Sunday, April 27, 2008

Last Stage of Disney Report --Lost Items --but not the final installment

We had been trying all week to be organized and keep our stuff in order. The first day I was at Downtown Disney, a shopping area near where we were staying when I noticed I didn't have my rings on and had left them at the hotel. They were not valuable except to me. There was a room safe, so I figured that meant the maids couldn't be guaranteed trustworthy. So I called the hotel and they gave me security and I reported that I had left my rings in the room and wondered if anything could be done about it before we got home --and they said they'd probably be alright but they might mention it to housekeeping. They were there when I got home.

A couple days later, we came to our room and found the safe standing open. My husband did that. But my big wad of keys was missing. So after checking my purse and some drawers, I called security and told them we stupidly left the safe hanging open and I was sure I had keys in there. Thought I remembered seeing them there. Security asked what use those would be to anyone. I said, well, if someone had an uncle in Toledo who was inclined to a little house burglary, keys and our ID info that was also in the safe could be used --say if someone copied keys and sent them to Uncle Mort. I knew this was far-fetched, but it also was risky to leave keys and other things out when we had a locking option. So after all that calling, I suggested my husband look in the van which had been driven by our kids while we flew, as he was downstairs puttering around doing goodness knows what men do when they are out puttering around--and he found them in the car. I felt bad for my suspicions and reported to the desk that the keys were found. Meanwhile the hotel had graciously sent out an alert for the keys to their housekeeping staff.

The first night there, my daughter heard a ruckus in the hall about 4 am --and the next morning we found someone had removed the battery from the scooter and unplugged the charger -- so after that, we kept it in the room. It managed to work MOST of the day at Wild Kingdom --in fact, it went dead on the way to the van in the parking lot --picked up a little (with prayer) --to get it on the lift on the back of the van. And it recuperated enough juice to get it upstairs to the room where we plugged it in for the next day. We had no shortage of power for our other long days at Disney.

One day, my husband left the room intending for me to follow --but he had my scooter keys and had to bring them back so I could take the scooter with us.

On the last day, we arrived at Detroit Airport and my husband put me in a wheel chair and our two heavy, huge carry-on duffle bags on the back of it and no one routed us
toward the tram when we got off the plane. They said, "follow the signs to the baggage claim." So jon wheeled me the whole length of the airport. There were a couple of those flat auto-people movers that you stand on --but otherwise, no one routed us to the tram that would've taken us most of the way. We found the Detroit Airport very user-UNfriendly --compared to Orlando, which had lots of helpful personnel.

When we got to our luggage, we engaged a fellow to push it on a cart and he led us to the parking garage, via elevators, etc. There was no way Jon could push me plus the 4 heavy bags. Plus we didn't know where to go --and the cart fellow was a guide. But Jon knew he didn't have the parking ticket for where we left our car. So he left me with the cart guy while he started off a couple of floors up where he thought he may have left the car. I sent the cart boy to help him look. And he returned and said no luck. so I asked, isn't there an electric golf cart used by parking personnel? O yes, right over here. Well, I said, could you go and get that person? so they rode off to find my husband --and then they found the car. But Jon had walked 3 levels or so looking for his car. Then he found the ticket where I was careful to have him stuff it in his wallet --he just didn't see it at first. I knew I had told him to do something specific with that ticket when I found it at the hotel on the dresser. But I couldn't remember whether he put it in his wallet or in the safe with the plane tickets or where. It was the wallet.

I was constantly looking for my cell phone --which was always in my purse --which isn't that big, but crowded. I tried to keep it in a center zipper pouch but it would sometimes land elsewhere. I'd work my hand around every which way--and the only way to find that cell phone was to empty my purse. We used them a lot to keep our party together.

When we went through airport security on the first day, I had a panic because I couldn't find the boarding passes that I had set on the chair where the inspector told me to put them while she checked my body for noises of hidden metals, etc. After that, I had set them on this table where our trays of belongings were placed because I had to empty my hands to put my sleep apnea machine in its bag within the duffle bag.

It was like that all week--moments of panic because we couldn't find things, couldn't remember the best laid plans. IT must be alzheimers! Although, I think it's been a life-long problem for me. I think Jon's problems seem newer.

I once had a dream that I had put my baby daughter in an airport lock box --and couldn't find her. In the dream I am looking everywhere for the right box. Looking for stuff --my lot in life!

"God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life."--the Bible

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