Joy, Joy, Joy!
will be presented at 7:00 PM on December 19 and 21 at the Holland Free Methodist Church at 6605 Angola Road in Holland, Ohio, north of the Spring Meadows Mall.
The cantata celebrates three kinds of Christmas joy: the joy of the season, the joy of the story, and the joy of the Savior. This is a Deborah Craig-Claar and David T. Clydesdale production (as were our previous favorites, Four Tickets to Christmas and Repeat the Sounding Joy.
Soloists include Patty Bersinger, Andrea Conklin, Jenni King, Bob Sutton, and members of the Perez and Rohrs families. Bob Dematteo will be playing the role of Isaiah the prophet. Rebecca Hand and Corbin Ortiz will portray Mary and Joseph. HFM’s 4th - 9th grade students will be the dancing angels and shepherds. The children are also featured delightfully in two numbers with the adult choir. Wise men will be Dave Simpson, Tom Wood, and Steve Bersinger. Shepherds include Joe Zitzman and others.
Stephanie Hulbert is the director, assisted by Christine Rohrs. Sue Conklin again will be costumer and Tom Hughes will be the sound tech.
"God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life."--the Bible
Somebody told me that there was another Barb Wire blog and so there is. Hope we don't get mixed up!
We'll be there - no sure which night but we're excited. It'll be a great start to Christmas!
ReplyDeleteAnd I know how much work goes into these.
So what's the diff between Inthenightfarm, and your Barb Wire, Tamara?
ReplyDeleteHow old is yours. I guess I've had this since Jan 07 --but it sure seems a lot longer.
Say, Kateb, we just lost a good alto due to her busy-ness and health --we practice thurs night, Sat. am and Sunday night from now on. Are you or your daughter good altos? We have 6 people now in our choir who do not attend our church. I'd catch you up on the music. The first 3 songs do have some movement/easy choreography and are to be memorized. We only have 4 altos now.
Harvey Bernard Milk May 22, 1930 – November 27, 1978
ReplyDeleteHunh. What do you know. Guess who's an alto?
ReplyDeleteI'll see what I can get done this week. I'm also a person having difficult with being too busy.
I'll facebook you about this.
I'm not the director --but we are down to 5 altos --and one hasn't been there lately due to delivering a baby --hopefully our baby Jesus.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you are capable --wow, your daughter sings opera -- --the question for steph would be choreography and some blocking --there is some --and whether she'd rather not bother incorporating new people at this date
I say we could use a couple of really good altos for our section --but she may nix my idea. We do have a tenor committed to coming in later and he'd be in the same boat --except he's had the music and CD -but that doesn't mean he's started to work on it. He's a pro --music teacher/choral director,
She may not want to work people in, this has to be alot of work.
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't look good on this end, daughter has finals in two weeks.
We've taken on some extra projects which I'll facebook you about.
I might talk her into one old jazz singer!
ReplyDeleteThe pipes might still work.
I would like to invite your readers to experience our holiday choir and the many churches in which we will be singing this holiday season: Columbus Gay Men's Chorus
ReplyDeleteSteve, I didn't know you were gay!
ReplyDeletewith a wife and all!
Maybe it's another Steve?
How sad that UM churches and the others are celebrating sin in this way. "lives changed" they proclaim -- I thought they were born this way? in their view.
The change from normalcy in infancy to being warped by various factors, yielding to temptation to lust for one's own sex, is not a change to celebrate.
Hey, Barb, I've been told I have an alto voice, but I can't carry a tune and I'm clumsy on my feet. If you're still interested let me know. :)
ReplyDeleteI take it you're not a UM. What part of the Methodist church are you? And what is the difference?
Probably like Baptists that are conservative or liberal. I'll take conservative, and that's not talking politics but the literal interpretation of the Bible.
The Free Methodist Church formed in 1860 --when B.T. Roberts was kicked out of his ministry with them because he protested the Methodist bishops holding slaves. They restored his preaching papers to his family some time later --in the 20th C. I believe.
ReplyDeleteso he started the Free Methodist church --and the frees included freedom for slaves, free pews in the church (pews had become a means of support for the churches --but it also meant the rich were upfront and so on (or wherever they wanted to be.) And freedom of the spirit in worship became a feature of the church--though it was never 'pentecostal', per se.
