Conservative Christian Views on Anything Worth Discussing -- hopefully, usually, a Biblical rationale for faith and views on today's social issues and news events. Comments welcome regardless of your point of view.
Monday, April 15, 2013
BATES MOTEL --SO FAR-- Compelling mysteries!
"God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life."--the Bible
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Open Letter to Bob Ferguson, Wash. State AG --on Persecution of Florist
Dear Mr. Ferguson: (Attorney General of Washington state)
We are told that people of religious conscience on the gay marriage
issue have nothing to fear from the government if gay marriage is
legalized. Thanks for proving this untrue before the Supreme Court
rules on the issue. I hope they take note.
There is a lot of
research that shows that the children who lack a father fill our jails,
do poorly in school, and follow the footsteps of their parents, unable
to remain married and sustain happy homes. Three researchers found that
children raised by homosexuals are 35% more likely to fail a grade.
Functional homes with both mother and father intact produce the most
children able to marry and parent normally --civilizing and educating
the next generation --providing an economic safety net and a mental
health center and good school for life for their children and
grand-children. The homes which lack fathers tend to need a lot of
gov't aid --and tend to produce similar, fatherless, poverty-status
What your office has done is shameful --to tell private
business people that homosexuals are the same as minority races --and
thus those who fail to provide services for their weddings --or housing
for their unions --are in violation of the civil rights of homosexuals.
There have always been limits on our sexual proclivities:
illegal prostitution; illegal obscenity as porn; age restrictions;
consent restrictions (no legal rape) ; restrictions on bigamy and
polygamy; and restrictions on bestiality and incest --and re: GENDER!
Everyone has the same right --to marry --and marriage is the
union of a man and wife --according to historical definition and
nature, our physical design as procreative people. The age and
fertility status (inability to procreate) does not prevent an adult
couple from being role models of the natural order. Married
heterosexual people do role- model the natural order as male with
female. All else is problematic for our young people influenced by
adults as role models; they are impressionable and not ready to make
mature decisions about intimacy and procreation. Youth who start to
sex-plore their gender roles, end up vulnerable to STD's, depression,
and all the downsides of serial broken relationships. Older gays tend
to be lonely due to the emphasis on youth and beauty in their
community. They do commit 1/3 of the molestations between adults and
youth --which is way more than their percentage of the population.
Our national encouragement should be to wait for marriage before having
sex. Some people still do that, you know, believe it or not. And all
people have a right to heterosexual marriage --there is no
discrimination against people --just against immoral sexual
inclinations, lust, and choices. We need to protect our children from
the lie that is "homosexual happiness." Gays aren't typically gay.
They are angry because they want their anal and oral sex to be
respected. They tend to hate those who disagree with them --rather than
receiving hatred from the religious. The argument now is to say that
straights do it, too. I haven't found in my medical practice that ANY
women are succumbing to anal sex --or that oral sex is an oft-practiced
event for heterosexual couples. There are some real health concerns
with sodomy. According to recent study of obituaries in gay-friendly
San Francisco, only 20+% of homosexuals attain old age --compared to
over 70% of heterosexuals.
If the Christians are right - if
Jesus Christ did rise from the dead, we should consider His definition
of marriage --man leaves parents and cleaves to his wife. St. Paul
called homosexuality "exchanging the truth about God for a lie, " and
"worship of creature more than Creator."
Don't ask this florist
to violate her conscience, be it religious or moral concerns or both
--by participating in gay weddings. Which is better, to serve God or
man or money? Don't make this small business pay for refusing to help
solemnize sodomy.
Jonathan E. Rohrs, MD
Family Medicine
"God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life."--the Bible
NOM on Barronelle Stutzman's Persecution by Wash. State' AG
Dear Jonathan,
...the news this week [is]t hat Washington's Attorney General Bob
Ferguson is using taxpayer funding to bring a lawsuit against a small
Washington state florist named Barronelle Stutzman, owner of Arlene's
Flowers and Gifts. Stutzman's crime? Refusing to sell flowers for a gay
For this 'thought crime' against gay marriage, her whole livelihood is now put at the stake.
It was only a few months ago, before the November elections, when gay
marriage advocates were sanctimoniously getting on television and
reassuring voters that our claims of the religious persecution that
comes hand in hand with redefining marriage were unfounded. Made up.
