3 pm to 5 pm today, Holland FM church's "SING" at WPOS is being broadcast at 102.3FM. Our worship team and various special numbers. Paula Swan on guitar, our new drummer, Bob Sutton on tech, Steph Hulbert on piano and voice, Andrew Winkles, Joe & Andrea Conklin, Chrissy, Rob & Jonathan Rohrs, Mary Colledge --did vocals and me on keyboard doing "strings" or organ. (Some of our usuals couldn't be with us though all were invited to be on platform like a Gaither homecoming!) Can also be heard on www.wposfm.com -- though I couldn't make it work. Through a link there, I'm wondering if you have to pay something to hear the station live?!! Surely not! but I couldn't hear anything. Click the tower at the top of the website where it says, "Listen here" --or go to the radio.
We were dealing with a sound system new to us --and hope it recorded OK.
The 2nd half of program is The Richardson Trio --a father and 2 sons, aged 14 and 10 --southern gospel group from Waterville --good group.
"God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life."--the Bible
Balance was disappointing --could hear keyboard and piano -the pastor --and the tambourine --and the pianist singing somewhat --everybody else was drowned by the acc't. You'd think WPOS would have someone to monitor the recording balances.
ReplyDeleteOur sound man was on the stage --not ideal --every time the group started to sing or had scripture readings, the bottom dropped out. Supposedly the tech fellow had one control for monitors, house and recording --and thought he had a good balance for the house.
wow! I wish I could have heard. :)
ReplyDeleteVisit us at the church sometime --and hear the live music --and a good young preacher.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the kind offer, but I refuse to enter a church until churches once again stand up for the downtrodden people in the world, instead of unscrupulous billionairs.
ReplyDeleteWhen I see a church member downtown, helping a homeless man, or ministering at a drug rehab center instead of planning their next million dollar gymnasium, I might change my mind.
HEY, Steve --have I got a church for you!
ReplyDeleteour men present a service at Cherry St. Mission every month and have had cook-outs for the men --and have invited them to our christmas concerts and used the concerts as fund-raisers for the mission.
One of our laymen, a former Gideon president, works for the state finding jobs and job trainers for homeless and needy people and those lacking skills.
We have a crew of people who get up at 4 in the morning to go pick up the Angel Food orders --and then box and distribute them one Saturday morning every month. This is food offered at a third of its cost or less which anyone can order through our church office monthly. Helps people stretch their food stamps and food budget. Puts us in contact with many needy in the neighborhood.
We bus kids of various races in from Habitat housing neighborhoods for our midweek program and sent about 50 kids and teens to summer camp
We have reserved a lovely classroom for a clothing closet for the needy, to be an outlet for the city-wide Angel Arms Ministry which isn't up and running yet in our church, but will be.
We took up a big offering for formula in an Ethiopian orphanage as no formula was available for a time in that country. Toledo people who were adopting some of the orphans flew the formula there in their luggage.
Right now, we have a mission team in Honduras that is helping a church build restrooms and they will entertain with VBS for kids. And they took a lot of over-the-counter remedies and have a nurse practitioner with them. On past trips they have taken clothes to give away. They have made several katrina trips in the past to salvage a headstart school and people's homes.
Every now and then, if the timing coincides,I pick up this hitch hiker on my way to church and drop him off at the Waffle House --as he has no car. I did it first in freezing weather --I knew he was too cold and old to be a rapist --and I was too old to be of temptation, i figured. Found out he works where one of our parishioners works and I ran into him after church once, and so took him to his house --and don't think of him as a stranger anymore.
We have numerous people of limited means in our congregation who are routinely helped in practical ways.
We give several food baskets at Christmas time to the needy and ring the bell for the salvation army.
We give a couple hundred shoebox gifts to operation christmas child which distributes millions of boxes in Jesus' name to the poor children of the world.
Of course, the million dollar gymnasiums are a ministry to many needy people that attend those churches--but we don't have one.
Cedar Creek is known for their coat drives for kids and their days of free car repair/service for single ladies/moms, etc.
Our denomination sponsors youth hostels with meals, laundry facility, schools with uniforms, and we can sponsor children there and send money for gifts for them --I learned that our donation was used for goats for two little boys we sponsor in Africa. We have such ministries in Africa, Haiti, and India --that I am aware of. We also have a Romanian orphanage, I believe --somewhere in eastern europe.
As for evangelical support for unscrupulous billionaires --I assure you we don't want to do that! But if you mean we vote GOP --that's for the concern that party traditionally has for the unborn --as our issue of high priority --and for religious freedom with free EXPRESSION of religion/free speech for Christians. We oppose hostility toward Christianity (and Israel) that often comes from the Left.
My husband saw an old man who is poor at the Country Buffet Sunday --he is his patient --he paid for the man's meal. He has done that at restaurants when he sees friends there who are on a limited budget.
Our church's and our family's involvement with needy people as friends is a fact.
I don't say that to pat us on the back --but because you said --if you saw charity in the church, you'd be interested!
Now, put YOUR money where your mouth is! heh heh
I got out of the car Sunday and walked in with this elderly gentlemen who was very unkempt --and my husband says to me --"hey, there's my friend!' he's a patient.
ReplyDeleteThe somewhat demented gentleman told me his wife had just died and he had visited a daughter in Fla. who said, "nobody cares for people in Toledo --nobody gives a care about anyone else."
He was behind the rest of our family in line and my husband didn't hear him say it. My husband came up to the head of our family in the line and paid for all of us --plus the gentleman --and I saw when the cashier waved him through. I patted him on the back and said, "looks like somebody in Toledo cares after all." And he went on mumbling about how his wife had just died --and I suggested he go live with his daughter in Fla. --but he said his son in law would want his social security.
^^ wow, that's a fantastic story! I am wrong then, there are churches that care. I would accept your offer, but unfortunately my nursing school clinicals are on the weekends, Sat / Sun.
ReplyDeleteSteve, I love our music --but this sunday I'm the pianist and anything can happen. My daughter plans the music and she doesn't always find something I can play well --or she picks out stuff that even bores me thinking that's all I can play.
ReplyDeleteAnd our preacher, 30, is really tops in sermonizing. He alludes to his notes --writes his sermons --isn't like those who never need a note --but his content and delivery and preparedness and intellect --are excellent and his character matches his testimony/commitment. He's not the back-slapping gregarious sort --but does get animated in the pulpit.
you won't always have weekend clinicals for an excuse! So drop in some time and introduce yourselves.