GOT PUBLISHED IN THE BLADE ON FATHER'S DAY --YAY!! This was in response to article saying zika virus could become bigger problem because of climate change.
Conservative Christian Views on Anything Worth Discussing -- hopefully, usually, a Biblical rationale for faith and views on today's social issues and news events. Comments welcome regardless of your point of view.
Monday, June 19, 2023
GOT PUBLISHED IN THE BLADE ON FATHER'S DAY --YAY!! This was in response to article saying zika virus could become bigger problem because of climate change.
Friday, June 16, 2023
Truth is what it is. WE don't have all truth --much mystery about the universe and its Maker still. Our existence on our earth in the "just right" Goldilocks zone of the universe --just right for life to thrive--is amazing. The marvels of our earth, all life, our bodies and minds --Amazing!
The Bible tells us OUR Creator revealed Himself to the first family and others --Noah's family--and Abraham and all his descendants. The Jews still celebrate the Passover and the Exodus telling their young to "remember." NO reason to believe it didn't happen just as the bible records it. And so Christians celebrate the ultimate Passover --Christ's resurrection from death and His saying to His followers, "Because I live, you shall live also!'
This is the Gospel --the Good news. Yes, you do not have to believe it and no one can force belief. Nor should you refuse the right of Christians and Jews to repeat their histories and promote them to their children on their tax monies --just as you can promote what YOU believe in your home reinforced by schools of your choice. If Judeo-Christian Bible and beliefs are TRUTH --then we must tell the world --as God intended --as Jesus commanded. To love is to proclaim God's Good News of eternal life through faith in Christ.
Both Testaments teach that sodomy is forbidden by our Creator. It's gross --and highly risky for STD's. Now Monkey Pox --which can spread to all through the air and surfaces near those who have the disease, is particularly acquired by men who have sex with men --and trans and others who have sex with men who have sex with men. Homosexuality is not God's design for humans --sodomy is abnormal and bodily abuse and highly diseased.