Untrue. They knew at the time they were not telling the truth. Because
now, just a few months later, the ACLU and a State Attorney General are
the ones at the forefront of making sure that Christians who disagree
with gay marriage pay a price for acting on their convictions.
Failure to tell the truth—call it a lie—arises from the fundamental lie:
same-sex unions are not marriages because they cannot ever, under any
circumstances, do the fundamental, key, and irreplaceable work that
marriages do: bringing together under one home, in one family, the two
great halves of humanity, male and female—to create homes in which
children are known and loved by their own mother and father.
every marriage succeeds in creating the full range of goods that
marriage aims at. But when marriages succeed in doing so, it's because
they combine elements and circumstances that no same-sex couple can.
Suppressing the truth is what same-sex marriage advocates have to do to "win" the debate (temporarily, anyway).
How Truth is Suppressed
That's why, when a distinguished social scientist does an ordinary act
like publishing his research in a major peer-reviewed journal—all
pandemonium must break loose to discredit him. Not just disagree with
him. Not just contextualize or re-contextualize his data—that would be
normal scientific debate. But to smear him as a non-scientist and to
ignore his work.
That's the crucible University of Texas Prof. Mark Regnerus has been going through and still is going through.
C-FAM's Austin Ruse recently pointed this out in his piece on Regnerus:
"Science Study Still Spooking Gay Advocates."
Ruse points to Dr. Susan Yoshihara, research director of C-FAM, who
used the Regnerus study before the legislature in Rhode Island.
So-called "fact-checkers" claimed her testimony was false:
Politifact, a self-styled watchdog of political truth, branded
Yoshihara's claim as false. Yoshihara, however, says the Politifact
piece itself backed up her claim when they quoted a "prudent scholar"
who said the issue is not settled in the scientific literature, which
was Yoshihara's claim in the first place.
Ruse also cites the
recent claim by former New York Times executive editor Bill Keller, who
said that "The study was pretty well demolished by peers."
for me the worst was a claim in the LA Times that the Supreme Court was
just silly to entertain the idea children do best with a mom and dad.
Justice Scalia had made the assertion that "there's considerable
disagreement" about whether "raising a child in a single-sex family is
harmful or not," an assertion no doubt based in part on Regnerus's
"Those comments startled child development experts as
well as advocates of gay marriage, because there is considerable
research showing children of gay parents do not have more problems than
others," the LA Times went on to report with a straight face…. '"There
is a fundamental, scholarly consensus that children raised by same-sex
couples do just fine,' said Stanford sociologist Michael J. Rosenfeld."
Yet I know of—and I'm no sociologist—at least 5 studies published in
peer-reviewed journals whose results contest the "no difference claim":
Mark Regnerus (2012), Loren Marks (2102), Douglas Allen (2012), Daniel
Potter (2012), and Theresa Sirota (2009).
Listen, social
science is not a "hard science," and I don't need to know from merely
scientific evidence what I know in my heart from my own experience and
the experience of so many children raised in fragmented families:
children long for and need their mother and their father. But simply as a
statement about the scientific literature, the claim there is now a
"consensus" is untrue. The claim can be made only by ignoring the
reputable scientists whose works disagree with that claim.
Truth matters to us, but it's not clear it matters to gay marriage advocates.
If you doubt me, listen to the voice of the extraordinary British
writer Brendan O'Neill—a one-time Marxist, a man of the Left, who has
spoken out repeatedly against the use of elite power to shut down the
debate over same-sex marriage across the pond:
I have been
doing or writing about political stuff for 20 years, since I was 18
years old, during which time I have got behind some pretty unpopular
campaigns and kicked against some stifling consensuses. But I have never
encountered an issue like gay marriage, an issue in which the space for
dissent has shrunk so rapidly, and in which the consensus is not only
stifling but choking. This is the only issue for which he has been not
only booed but threatened with death.
