Monday, November 17, 2008


You know, fellow bloggers, Jesus lived just 20-plus short centuries ago! I suspect there has been at least one man, somewhere in the world, born on the first day of each of these centuries who lived for 100 years. There would be only 20 such men in history--demonstrating that the 1st century isn't really that long ago!

Does it seem unreasonable that such sensational events of the first century-- Christ's birth, life, death and resurrection--could be accurately recorded and preserved during the lifetimes of just 20 such men--through 20 centuries of meticulous record-keepers in the church?

The first Christians were inspired first by the MIRACLES more than the teachings. The MIRACLES gave credence to the teachings of the MIRACLE WORKER. Especially His resurrection.

When you meet a resurrected miracle-worker, you are sure He is from God --especially when He lived a perfect life and tells you He and the Father are one. Especially when He gives you something like a Damascus Road experience and you just know, in your soul, that "He touched me! And now I am no longer the same!" Like St. Paul. Like Chuck Colson. Like George W. Bush whose closest observers say the Christianity is genuine. He said, "Jesus Christ changed my heart." When Christ's Holy Spirit bears witness with YOUR Spirit, you just know.

I think the problem with the church today is that too many lack "an experience." They are trying to follow Christ in the flesh --and they need to ask for The Holy Spirit and be willing to experience Him in fullness. Jesus said, "If an earthly father knows how to give good gifts to his children, how much more will your heavenly father be willing to give the Holy Spirit to those who ask."

Are we willing to be changed? Do we want this power in our lives? If it means we will forgive and love? that HE will be on the throne of our lives --instead of us? The thing is, when God gives the experience, the love is almost automatic --it floods the soul --like "springs of living water." The Psalmist David said, "Restore to me, O God, the joy of my salvation."

"Amazing grace; how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now am found, was blind, but now I see."

"God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life."--the Bible


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. David was a sinner and he knew it and repented. Where's the nonsense?

  3. David is a good example of one who struggled with his humanity.

    You've got quite a point about the flesh and the spiritual aspects, Barb.

    I see people who seem to be embarrassed by their reaction to being touched by the Spirit. One lady apologized to me in church for being 'weepy'. So, there has been a change in tolerance for one thing. Your blog and it's abuse is probably the best example that could be given as to how nonbelievers wish to usurp other people's autonomy and decide what is and what is not acceptable. And shaming abuse tactics abound from nonbelievers.

    So there is an element of shame for some also - that may cause them to shy away from the encounters.

    You've got a poster who talks about your big fat mouth and tells you to take pills and tries to make you feel sexually inadequate.

    Simple elementary school play ground shame tactics. I'm glad they don't work on you;-)

    But for a newborn believer - such shallow tricks may have influence.

  4. I don't know about new-born believers, but a lot of people assume if they get opposition, they must be doing something wrong. They think proper Christian behavior and attitudes will make them popular and successful --and that anyone who makes someone angry must be doing something wrong.

    Forgetting altogether that Jesus was quite unpopular with both the self-righteous and the evil-doers --who were one and the same, in heart if not in deed! And said we followers, His sheep, would be persecuted, also. We forget that light is hated by those in darkness.

    And yes, Mudrake is an example of hating believers and those who advocate for the right to life and the definition of marriage in a culture that has changed the one and wants to change the other.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Mudrake --again deleted for sexist vulgarity.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. You always say I prefer the Old Testament, but I do not. I am not a scholar of the O.T. I find a lot of it incomprehensible by New Testament englightened view of God who came then in the flesh. I have no idea what the 100 Philistine foreskins were about as a bride price -for whom? another man's wife? This is where Matt or Rob or one of the other guys might have insight for you.

    The bible says that before Christ, the people dwelt in darkness --Christ is the great light --the light of the world.

    The Jews are forerunners to that light, people of law and people of faith in One God, the creator-god.
    but they were sinners. This is all about the feud between David and King Saul before David becomes king. It is God's will that he become king-- but he is not a good man all the time, obviously. He wrote some beautiful Psalms attributed to Him --and laments about his own sinfulness.

    The pagans around the Jews were Hell-bent idolators --for whom there was no hope of redemption or transformation. It mattered not when or how they died, since they were doomed by their sin natures and sinful choices. There was a point in their history where people had a choice to follow the teachings of their parents from God --or not. Noah's family having parented all the human race at this point.

    Once Adam and Eve sinned, mankind was Hellbent in his behavior and dead in his sins. Until Christ. And the Jews had redemption through the blood sacrifices of perfect lambs. And that redemption was extended to the whole world by the blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ.

    We all become chosen people through Christ if we repent and believe that He was the Son of God.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Depends on when he collected the foreskins, Mudrageous.

    They might have made nice leather jewelry.

    Grisly, yes. Primitive pagans and their culture influenced God's chosen people who were not chosen because they were sinless and fully civilized and enlightened. God has established a Covenant to redeem a fallen and sinful world, starting with the Jews. It's my theory that it's all God can do to get them to be people of belief in one God and His commandments.

    I haven't studied your selected passage. So I don't know if he circumcised 100 dead Philistine pagans or live ones. In any case, flesh becomes leathery.

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  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Barb I'm starting to understand, and appreciate your style.

    Go girl :-)

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. OK, Mudly. I'll try.

    Do I have a style, Kateb?

    great to have an ally

  16. O, I forgot to include a scripture:

    "The fool has said in his heart, there is no God."

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. So, Mudrake, where is the right to gay marriage or abortion in the constitution? It is not there.

    Privacy was used to justify abortion and sodomy behind closed doors, but privacy could be used to justify ANYTHING DONE IN PRIVATE! Hardly a judicious decision by our court in 73. They weren't even smart enough or righteous enough to consider the humanity of the living human fetus or the public health hazard of sodomy.

    The whole abortion case was based on a lie --that Roe had been raped --but she had not been.

    you wrote to me: it is difficult to change your ways, isn't it? Your OCD limits what you are able to do, doesn't it?Things have to be just-so otherwise...well, you know what happens. Acceptance is the key. Meditation. Eastern religion. Yoga.

    No, I don't know what happens. You tell me, Mudly. You seem to know all about OCD and what meds to use and coping mechanisms. But they aren't working for you--better get back to your therapist, don't you think? You said your father had this condition --I think maybe it's genetic in your case.

    I'm not obsessed with you--I just want to address the misconceptions and distorted views on your blog --because you and I are certainly interested in the SAME ISSUES --which you call "crotch politics." Remember, you were writing about me and my full name before I ever heard of you.

    I like to at least TRY to contend for truth and righteousness wherever there is darkness.
