Saturday, December 11, 2010

Media Ignores the Bloopers from the Other Side

This is from the Indiana AFA (am. Family Ass'n):

“Please Play the Blooper Reel, Mr. Producer!

”Here are two “oops” moments that
you may not hear much about in the mainstream media, unless, of course, Former
Governor Sarah Palin had said the same things. Then it would be all over the
news shows and fodder for all the late night hosts.

Blooper #1 – Forty-two
members of Congress have signed on to a letter to President Obama expressing
their concern over a statement he made in Indonesia last month. While speaking
to students, the President said that the United States and Indonesia share a
similar history (don’t ask what that means, just keep reading). "It is a story
written into our national mottos. In the United States, our motto is 'E Pluribus
Unum' -- out of many, one," the President claimed. At the time, some TV
stations aired this clip without any comment.The President must have forgotten
that the E Pluribus phrase is not our national motto. Our national motto, as
over a million Hoosier motorists with motto license plates know, is “In God We
Trust.” It has been the unofficial motto since appearing on our money before the
Civil War, and the official national motto adopted by Congress in 1956, five
years before the President was born . . . wherever that might have been.

Blooper # 2 – On Sunday, ABC’s This Week aired a clip of Indiana Senator Evan Bayh speaking about the repeal of what has been called the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”
policy on homosexuality in the military. The clip showed Senator Bayh implying
that homosexuality has never been a big deal within the US military saying in a
Senate hearing, “In all likelihood, there were gay Americans serving at Valley

Actually, in all likelihood there were not, Senator. As I have repeatedly mentioned, homosexuality has been expressly forbidden in the US military since our nation’s founding. General George Washington personally presided over the public humiliation and removal of a soldier who attempted to sodomize another soldier in the Continental Army. Washington made a big deal of the incident, which he called “abhorrent” in his March 14th, 1778, general orders. He issued those orders requiring all available troops to gather to witness the dismissal and drumming out of service of the homosexual soldier as an example and a clear statement that debunks Senator Bayh’s statement.

Accuracy in Media noted that ABC’s This Week reporter John Donavan actually confirmed
this incident later in the Sunday show making it the first time they have found
any report in the mainstream media informing the public that homosexuality has
always been against military policy . . . even among the founders who secured
our freedoms and liberties.

From Micah Clark of AFA Indiana

"God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life."--the Bible

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