"Is it a good thing,
evidence that we had a heated debate on a new civil right and the civil
rights side won?" O'Neill asks. And then he answers his own question:
I don't think so. I don't think we can even call this a 'consensus',
since that would imply the voluntaristic coming together of different
elements in concord. It's better described as conformism, the slow but
sure sacrifice of critical thinking and dissenting opinion under
pressure to accept that which has been defined as a good by the upper
echelons of society: gay marriage. Indeed, the gay-marriage campaign
provides a case study in conformism, a searing insight into how soft
authoritarianism and peer pressure are applied in the modern age to
sideline and eventually do away with any view considered overly
judgmental, outdated, discriminatory, 'phobic', or otherwise beyond the
"Gay marriage," he writes, "brilliantly shows how
political narratives are forged these days, and how people are made to
accept them."
Narrative is the relevant word here. Not hard
truths uncovered, but stories created to whose allegiance people are
held by threats, by bribes, and by conformist pressures.
editor of First Things, Rusty Reno, has a similar set of concerns for
what all this means for our democratic society. "If government can
reshape marriage, it can reshape everything," his article explains:
Tyranny isn't just a situation in which the government is telling you
what to do at every moment. It's also a society in which government says
that, if necessary, it can. In this respect gay marriage reflects a
dramatic enlargement of government. If legislatures and courts can
redefine marriage, what can't it intervene to reshape and re-purpose?
The tyranny of the conformists, backed by government's coercive power,
were on display in Washington State when the ACLU decided independently
to sue the same florist the Attorney General is pursuing.
But first they sent this poor woman a letter:
Robert Ingersoll and Curt Freed's lawyers, working with the legal
powerhouse at the ACLU of Washington, sent a letter today to Arlene's
Flowers owner Baronelle Stutzman saying she has two options: (1) She can
vow to never again discriminate in her services for gay people, write
an apology letter to be published in the Tri-City Herald, and contribute
$5,000 to a local LGBT youth center, or (2) she can get sued for
violating the Washington State Civil Rights Act.
Conform to our falsehood. Pretend you believe things you do not. Or face the consequences. George Orwell, call your office.
But here's the good news in all this: It's going to get bad, we already
know this. But in the end truth has a power that no narrative, no story
can compete with.
Our job is to remain firmly fixed on the truth
about marriage, to speak up for it with love in in our heart, and with
the courage to never bow before the false gods, the untruths, the
made-up stories offered to us in place of reality.
I am so
honored to be fighting shoulder to shoulder with you for God's truth
about marriage. Thank you for making this enormous megaphone possible.
I treasure your friendship, your prayers, your words of encouragements,
your sacrifices of time and treasure on behalf of this great cause.
Bless you!
Brian S. Brown
National Organization for Marriage
"God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life."--the Bible
Monday, April 8, 2013
With Sympathy for Rick Warren's Family
Our prayers are with Rick Warren's family. I googled and found there are those on the left who are unsympathetic --because of Rick Warren's evangelical stand against homosexual marriage. They erroneously believe that the Christian stand against homosexual relations is a primary cause of suicide among homosexuals --and they muse that Rick's son was probably gay.
In fact, the activities in the gay life are such that self-loathing and depression can result --without any doctrinal causes. Nevertheless, in this case, the LEFT is proving itself to be like the misguided Westboro Church showing up at military funerals to say that America's homosexuality is causing our military deaths. That church's view lacks any Biblical support concerning individual soldiers who die in war. And likewise, it is just as cruel a point of view to speculate that Matthew Warren's suicide is for any other reason than depression.
I was just ONCE what you would call "clinically depressed;" and this was 8 years or so after a wonderfully affirming spiritual experience --so I didn't lack assurance of salvation per se. I was almost Matthew Warren's age at 26. I was pregnant for the first time and the chemicals of the condition knocked me for a loop for several months so that I just never felt good. Like post-partum depression, it has no rational cause. You can't explain why the world looks grey, cold, impersonal and bleak and you feel overcome with dark thoughts--I had no complaint. I just was overwhelmed with despair --and it wasn't because I didn't want my baby --or that I felt unloved --or anything I could put my finger on. Chronic tiredness and nausea was part of it and is part of pregnancy sometimes. (I'm still easily "so tired.") I would force myself to go to my aunt's or an acquaintance's house --to just not be alone in that mental state. (When Jon was at school.)
I am so glad that my condition didn't seem to affect my wonderful first baby. And I never had the condition to that extent again. I heard that my grandfather and an uncle had bouts of such depression when in THEIR 20's.
Depression is often alleviated today with medicines affecting our brain chemistry.
