"God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life."--the Bible
Conservative Christian Views on Anything Worth Discussing -- hopefully, usually, a Biblical rationale for faith and views on today's social issues and news events. Comments welcome regardless of your point of view.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
RADIO --Cantata --Agnus Dei
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Gardasil Makes Thousands Sick
Gardasil, the vaccine for HPV prevention, prevention for a virus that could induce cervical cancer in women who have contracted the virus, has caused adverse effects for thousands of girls. The National Vaccine Information center has reported that 5 girls died, 31 girls had life threatening side effects, and 1,385 girls had to visit the emergency room.
This is for a vaccine that may prevent HPV infections but is not always successful. Still the question is how many cases of HPV these vaccines will prevent and further, how many cases of cervical cancer contractions and fatalities would be prevented. I'm not going to seek out and crunch these numbers except to say that the numbers above are not necessarily condemning alone if the benefits outweigh the risks.
There are other issues with this treatment. While some local and national governments consider making this vaccine freely available, there is the matter of cost. The series of vaccines all together cost $360.
If we were to vaccinate every girl in the
So we have two approaches to prevention here, one that carries some potential for physical harm and the other that not only carries no such physical risks, but also offers many benefits beyond mere disease prevention since teens who practice abstinence are emotionally healthier and academically better off than teens who don’t.
But of course, abstinence does have a risk. The risk is free will and responsibility. Not all who are taught to be responsible will be responsible, especially in a culture that praises rebellion like ours. Furthermore, while the debate continues on during a time when abstinence education programs are dominant, some teens will trust the licentious entertainment media and their friends for norms rather than educators and the message that the dominant entertainment culture promotes can be the easiest to hear when amplified by hormones.
Here it is most helpful when parents take it upon themselves to be the most important influence on their children. For this, there must be a balance of love, respect, and discipline and not only that, for many children, parents have to be informed about this to the degree that their word will not easily be undermined. Further, there should be an emphasis not on the negative aspect of sexuality, that it should merely be avoided, but there should be an emphasis on the meaning of sexuality itself. Sexuality for Christians is sacred and the bonding between man and woman uniquely reflects the image of the triune God himself as we read in Genesis 1, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”
Sunday, December 23, 2007
The Star, The Virgin,The Son of God -- All Historically Credible!
As for the virgin birth, anyone who can raise Lazarus from the dead after 3 days, heal 10 lepers, feed multitudes with a boy's lunch, change water to wine, heal the blind and the lame, control the weather, etc. --such a man can be born of a Virgin. Since His life and His own resurrection were miraculous, why not His birth? There is no reason for the disciples and the Apostle Paul to be willing to suffer persecution, imprisonment and death for the story of Jesus Christ --except that they saw and believed. Many will die for a cause --like a radical Islamist --but these men died for the One whom they saw raised from death. They died for what they had witnessed and experienced. And they died for a message of love, joy and peace --not to bring death to others. That's unique.
"God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life."--the Bible
Blade Writer has it Wrong --about Theocracy
Almost 4 centuries ago, Europeans began fleeing the religious intolerance of their homelands seeking freedom to practice their beliefs in the New World. It is sadly ironic that Christian extremists today are incrementally striving to change the U.S. into a theocracy similar to what their Christian ancestors sought to escape. by James Lefevre, letter to The Blade, 12-20-07
These people whom Mr. Lefevre considers extreme, are no doubt those who want traditional values to be upheld in our country. They realize that it is the agnostics, atheists, and liberals of any religion who are willing to see this country's social mores change dramatically -based on their unbelief or liberal beliefs. Therefore, the traditionalists seek candidates who appreciate the value of traditional faith and morals and free expression of all faiths -- which value has served our country well.
The Christians are not the extremists. They are for tradition, not extreme change. It is the other end of the spectrum which is radical, as represented in the new domestic partner registry for homosexuals in Toledo in 2007 and the abortion legality declared in 1973. These were extreme changes for our culture. The "war against Christmas" is also a reality, a war waged by ACLU and those who support their extreme view of church-state separation--that would take all the fun out of the holidays if they could--or at least, completely secularize it and try to make us have "affirmative action" for other religions --giving them equal time in school holidays, etc., even though they are not equal in numbers of followers.
"God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life."--the Bible
Saturday, December 22, 2007
THIS link is very important for all bloggers. I can prove that libel has been committed against me. I was definitely misquoted in a blog topic as saying something I did not say and then called a racist for the fiction. It was not even a distortion of something I said. It was wholly fictional.
He has pulled that post finally, but I have a copy. Meanwhile he has posted my address in comments here and on his blog. The law says it is libel if it is damaging to my reputation and viewed by even ONE person as a published piece.
Some bloggers throw around the insult of "bigot" "homophobic" and "racist" --quite loosely --wanting to damage the reputation of conservative Christian bloggers and citizens--and if they attach these labels to your real identity and harrass you by posting your house photo, your church photo, your name and your address and threaten to post your unlisted phone number --and even write to your pastor --all as intimidation tactics against your views --that person is guilty of both libel and harrassment.
