Monday, February 22, 2010

Gays in the Military? No People of Opposite Sexual Attraction Should Share Intimate Quarters

Mudrake has kindly dug up one of my old letters to the Blade which is timely since Obama has advocated for gays in the military.

Letters to the Editor

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Moral people will flee temptation

Gen. Peter Pace spoke for millions worldwide when he said homosexual
acts are immoral like adultery. Why? Because both are temptations
that ought to be resisted at the first thought. Moral people flee
temptation. (No, Oprah and Montel, homosexuality is not genetic or

I read that 16 universities offer co-ed dorm rooms and anyone may
sign up for them, not just dating couples, but strangers. Some rooms
practically had revolving doors with people frequently changing
roommates for current girl/boyfriends. This is as crazy as the co-ed
bathroom phenomenon.

We who object to co-ed rooms in colleges also object to out-of-closet
gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgenders (the GLBTs) in barracks
and military bathrooms. It is simply immoral to put unmarried people
of opposite attraction together in intimate quarters.

Just as a moral and responsible father wouldn't want his daughter to
share a dorm room with a man who would naturally and likely be
tempted to jump into bed with her, he also wouldn't want his son to
have to share quarters with anyone (male or female) who is tempted to
jump into bed with him.

So why not let the GLBTs all room together in the military? Because
they are sexually attracted and tempted by each other, of course.
It's unnatural to expect to throw attracted young people together in
intimate quarters without an eventual breach in moral conduct.

With that breach comes tremendous risk for emotional trauma,
pregnancy, disease, jealousy, fights, break-ups, infidelity to
spouses and sweethearts back home - all the traditional harms of
immorality not conducive to troop morale and cohesiveness.

General Pace should stick by his guns, and the liberal media should
get real and withdraw theirs.

Delete"God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life."--the Bible


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  3. I tell ya --he's drawn to me like a moth to a flame --like a fly to the honey! I went over to The Religion Clause blog and here he comes! nip nip nipping at my heels. That wasn't interesting enough, so he comes over here.

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  8. sigh --these Blade writers, Mudrake --believed homosexuality was genetic.

    It is not. It is passed from boy to boy and mostly, man to boy. Man to adolescent. And woman to woman. And the idea that homosexuals control their sex lives in ways that heteros do not is also laughable --because their history and rate of sexual encounters with strangers exceeds on average any such compulsive addictions among straights on average. Especially the males.

    Because my name is mentioned in each letter, and only for that reason and my inability to "edit" comments here instead of just deleting them, I deleted them.

  9. Now tell me, can we de-esculate your psychosis here if I remove your name and blog identity from my blog? If it won't do any good, I'll just leave it up.

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  13. OK Mudrake, I'm posting the Blade letters that rebutted mine in 2007 --and just deleting my name. Are you happy now? I'm sorry I've made you go to so much trouble to get these printed here --twice now --you must be snowed in with nothing better to do than bother me.

    From the Blade, 2007, in response to this blog topic which was a Blade letter by me:

    "Homosexuals don't choose orientation

    Some people like Gen. Peter Pace and _____________, a March 22 letter writer, would like to dismiss homosexual behavior as merely a moral weakness and liken it to adultery, lying, or stealing. What their intolerance is, however, is blatant bigotry and ignorance.

    The most common belief of human sexuality researchers is that homosexual orientation is caused by a pre-existent genetic makeup which is established at conception. This may be triggered early in life by an unknown factor in the environment. If the factor is present, the gene or genes causing homosexuality will be triggered. Recent research may present the possibility of changing that genetic code before birth to prevent homosexuality.

    Whatever one's religious, scientific, or political biases are, most people would agree that people in their right mind would not choose to become gay or lesbian and subject themselves to immense amounts of homophobia, discrimination, physical abuse, and emotional-spiritual abuse. Common sense alone should cause one to think twice before accusing homosexuals of choosing their sexual orientation. To say that it is merely a moral weakness is absurd.

    Linda Garrison

  14. the 2nd Blade letter Mudrake wants my vast readership to see:

    I would like to thank letter writer ______________for helping me define my morality. Does she live under a rock? Each person decides his or her own morality. It cannot be customized. It is a choice. Numerous medical researchers and magazines tell us that most homosexuality is genetic; it is not a choice but a physical reality. Therefore it is not immoral. I have multiple sclerosis. It was not a choice. It is a physical reality. Therefore, I am not immoral because of it. And every sexual act performed by a gay couple is also enjoyed by straight couples, if they choose.

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  16. The previous letter was by Barbara Rochelle.

    Here is the 3rd letter in response to mine to the Blade in 2007:

    Homophobia in America appalling

    ________________'s March 22 letter regarding Gen. Peter Pace's comment on gays in the military is myopic and without substantiated, verifiable truth in regard to her casual dismissal of genetics being a basis for homosexuality.

    She failed to mention her clinical and scholarly credentials that would render her comments helpful. They wouldn't come from misinterpreted biblical writings, would they? If so, I am confident that she strictly adheres to all admonishments found in her studies of the Bible.

    More to the point of General Pace's views, why is it that America is the only western power that refuses service in the military to patriotic gay men and women? The systemic homophobia in this country is appalling and counter to the tenets of the Constitution.

    Ms. _____________ also drags out the old axiom that gays just cannot contain themselves when it comes to being in close proximity to members of the same sex. Her lack of understanding of human sexuality would be laughable if it weren't so pathetic. Her attitude continues to foster fear, hate, and misinformation.

    Because of such views, the military discharged more than 50 translators (thought to be gay) of Pashtu, Farsi, and Arabic around 9/11, thereby lessening the chances of intercepting and translating critical messages sent by al-Qaeda and the Taliban. The military still does not have enough folks to translate these languages so that we may know what our foes are planning, all because they are gay.
    It is disheartening and profoundly troubling that her views are so prevalent in today's society. Fear and intolerance ultimately will be defeated, but at a terrible price for so many good people.

    Sanctimonious and unsubstantiated superstition also will be defeated.

    Nicholas E. Felt

  17. All three of these writers believe in things that are not so:

    1. genetic cause for homosexuality

    2. no source for definition of morality; it's whatever each person wants it to be

    3. homosexuality is totally beyond choice --like multiple schlerosis (example used by the writer.)

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  19. All deletions above were attempts by Mudrake to post my full name here, which on principle, i don't allow --though must of my readers know who I am --and to most people it makes no difference. It's the principle....

    It actually keeps him busier here than anywhere else and that's probably good for cyberspace! It's not as much time and trouble for me to delete his efforts as it is for him to post here.

    So wear yourself out, Mudly!

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  22. Say, _____________, AKA MUDRAKE or formerly, Liberal Democrat: I gladly print my name when I write to the editor--but we do try to have some semblance of anonymity as bloggers, don't we --as you know so well about yourself. If you can't respect the anonymity of other bloggers, why should they respect yours?? Granted, I don't try very hard to protect mine, but you do --so if you live in a glass house, do not throw stones!!!

    there is a time for the Golden Rule--and there are times for "what goes around comes around."

    February 24, 2010 7:35 AM

  23. _______ is exhibiting obsessive compulsive disorder by continuous repetitive posting of old blade letters here --which I have already posted myself. He cannot stop. He will continue this until eternity I think --and I'll just keep deleting him for posting names.

    Remember,_______ if you want me to remove your name from my blog, just quit --and say you want me to remove your identity here. I'll be glad to do it. Otherwise, your name stays --and you can keep up your obsessive compulsion.

    February 28, 2010 8:55 AM

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