Friday, September 3, 2010

World Magazine on Glenn Beck --Two Links

WORLD MAGAZINE is the best --MUCH more interesting and newsy than Time or Newsweek these days; I get all 3. I had let World expire a while back and they didn't pursue me so I went without for many months. It's good to get back to a news mag with a Christian worldview. I do know they are Reformed/Calvinist theology in world view, but nevertheless, they don't push that difference in their writing that I've noticed. Where I notice it is in their ads for colleges, conferences and school faculty positions --schools advertising for teachers of reformed theology.

Here are two interesting articles, one about Glenn Beck by World's Marvin Olasky and the 2nd one is on politicians' addictions by Glenn Beck at his website--who is said to admit a history of drug and alcohol addiction. I haven't found out what drugs and how long ago -- anyone who knows should comment for me here just for the facts.

"God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life."--the Bible

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