They remained more true to the weslyan roots of the church than has the UM Church--focused on a 2nd work of grace, a sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit that goes beyond mere belief and salvation--but to a level of holiness from being filled with the Spirit --whose main aspect was the Gift of "perfect love" --such that holiness churches like the FM's believed we could be pure in motives and sinless in our intentions, manifesting the various fruits of the Spirit including self-control --having God's love and power of forgiveness through the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit's baptism. Just basic new Testament teaching, actually.
We don't emphasize the EVENT of sanctification, of the Baptism, as much anymore --though I experienced it that way at 18--an experience a step beyond belief and the joy of salvation--Now we emphasize more the growth of one who is daily committing to Christ and open to the Holy Spirit in his life.
but I do believe in experiential faith --and in events with God --such that you know He has all of a sudden "touched" you and made Himself real and present.
As Jesus said, "If an earthly father knows how to give good gifts to his children, how much more will your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask."
ASK and you will receive.
Barb, I just moved to a new server called Hosting Matters. www.hostingmatters.com.
ReplyDeleteIf you go there and set up for WordPress you can get a package for anything from $8 a month up and register your domain name with a dot com after it. Then no confusion and it is very easy to put certain IP addresses into moderation or the blacklist. In the blacklist you don't see the comment at all. It has a built in spam filter and is great.
You get a discount if you pay by the year and they are very reliable and johnnie on the spot with questions or issues.
You really should try it. They can move your site for you and then you can get a new design if you want and I know someone who can do that too.
Jeanette, if you can make the rehearsals from over there on the south east side of the USA, I'd be glad to have you stand beside me in the choir --but I might tell you to sing softly!!! ; )
ReplyDeleteAbout a new site, right now I'm too busy to think about it.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the explanation, Barb.
ReplyDeleteI thought Methodists baptized babies or am I wrong?
We baptize when someone is at the age of accountability and confesses Jesus as Savior. We do this publicly by walking down the aisle to the preacher who then questions us (usually the salvation is reached at home with the counsel and prayer of a deacon or pastor)and then the baptism date is set. Once baptized the new member is a complete member of the church and can then participate in the Lord's Supper, or communion. Until then you are not supposed to but I've heard more liberal Baptist churches allow someone not baptized, or a full member, partake of that sacrament.
The other sacrament I can think of with this sinus infection headache is the sacrament of marriage.
We do have dedication ceremonies for babies in which the parents promise to raise a Christian child and the pastor prays over the child and family and gives them a book for the child to read as he gets old enough to do so.
On Thanksgiving I was so pleased to hear our two days before turned seven year old grandson tell me the entire story of Abraham, Lot, Sarah, Isaac, Esau, Jacob etc. He knew all the names and knew the story. He wasn't aware of Ishmail, but I suppose that's for later. And this from a liberal Baptist church. He got it all in Sunday School.
Anyway, here's a different take on gay marriages. Marriage is a sacrament of God. If they get "married" by a judge or JP or mayor are they really "married"? I think not, but they think differently.
They can get all the same rights as a married couple now as far as hospital visitation and decision-making, inheritances etc. They even get their own sperm donors and use a baster to inject it. I don't get this style of living and it's repulsive to me. I don't know if two women kissing or two men kissing makes me sicker. Either way it's gross.
Let me know if you decide to register your domain name and move to a new server. I'll help you all I can. They should even be able to move over your design from Blogger, but I'm not sure. My last server did that for me, but they have become unreliable in the support area.
If you have a spare bedroom I promise I'll fly up there and sing very softly. Otherwise I'll sound like Barney Fife in the Andy Griffin show! LOL
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteAbout baptism, FM's allow for infant baptism if the family wants it (after the example of the jailer who was "baptized with all of his house" --he was the one who made the decision for everybody in the family --with intent that they be Chrsitians.
ReplyDeleteBut they also do the other at the age of accountability, like Baptists. ANd the FM's typically do dedicate infants without baptizing them, believing that a personal decision is necessary for one to be saved --though we believe children are automatically saved before the age of accountability --and thereafter saved by faith --not by baptism --which we call an outward sign of an inward work of grace.
