- A RECENT BLOG EXCHANGE:The Texan:The answer may have to do with voter turnout. People who support gay marriage, or at least don't actively oppose it, are less likely to make a special trip to vote on the issue. Those who genuinely (if absurdly) believe that gay marriage is a threat to their own straight lifestyle are motivated to show up. Double that for those who believe their god condemns it.
Me: To The Texan: You are sort of right. The irresponsible citizens don't always vote --and they are often the ones too ignorant to see that marriage matters. You think gay marriage is opposed just because it is a threat to straight lifestyles? Let's say homosexuality IS a threat to heterosexuals --say in the case of the Episcopalian minister who left wife and kids to be with his male lover --and then the church elevated him to bishop. She might consider homosexuality a threat to her life and happiness and marriage. I would if I were her. I'd be furious if my husband wanted to get his jollies with anal or oral sex --and had also been doing so for years and then coming home to me. Blccch.This activity should never be entertained in the mind, much less in act. "Yield not to temptation --for yielding is sin," goes the old gospel song. What's happened to our brains that we don't have a taboo fence to keep us from pondering the taboos of same-sex relations, polygamy, adultery, pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality? For all these activities start first in the mind. Today, we have tv and schools--all media--telling us "gay is good" --"choose your gender" --"you can marry any other human(s)--regardless of gender." This is all total bunkum and should never be entertained in mind or media or society --in any way at all. We shall reap what we sow.We don't just BELIEVE our God opposes gay marriage. It's obvious from our design that we were NOT designed for homosexual coupling. We are designed to couple with, and parent with, the opposite sex --only. And God's Word is clear in Romans 1 --also Leviticus. But nature tells us --even if there are aberrations in fallen nature --like the dog humping our legs --- the dog is still designed to hump a dog --not our legs.Likewise, all men are designed for copulation with women --not each other.Nevertheless, God forgives the repentant sinner --and all of us have sinned. But that's no excuse for legitimating sin via gay marriage.
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