Sunday, March 16, 2008


REFLECT ON CHRIST’S DEATH ON THE CROSS AT A TENEBRAE SERVICE AT HOLLAND FREE METHODIST CHURCH, on Good Friday, at 7 PM. The church is located at 6605 Angola Road, WHICH IS north of Spring Meadows Mall, in Holland, Ohio.

Tenebrae is the Latin word for “darkness” or “shadows.” This special Good Friday service features music, chimes and readings with the gradual extinguishing of candles until only a single candle symbolizing the life of our Lord remains. As it grows darker, we reflect on the emotional and physical pain of our Lord’s sacrifice. Toward the end of the service, the Christ candle is hidden, signifying His death. At the end, a loud noise represents the earthquake at the time of his death which is followed by the restoration of the Christ candle, symbolizing the triumph of good over evil. We depart the sanctuary in silence. Holy Communion for all believers present will be presided over by Pastor Keith Simpson with Rachel Simpson providing music on the clarinet.

Other music will include the choir, choir and congregation on Were You There? featuring soloist Jon or Rob Rohrs, soloist Paula Swann on The Via Doloroso and Patty Bersinger singing Watch the Lamb. A Rohrs trio will perform a contemporary arrangement of There is a Fountain Filled with Blood.

Easter Sunrise Service on Easter Sunday at 7 AM followed by a light breakfast.

Easter/Resurrection Service at 10:45AM featuring choir numbers, Rhoda Roloff on Was it a Morning Like This? and the Rohrs Trio on Last Night.

Come worship with us!

"God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life."--the Bible

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