Thursday, November 26, 2009

Christianity Imposes More Misery than Immorality??? than any other group?? Really???

More thoughts on Gianni's claim that Christians impose the most danger and misery in the world:

From the CDC:

"In 2007, the largest estimated proportion of HIV/AIDS diagnoses among adults and adolescents were men who have sex with men (MSM). This category accounted for 53% of the overall diagnoses and 71% among men diagnoses."

Obviously, The misery and danger imposed by Christianity would seem to be much smaller than the danger and misery brought into the USA by MSM --and all the results of immorality in general.

Think of the fatherless children and women in poverty --and broken hearts from immorality in general. I take a little girl and boy to CLC whose pregnant white mother was just abandoned by the black father of her 3rd baby to come soon --there is NO money resource for them --other than her Uncle Sam. Yes, the law is supposed to make men pay, but it's very difficult when men don't make much money themselves to support their 2nd rent and their other children by the other women they parented kids with.

Think of those who have become ill or died from HIV who were wives and infants and transfusion receivers via men who have sex with men or prostitutes or just other infected people. MSM is used instead of "homosexual males" because there are men who have sex with men who don't call themselves homosexual.

3 out of 4 HIV/AIDS cases were male in the U.S. in 2006. 42,655 new cases in 2007.

That's a lot of unnecessary, avoidable, preventable misery. And it's not the Christians' fault.

"God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life."--the Bible


  1. I'm going to take a different tack from what you are saying in your post, Barb.

    I'm not miserable and neither are people around me. I know you're not miserable and assume people around you are not either.

    Yes, Christians grieve when someone they love dies or gets seriously ill or they lose a job etc. but we are eternally optimistic because Jesus told us if the Father takes care of the flowers and the sparrows He cares even more for us and takes even better care of us as His children.

    Everything we have is on loan to us from God. Everything. I may have worked many years and my husband did, we saved and scrimped sometimes, but everything we have accumulated has come from God and if He took it all away today I would still sing His praises because He has given me eternal life with Him and His Son, along with the Holy Spirit in heaven where we will never want for anything for eternity.

    Mortal life and what it has to offer are just a rest stop on the highway to heaven.

    No one can ever take away my salvation or the way I think. They may try to take away my free speech, but my thoughts can never be taken from me and because of those thoughts I am free.

    My non-believer family members are not miserable around me and we call, chat, laugh and talk about their salvation all without fighting.

    My brother who is actually my cousin, but we were raised together so he's like a brother to me has even told me when he's on his deathbed to be sure there is a minister there to talk to him because he doesn't "want to take any chances."

    He's having some health issues now and I have told him he needs to be sure he's right with the Lord because a heart attack could take him before a minister could speak to him.

    Most of my friends, including my close neighbors are all saved and we have grieved with them when a spouse died. My best friend died about three years ago, and the last lucid thing she said to me was that she was going to heaven and I was going with her.

    So, I'm not miserable and no one I associate with are.

    I may be outspoken with ATS and Mud Puddle, but it's not to make them miserable. It's to make them think if they care to be objective enough and daring enough to trust something they don't see. Of course they don't see it. Their spiritual eyes have not been opened yet.

    We all cause our own misery if we wish. I'm too busy thanking God for my blessings and trying to do what my husband and I can do to help those less fortunate to be miserable.

    In fact, when we give it makes us happier than if we receive.

    And I cannot and do not make the claim that I was never immoral. Not in a sexual way, but in ordinary sin ways.

    Why, when I was a kid we couldn't dance, swim on Sundays or go to the movies on Sundays and if we did any of these things we were always found out and caught the dickens for it. LOL

  2. Agreed --Christians generally are not miserable --and don't make others miserable --except a person who is fighting the Holy Spirit or having persistent unresolved fears about eternity will be miserable until He lets God have His way.

    Immorality DOES produce misery--for self and others --the misery of STD's, fatherlessness for kids, sadness of divorce for the abandoned party and the children, financial obligations to multiple households (more than one can afford) depression, poverty and so on.

    The Lord is in the business of restoring the joy and making a light at the end of the tunnel when we draw close to Him.

    Yes, any sin separates us from God and produces guilt --until we repent and experience his forgiveness.

  3. Agreed --Christians generally are not miserable --and don't make others miserable --except a person who is fighting the Holy Spirit or having persistent unresolved fears about eternity will be miserable until He lets God have His way.

    Immorality DOES produce misery--for self and others --the misery of STD's, fatherlessness for kids, sadness of divorce for the abandoned party and the children, financial obligations to multiple households (more than one can afford) depression, poverty and so on.

    The Lord is in the business of restoring the joy and making a light at the end of the tunnel when we draw close to Him.

    Yes, any sin separates us from God and produces guilt --until we repent and experience his forgiveness.