If one comes from a Catholic background, he might fear that if his child died without baptism that he was not saved. So we don't let the issue be a stumbler to those who might otherwise like to attend our church --but really value infant baptism as a means of inducting a child into the kingdom of faith in Christ.
We agree that after the age of accountability, salvation is by decision to believe in Jesus --realizing we are sinners who cannot save ourselves.
The only children I have seen grow up gay are the boys who didn't have a father around to make them boys, but instead were out partying all the time. All they had for role models were mothers and sisters who did makeup etc.
ReplyDeleteThe girl I was attacked by lost her mother at an early age and I think she transferred her love for her mother to any woman in authority such as teachers etc.
This is not genetic but by choice.
If it was such an abomination that God destroyed two cities by probably nuclear explosion it is still an abomination and I wouldn't look for a mere hurricane but something much more disasterous.
Last night I listened to a sermon talking about Solomon's son becoming king. He was born to a pagan mother.
When he was defeated and all of God's holy things were taken as booty instead of fighting for the gold of God he substituted bronze.
We need to fight for the gold and not settle for the bronze in everything we do from the highest to the lowest American.
We need to read II Chronicles 7:14 and do what it says if we are to continue to be blessed as a nation.
Every Christian needs to pray and fast for our country, if you are able to fast. I have diabetes, but I do eat just one meal if I'm fasting.
If you want to come to our program, Jeanette, that will be great --I'll find a place for you in my house! --but I have a suspicion that Steph doesn't want any more Barney Fifes in the alto section than are already there! When people tell me they really don't sing, I believe them!! : D
ReplyDeleteWe had an issue last year when pastor suggested someone join the choir for fellowship --oops! bad idea! This fellow sang so loudly and so off pitch that the other guys said he was disorienting them completely--and the women in front of him, also, --and actually the whole choir could hear this very strong voice --not a bad sounding voice at all --but just no where near the notes in the chords most of the time! We asked him to be a shepherd and not sing, but he has not forgiven the messenger since. I was the messenger.
I say, why should anyone practice, if it isn't going to matter what notes you sing? We might as well all come to the concert and sight-read it if notes don't matter! If all that matters is a joyful noise --but then, who wants to hear a mere noise?
No child who is not of the age of accountability will go to hell. I also believe mentally handicapped people who cannot discern right from wrong will go to hell. God is merciful and not that vengeful, although his full revenge will be on those who know and rejected the message of Salvation. He doesn't want it that way but He gave us freedom of choice. Aren't you so happy the Holy Spirit spoke to you and convicted you of your sins and the need for salvation.
ReplyDeleteWhen I die (if I do before the Lord returns) I want a happy funeral service with happy hymns about going home. No tears shed, but joy and smiles. That's a wonderful comfort for the family to know their loved one is in heaven.
I'm kidding about being in your choir as I know I wouldn't make the cut. I can make a joyful noise to the Lord but He has more patience than choir directors. :)
ReplyDeleteAnyway, to be clear, baptism is not necessary for salvation.
ReplyDeleteThe "agreed" was for your previous post --
ReplyDeleteas for baptism --I also agree that baptism isn't necessary for salvation since we are saved by faith and not any ritual --nor does baptism save anyone in and of itself.
But it is a demonstration of sins washed away and faith in Christ whose blood did the work.
So much more wonderful than 6 pillars of Islam needed for their salvation--praying several times a day and going to march around Mecca and possibly being crushed to death in the process. And people think Christianity is legalistic! Whoeee!
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteThen no confusion and it is very easy to put certain IP addresses into moderation or the blacklist. In the blacklist you don't see the comment at all. It has a built in spam filter and is great.
ReplyDeleteApparently 'Jeanette' is quite inexperienced about Internet protocol.
Look at the ways of changing or hiding an IP address:
Transparent Proxy - This type of proxy server identifies itself as a proxy server and also makes the original IP address available through the http headers. These are generally used for their ability to cache websites and do not effectively provide any anonymity to those who use them. However, the use of a transparent proxy will get you around simple IP bans. They are transparent in the terms that your IP address is exposed, not transparent in the terms that you do not know that you are using it (your system is not specifically configured to use it.) This type of proxy server does not hide your IP address.
