Thursday, May 24, 2007


News from www.Religion (Links to items in this article are availale on this website. I don't know how to do all that links transfer business if it doesn't copy and paste over here.)

Court OK's Exclusion of Tuition Grants For Pervasively Sectarian Colleges

A Colorado federal district court on Friday upheld Colorado's exclusion of "pervasively sectarian institutions" from its tuition assistance programs for low-income students attending colleges and universities in the state. In Colorado Christian University v. Baker, (D CO, May, 18, 2007), the court rejected both free exercise and establishment clause attacks on the law. Relying largely on the Supreme Court's Locke v. Davey decision, the court applied a "rational basis" test to the free exercise claim. It found that the statutory exclusion furthers implementation of the prohibition in Art. IX, Sec. 7 of Colorado's state constitution barring state aid to any college or university controlled by any sectarian denomination. A press release by the University in response to the decision said that it believed that the decision would be overruled by the 10th Circuit.

THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS! It means that low income students have to attend secular colleges to get tuition assistance for which they are elegible. They have no academic choice. Of course, that's the way our public school funding is run, also. This is so wrong, I can't even think of what to say about it!!!! Always,the GI Bill students could choose any college. Pell grants went to any college. If Colorado wins this one, Christian ed is in big trouble. Only the rich will be able to afford a private Christian education. As it is now, people sacrifice a lot to send students out of state to such schools --because in-state tuition is so much lower, but there was still federal help for needy students attending any schools.

"God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life."--the Bible

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