Monday, September 17, 2012

About Romney and Snooky

I blog at a newspaper --liberal one --big city --and here are 2 comments about Romney's comment in interview for TV where he said he enjoys Snooky --on Jersey Shore.  The 2nd comment is mine.  (The reason I don't identify the newspaper here is because I don't want to be stalked and harrassed by someone who would again have me in his cross-hairs.)
A blogger 
9/16/2012   10:00 AM  EDT
The more I thought about Romney's comments in the interview, the more I find them disturbing. He is the potential leader of this country, he could not pick anyone better than Snooki? There are plenty young men and women in the entertaining business who devote themselves to humanitarian causes, he has to pick Snooki?
As to the comment "I heard the best answer is as little as possible." Oh, Where is your own mind, Mr. Romney?
Both what Mitt and Ann said in the interview are undignified. Th whole irony is this: Romney won't release his tax returns beyond two years, he won't tell us the details of his economic plans and foreign policies, but he is willing tell us that he likes Snooki? If he is elected, God helps us!

10/16/2012   10:59 AM EDT
Gee whiz --I learned on this blog that Obama said something about Snooky in some interview moment --and then later didn't recall knowing who that was. Remember that Dave Letterman and Jay Leno and comedy channel stars --talk about Snooky. So pop culture knows who Snooky is --whether or not Obama and Romney really do.

Remember that Obama just called a radio show, The Pimp with the Limp, recently --in Fla. to express his appreciation for a couple of specific songs --so he is pandering to common folk with common tastes, too. Both trying to shed the label of elitists.

So how disturbing is that?

It should disturb you more that the influences on Obama are Alinsky who wrote Rules for Radicals,  Karl Marx, Communist FM Davis, Weathermen bombers Ayers & Doehrn, anti-Israel Muslim Prof. khaldi and Muslim slumlord Tony Rezko, and Rev. Jeremiah "damning America" Wright --and his "bitter half" Michelle --who mouthed her disdain for flag respect at the 9/11 ceremony a year ago --and the socialist, over-paid Chicago gal --what's her name --Valerie Jarett --who hangs around in the family quarters with them --along with Reggie Love (now resigned) --his gay trainer who claimed to "wake up the pres. every am." Where was the wife, inquiring minds wondered?
 Don't look at what the candidates say in interviews trying to show that they are " just folks like us"  as much as their record.   Romney balanced the state budget 4 years in a row in Mass as their gov. Obama has added 1/3 of our total national debt since Go. Washington in his 3 years of serving. And seems not to know the relationship between deficit and debt. 

Romney ran a company that now holds the pension plans of state service and teacher retirement unions because of  bain's good return on investments. He gave start-up money to many successful companies that provided many jobs.
 What has Obama done?????????? His claim to fame, death of Osama, would've been accomplished no matter who was president --because the special ops people did it and have been working on finding that guy since 9/11. The tragedy is that the MD who helped us find him is in Pakistan jail for 33 years --how did our admin. let that happen? leaks. And why can't we get the guy out. He did what Pakistan claimed THEY were helping us do --find Osama. We should sanction Pakistan if they don't give us the doctor.
I might add here that  foreign policy springs from one's world view, intelligence, and others in the leadership team who are experts in international relations.   Obama's policy, as he would "state it"  which Blogger above wants Romney to do --has not been successful. I don't think we understand the obama policy --except to say he does apologize for our problems with and treatment of  Islamists/terrorists.  And yet they hate him, too --burning him in effigy. 
Can anyone's policy be viewed as wholly successful in this world climate?  I don't know.  But for sure, we need to get our economic house in order and Obama is going in the wrong direction.   Romney/Ryan are the business/math minds together.  I don't want them to know EXACTLY what they would do right now --simple solutions, fast solutions, are subject to the realities of the office and the world.   But Obama has had some time to work on this --and he has failed utterly.

"God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life."--the Bible

1 comment:

  1. BTW --I have no idea who Snooky is and have never watched Jersey Shore. So I guess I'm an elitist!