Anonymous Proxy - This type of proxy server identifies itself as a proxy server, but does not make the original IP address available. This type of proxy server is detectable, but provides reasonable anonymity for most users. This type of proxy server will hide your IP address.
Distorting Proxy - This type of proxy server identifies itself as a proxy server, but make an incorrect original IP address available through the http headers. This type of proxy server will hide your IP address.
High Anonymity Proxy - This type of proxy server does not identify itself as a proxy server and does not make available the original IP address. This type of proxy server will hide your IP address.
There you go and good luck blocking or recording IP addresses.
In a very basic explanation since some don’t seem to understand the basics of IP’s, every SINGLE device connected to the Internet has a unique number that identifies it, and this number is called an IP address.
ReplyDeleteIt’s just like your street address on the return address quadrant of the envelope you send – except this one isn’t voluntary.
Anytime there is network traffic to any other device on the network is marked with your IP address.
IP addresses are static, and they’re manually assigned. The IP address doesn’t change automatically unless someone changes them. And still the service provider and remote computers see the current IP being used.
If you use dialup, your analog modem has an IP address. Remote computers see this IP address.
If you’re using your cell as a modem or use a wifi hotspot remote computers see this IP address.
DSL/cable modem has an IP address and the computer has a separate internal IP address that it uses to communicate with the modem, which is mediated by a home router. Remote computers see the IP address of the DSL/cable modem and at wifi hotspots
If you’re directly connected to the internet via a network adapter, your network adapter has an IP address. Remote computers see this IP address.
So for those who still believe they can sign up for a free google, yahoo or gmail address and actually BE anonymous on the web? Sorry – not going to happen. Even if you confirm a google email address signup from a free yahoo address – you got it. Your IP is still right there. Just like your street address on the return address.
Most blog providors allow their site owners to see and manage the IP addresses. And there’s also a record of the blog activity kept for legal purposes, a cover your (you know what) initiative for the ineveitable LAWSUITs.
The reason that Barb can start logging IP addresses is because they’re accessible to her to allow or not allow these posters to comment on her blog.
The IP addresses are already logged.
An anonymous proxy wouldn't help on a subscriber based blog - simply because they have to confirm their identity when signing up.
Hope this helps.
Fellow bloggers --if you see any posts by me with the gray icon instead of the orange blogger icon --it's not me. and if you see any that link to a November profile, that is not me either.
ReplyDeleteI have an impersonator who is obsessed with me and my views and loves to try to emulate. But he falls short. That's why you'll see occasional deletions.
What "kateb' left out of Adam Field's Weblog posting is the conclusion:
ReplyDeleteDespite these possible correlations, not one of the major search engines considers your IP address to be personally identifiable information. [Update: someone asked where I got this conclusion. It's from my reading of the Google, Yahoo, and MSN Search privacy policies. In all cases, they discuss server logs separately from the collection of personal information (although MSN Search does have it under the heading of "Collection of Your Personal Information", it's clearly a separate topic). If you have some reason to believe I've made a mistake, I'm all ears.] While this may technically be true if you take an IP address by itself, it is a highly disingenuous position to take when logs exist that link IP addresses with computers, physical locations, and account information… and from there with people. Not always, but often. The inability to link your IP address with you depends always on the relative secrecy of these logs, what information is gathered before you get access to your IP address, and what other information you give out while using it.
In this case, we already know the identity of the problem blogger --so that's a big headstart.
ReplyDeleteYes, people can get anonymizer programs that hide their real IP address if they really want to pay for it. Otherwise, you can ban certain words or put everything in moderation queue, which is a pain in the neck.
ReplyDeleteThose without anonymizer programs and with a static IP address (a wi fi modem has its own static address) cannot fool the system, and since we are talking about one or two problem people all their IPs could eventually identified even if they use an anonymizer. You just block the first group of numbers and put stars after them. Then no one on that program will be able to post.
In WordPress the administrator can also see the email and if it's obviously a fake can block the email or the user name.
ReplyDeleteHey, Kateb --what about the singing?