December 14 and 16, 7:00 PM --The Holland Free Methodist Church will present Agnus Dei, a worshipful concert of beautiful Christmas music, including songs by Michael W. Smith and traditional carols. Adult and children's choirs, dramatists portraying Biblical characters narrating the Christmas story, angel dancers, the children's choir in a middle-eastern caravan with the Wise Men --elegant costuming, video art --will tell the age-old story of Mary's little lamb who became the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
Directors are music educators Stephanie Rohrs Hulbert with her sister, Christine Rohrs. Med student Katie Rodewald is our choreographer. College students Brent Simmons and Courtney Lucas compiled the video art. Twp. Trustee Bob Bethel will portray Matthew; CPA Bruce Hulbert is Luke; retired IT director at U.T. and MCO, Bill Dusseau, will portray Isaiah; and Pastor Keith Simpson will be Paul. Jon Rohrs, MD, will have a solo as will each of his four adult children, including soon to be PA John Rohrs and soon to be nuclear med. tech. Rob. Alyssa Ringger, a talented 7th grader will solo, as will Jenni King, public school English educator and now stay at home Mom. Andrew Winckles, grad student in English, will solo, as will Dean Bell,a guest soloist from Miss Rohrs' school where he is ass't principal, choir accompaniest, and a community choir director/performer. Accountant Becky Perez and her teen daughters, Ashley and Kayla, Courtney Lucas, Betsy Conklin Hurner (MBA) and Andrea Conklin, a marketing grad will also be featured singers in trios.
Mayor Mike Yunker's wife, Annie, is our lighting director and Brent Simmons is our sound tech.
I listed these descriptions of just some of our participants, because I am so often visited here in Blog-ville by people who think that Christians are ignoramuses, and mentally unfit --ready for the asylum, not fit for any sort of usefulness in society.
We also have a nurse practitioner, a dental receptionist in transition to grad school, a Mich. State grad student in English, a postal employee, 2 Honeywell engineers, a retired engineer, and an engineering student, a mother from India who works in a nursing home, a job placement exec, who works to place the disabled and unemployed, one of his clients with CP, a music grad clarinet instructor, a retired Sweet Adelines singer, a secretary in social services, a retired child care person, and a former college math professor. And me, wife, Mom, Grandma, ex English and music teacher, piano teacher, and church musician. And then there are a couple dozen children and finally, some young ladies dancing as angels during Michael W. Smith's joyous "Gloria!"
And to Mudrake: none of us is crazy! Just peculiar people --like the New Testament says we should be.
Our candlelight Christmas Eve Service will be at 6:00 PM --on the night before Christmas!
"God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life."--the Bible
Sounds like it should be a great progam!
ReplyDeleteI always hope so --and I used to lose a lot of sleep over it --I would always be afraid to invite anyone --but now I have a portion to do and my daughters do most of it --especially the one who is the church music director. We've never disgraced ourselves, yet. The daughter who is the main director this year stood in the pew by her grandmother when she was 2 and sang with us in her little clarion, perfect pitch voice, "Love transcending....love transcending......" with the choir. Her sister was 6 months old then. We came to Toledo that year, 1974, for family practice residency--and joined this church and started a choir right away. It was a John Peterson cantata --he was the no. one writer for evangelical churches in those days.
ReplyDeleteThis year, I'm just in charge of publicity and getting the cast for the shepherds and the wisemen and some section rehearsals, not much.
Maybe you'll come???
Bring Mudrake and the Missus. After, all, we meet daily and exchange a piece of our minds! LLLOL! and invite your parents.
This will be a pretty event --i think-- I love the music. But we have probably done some before with more "secular" entertainment theatrical value, more choreography --this one will be all worshipful without secular aspects though there is some dance and drama-- the children are always entertaining.
an African children's choir will be at our church on Dec. 6.
Our Christmas eve services are beautiful, too.
Creationists force Texas Science Director to Resign
ReplyDeletewell, you are way off topic as usual, Mudrake, but thanks for the good news. There's so much going the other way--where college profs are losing jobs or unable to get them if they don't buy the evolutionary dogma, hook line and sinker.
ReplyDeleteTexas could see they had a biased believer in Darwin's theory in their head post --instead of someone who could remain neutral as befitted her position.
Will there be real lambs on stage? I bet that would add quite the special touch to the program.
ReplyDeleteThanks for inviting me, but I have another engagement at that time.
By the way, when is it?
Speaking of recreating myths, why don't you do The Myth of Sisyphus in one of those 'down' times in the liturgical year, say June or July?
I bet it would go over just swell with the folks there and it surely would draw a big crowd. Camus is an excellent writer, although he often borders on the obscure absurd. But then, many in your congregation, I'll guess, grasp the absurd rather naturally.
At the end he gives a little nod to Kafka, thus expanding the culture of the audience to the Jewish element.
Wow! What a sensation that play would be! You and the Rohr Family Singers could bellow out some great tunes throughout the play.
Naturally, they wouldn't be at all connected to the theme, but, somehow i don't think that would actually matter.
Let me know if you need any help with the production.
Here's some information on Mica I wonder if I spelled it correctly. Anyway, it refers to Genesis.
ReplyDeleteWe're not into real animals in our pageants -just real people and some good singers. They don't "bellow."
ReplyDeleteHa ha --"thanks for inviting me, but I have another engagement, by the way, when is it?"
You'd have a delightful time actually. It would put you right into "the Christmas spirit."
As for mica and the origin of life. I don't really care HOW God did it; I just know it's absurd to believe that life just "happened." without a designer/"superintending hand," as Ben Franklin called it.