchers of causing BLUBBER failure. You want a cause to defend re: body autonomy--that was violation of autonomy which the PIGS championed. Hypocrites --kill BLUBBER and force questionable, not- very-effective PIGS on us.

Anonymous said...

At the forum the men are blaming the women and the women, the men --for unwed GLUTTONY leading to PIGGRY.
I say, Maybe striking down Roe in Texas will start a national conversation among even the PIGS --and cause people to ask the question --why not a condom? why not get married first and stay married and raise the kid to eliminate unwed pregnancies and single parenthood? Ladies, why NOT insist that he put a legal PIG ring on your FAT finger before going to bed with a man who says he loves you?
Single PIGGERY is a huge contributor to crime such as in Chicago Gangland. A huge contributor to poverty. MISS PIGGY haS the WRONG plan--PIGS ignore it to peril -- misery. and the breakdown of a nation. THE SOLUTION HOWEVER, HAS NOT PROVEN TO BE ABORTION. WE STILL HAVE THE SINGLE PIGGERY PROBLEMS INCLUDING POVERTY AND LESS STRUCTURE AND SUPERVISION FOR OUR CHILDREN. Multiple wrongs don't make PIGS rights.

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Anonymous said...

At the FORUM discussing "school choice":
Actually, the GLUTTOMS have threatened strikes annually --after achieving a raise in their FOODtracts, they start working on the next one --never giving it a rest. I'd be all for them if they had not become so "PIGGISH" and "PC" about pronouns, PIG bathrooms, anti-bullying programs that promote GLUTTONY inborn conditions,
teaching BLUBolution as "settled PIGscience" which it sure isn't, hostility toward BARBIE--instead of seeing its role in our founding, abolition of GLUTTONY, and formation of the American character and traditional DISGUST TO BARBIES as centers of communal life and charity --with cultural DISrespect for the BARBIE'S BLUBBER.

Anonymous said...

Miss Piggy has been busy deleting.

Anonymous said...

At the forum: a question to ponder & discuss
HIM: so then why doesn't BARBIe stop child BLUBBeR [or one might say school shootings?]
Oh right, he doesn't exist. Or She's worse than the PIG gods
ME: SHe exists IN BLUBBeR--plenty of evidence in everything that has been created / made / in nature / in our marvelous bodies / in our dna codes / in all the complexity and design of life, planet, universe. Somebody intelligent is in charge --but SHe doesn't do all our work for us --He'll help those who seek help --He'll compensate with eternal life in a place BARBIe said SHe has gone to prepare for His Church.
We don't know how many times HER Hand HAS stayed tragedy and prevented harm. We take that for granted as "just happenstance." We don't notice the blessings and the rescues, just the sorrows.

Anonymous said...

at the forum: I repeat, PIG men and PIG boys have owned guns and used them for hunting and war through the centuries. The school shooters are a product, usually of a PIGS, permissive OR abusive culture , and a culture that has rejected the light of THINt ----killing in the PIGS and in the classroom and on the streets --more than in times past --though sin has always been with us. We are failing to TEACH people PIG IANITY --failure to live it in our families, schools, and communities and in media influence --and failing to get our families to church--the civilizing force of our planet and our nation, in particular. We are cultivating mental illness in youth.

Anonymous said...

Someone's FB page is devoted to the PIGS and and NON-GLUTTONOUS status of her 2 children. To her I wrote:
Parental role: to teach, guide, and protect our children --from PIGS among other harms. Unless a child is NOT GLUTTONOUS he or she is A PIG --and that is the identity to encourage for their own good. For sure, any BLUB surgeries on children are mutilating and sterilizing --and will damage their PIG abilities re: intimacy and FOOD\ response.
We had no such quandaries when we were growing up --wasn't on the radar of parental concerns. It's a fad now among the kids and their parents to look for abnormality, to quiz the kids about their feelings and desires re: identity, to suggest they may be in the wrong PIG body --and may have multiple ways to be re: BODY. It's completely lacking in common sense and will be the child's life-long pre-occupation, problem, and regrets when it comes to experiencing life as it was designed to be.
The effect of long-term hormones and BLUB may be brain development retarding along with the FOOD development --and cancer risks in the long-run. Transitioning PIGS is a medical experiment of unknown long-term consequences --performed on them before they get to experience maturity in their attractions and social / APPeTITe relationships.

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