Saturday, October 31, 2009

NW OH Planned Parenthood --No Abortions in their Annual Report?

Planned Parenthood's Year in Review tells us they served 6,294 patients in Toledo, 14,976 visits at their 2 health centers, 2,630 Pap tests, 2,138 Depo Prevera injections, 301 Nuva Rings, 100 IUD's, 2,616 HIV tests, 50 walk in Teen Clinics -- and 4,658 clients participated in education programs in 2008.

but how many abortions did they do or arrange? Nary a word!!! Seems they have finally got the message --that if they want public support, they better be quiet about their abortion record.

Granted, if you read farther, you saw this paragraph:

We have defeated all of the amendments proposed so far that would make comprehensive reproductive health care less accessible for women and we have been promised by our pro-women's health friends in Congress that they will not support prohibitions on abortion coverage.

If you'd like to tell them what you think about their abortion advocacy, you can write them at

"God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life."--the Bible


  1. Have you watched Maafa21, it is a stunning film about the abortion/black genocide link. See clip here:
