At least 90 people enjoyed the first ever The Choice ~ Home School Co-op spring concert entitled How Beautiful is the Rain, Tuesday night, at the Holland Free Methodist Church. Stephanie Hulbert directed these home-school children in a variety program that included a 16-voice "Choice Choir" singing 2 part "partner songs," including an opening gospel number after they came down the aisle, Let Your Light Shine Before Men, followed by a spiritual, Chariot's A-comin.' (It was called the choice choir since the name of the co-op is The Choice; it was not a group selected by audition, but for any who wanted to be in it. They believe this first concert will result in more interest and a larger choir in the future.)
Most delightful was the smaller ensemble of children aged 7 and 8, performing a rain song with Orff instruments and All Things Bright and Beautiful with outstanding solo features. Also fun and entertaining was the whole choir doing a choreographed "show choir" style piece, I Can't Stand Still under those Raindrops. Two music classes, ages 7-10, performed America.
Mrs Hulbert, Mrs. Bell, and Mrs. Parmelee, sang Stormy Weather as a trio appropriate for the rain theme, followed by the Choice Choir, singing How Beautiful is the Rain.
The Choir finale was This Little Light of Mine, arr. by Jennings.
Piano students included Jacob Hulbert, accompanied by his brother Gabe on the conga drums, and Evalee, Wade and Jack Deily and Mikaela Bell.
Other students had vocal solos in the choir numbers and accompanied various numbers with the Orff instruments.
We also saw a stilts demonstration by Noah Claytor --who came down the church stairs on stilts, navigating the microphone stands as we held our breath.
The Anatomy class performed their entertaining spoof on the Macarena song, called "My Cranium, " which did enumerate all the major bones of the body.
The 3-6 years old class performed the Superman Blessing, to bless the refreshments shared afterwards by all the students.
All choirs sang with a lovely, very tuneful, true children's choir sound with excellent diction and no noticeable "droners." Their poise and stage presence were remarkable, such little ladies and gentlemen.
Mrs. Hulbert is Rob R's sister and she has her music education degree from the Wheaton College Conservatory of Music. Patty Parmalee (Sharon Brillhart's sister) was the accompaniest. Deb Claytor was in charge of a lovely reception afterwards.
The Choice Co-Op is a Friday gathering of home school students who have classes taught by the various teacher moms. 38 of the students were in the music classes. I don't know if that's all the students in the co-op or not.
The academic results of home schooling (and parochial schooling) prove that money is not the requirement for a good college preparation. (Patrick Henry College is a new college comprised of mostly former home school students. They beat Oxford U. at debate, winning international competition.)
I believe the co-op meets at the Epiphany Lutheran Church on No. Reynolds Rd. --on Fridays.
"God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life."--the Bible
Well I've been busy here, but I'm glad to see you are keeping up with good works Barb!!!