I know some people recommend strongly that young adults live on their own to experience rent and bills, etc. In Matthew's case, being single, perhaps he should've lived with his parents. Did he have a career? It would be hard to be the son of such a successful man --in today's economic market --when careers are hard to establish --and jobs hard to find --and you are going nowhere financially and don't have a girlfriend. None was mentioned.
Our single son lives at home --and he stays busy and cheerful --and is an immense help to us and his grandmothers --and his church. He is an extension of his father in the care of his home, wife, mother, property --so that his father doesn't have to worry about those things. With 2 college degrees, he works for his father at something he says will never be a career for him. I don't appreciate those who advise that living alone would be a panacea to mature a person and jump start him into relationships, marriage, and career direction for need of money. I do think a girlfriend/ wife can help to focus the future --but living alone after college and without a career is an expensive option fraught with many time-wasting, ungodly temptations these days. And no panacea against depression either. I think Matt Warren went home to an empty house/apartment.
But I also want to believe He went home to a merciful Heavenly Father with His sins covered by the atoning blood of Christ --who would have great compassion for the desperation of the depressed son of his servants, Pastor & Mrs. Rick Warren. Depression leading to suicide is not usually the sin of arrogance and rebellion --but of despair. I believe Christ was there to pick him up as he descended into the abyss that is death. I imagine he asked God's forgiveness as he went --and received it.
."God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life."--the Bible
In fact, the activities in the gay life are such that self-loathing and depression can result --without any doctrinal causes. Nevertheless, in this case, the LEFT is proving itself to be like the misguided Westboro Church showing up at military funerals to say that America's homosexuality is causing our military deaths. That church's view lacks any Biblical support concerning individual soldiers who die in war. And likewise, it is just as cruel a point of view to speculate that Matthew Warren's suicide is for any other reason than depression.
I was just ONCE what you would call "clinically depressed;" and this was 8 years or so after a wonderfully affirming spiritual experience --so I didn't lack assurance of salvation per se. I was almost Matthew Warren's age at 26. I was pregnant for the first time and the chemicals of the condition knocked me for a loop for several months so that I just never felt good. Like post-partum depression, it has no rational cause. You can't explain why the world looks grey, cold, impersonal and bleak and you feel overcome with dark thoughts--I had no complaint. I just was overwhelmed with despair --and it wasn't because I didn't want my baby --or that I felt unloved --or anything I could put my finger on. Chronic tiredness and nausea was part of it and is part of pregnancy sometimes. (I'm still easily "so tired.") I would force myself to go to my aunt's or an acquaintance's house --to just not be alone in that mental state. (When Jon was at school.)
I am so glad that my condition didn't seem to affect my wonderful first baby. And I never had the condition to that extent again. I heard that my grandfather and an uncle had bouts of such depression when in THEIR 20's.
Depression is often alleviated today with medicines affecting our brain chemistry.
I know some people recommend strongly that young adults live on their own to experience rent and bills, etc. In Matthew's case, being single, perhaps he should've lived with his parents. Did he have a career? It would be hard to be the son of such a successful man --in today's economic market --when careers are hard to establish --and jobs hard to find --and you are going nowhere financially and don't have a girlfriend. None was mentioned.
Our single son lives at home --and he stays busy and cheerful --and is an immense help to us and his grandmothers --and his church. He is an extension of his father in the care of his home, wife, mother, property --so that his father doesn't have to worry about those things. With 2 college degrees, he works for his father at something he says will never be a career for him. I don't appreciate those who advise that living alone would be a panacea to mature a person and jump start him into relationships, marriage, and career direction for need of money. I do think a girlfriend/ wife can help to focus the future --but living alone after college and without a career is an expensive option fraught with many time-wasting, ungodly temptations these days. And no panacea against depression either. I think Matt Warren went home to an empty house/apartment.
But I also want to believe He went home to a merciful Heavenly Father with His sins covered by the atoning blood of Christ --who would have great compassion for the desperation of the depressed son of his servants, Pastor & Mrs. Rick Warren. Depression leading to suicide is not usually the sin of arrogance and rebellion --but of despair. I believe Christ was there to pick him up as he descended into the abyss that is death. I imagine he asked God's forgiveness as he went --and received it.
."God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life."--the Bible