I have not been terribly secretive about my ID --I've even got old photos of me in 2 places --not with my name, however. But you'd think Mudrake thought he was announcing the access codes for Ft. Knox every time he announces my name. And I certainly am not in the phone book with my address and number and he has taken that private info of mine and blasted it about --although not the phone number --yet.
I can forgive most anything; but I want this guy to get over his obsession with me NOW. I would pay anyone for his identity --because I know that would stop him in his tracks --unless he's even more dangerous to me than already demonstrated to be. Respond here if you know who he is and I will establish and post a no-name blog email account to receive it. I don't have such an account now. I'm pretty sure I know him personally because of his obsession with me and his awareness of my past as a school board member, which he was writing about before I ever visited his blog. He's brave as long as he's anonymous. I'm not interested in revealing his identity on line as he likes to do --just in knowing who it is that I have to beware of if he shows up at my door or starts to park in front of my house.
I have never written to harrass him--but to honestly give my views on the outrageous things he says about believers --and his accusations of them. There is a defense to his frequent malicious charges, and it ought to be heard in a free country. I've tried to be good natured and teased him --but not with malice. I've tried to initiate better relationship with him, to no avail.
I finally told him in email that he was libelous and I would call a lawyer if he didn't remove the name --and he did do it. And tells of my threat in today's blog. By the law, he HAS committed libel and he has had a purpose of intimidation by harrassment.
As the article above said, it's not that hard to just "be nice" in our ideological disagreements, refrain from name-calling, insulting, lying, exaggerating, threatening and intimidating.
However, unfortunately, some people must be threatened and intimidated by the law to get them to QUIT!
"God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life."--the Bible
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Where is Kooz News!??
"God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life."--the Bible
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
The CLC Party
Due to her ingenuity, no one felt any stigma for not having lots of dollars. But those who had worked the most did get to go first to the table to select 2 gifts to take home for family members. Meanwhile the others were having a $1. gift exchange -and we took turns opening --to keep them busy watching each other --until it was their time to go to the "store" --the gift table to make their selections. Everyone was to wrap or bag their gift, she had tape dispenser for each one --and a son to cut paper for them. Her husband prepared a plate of kid goodies for each to eat --and at the beginning --my job was the devotional --which centered on whose birthday is it? Why do we celebrate Christmas? What did Jesus do for us? Who was He? And it was interesting to me --that most knew Jesus died for our sins --but when I asked what were the consequence of our sins --they just listed sins --and said "getting in trouble." I said we die because of sin. And Jesus came to buy us back from Satan and his hold on our lives. So that we will not die. Our bodies will be resurrected and our souls will go immediately to be with the Father. Because Jesus says He has gone to prepare a place for us, After Jesus died and resurrected from the grave, he said there are many mansions in His father's house in a place He has gone to prepare for us. And that's why, boys and girls, Christmas is such a joyous time. We are celebrating God's gift to us, His payment for our sins. With Christ's blood in His death on the cross, He has bought us back from Satan's kingdom of sin and death --to Christ's kingdom of Joy, light and everlasting life!
And then we talked to our Heavenly Father --who hears us when we call upon HIm --who is in our midst whenever 1 or 3 gather in the name of Jesus.
On the way to the party, I drove the two little guys who had lied to me about the candy --Each week someone was chosen to get all the candy out of my candy dish, with one grasp of the hand, which candy we bagged for them. Two of my students said they didn't get to dive for the candy. I was sure they had. So I talked to them about lying --how it becomes a habit either when we want to deceive someone for our own good or because we want to get out of trouble. God isn't pleased when we lie. The one boy said he had forgotten that he had received the candy one night and the other still says he didn't. I said, well, You'll just have to forgive me if I'm accusing you falsely because I and my consultant both are pretty sure we remember you getting your candy. Because they were new to the group, I especially wanted them to get theirs and I remember the point when I just had 2 students left who had not gotten to do it. And it wasn't them.
So I talked about the importance of one's word -such that others could say of them, "So and so never lies. His word is good." I said I hoped they could one day tell me the whole truth about the candy because God's Word tells us to do that --to confess when we do something we ought not.
They really are a nice group of kids.
The gifts were mostly pretty nice quality items for children to give parents. Even the things that were left over. They seemed to have a good time with each other and no one seemed to feel anything was unfair or boring.
I believe that enjoying children is one of the best things we can do for them --as well as ourselves. We aren't having any serious attitude problems with any of them --and I'm sure it's because we both really like kids --even the more difficult ones (and no, Mudly, I don't mean the Afr. Am. ones but a couple of others.)
"God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life."--the Bible
December 23, 10:30 AM --The Holland Free Methodist Church will present Agnus Dei, a worshipful concert of beautiful Christmas music, including songs by Michael W. Smith and traditional carols. Adult and children's choirs, soloists, trios, dramatists portraying Biblical characters narrating the Christmas story, angel dancers, the children's choir singing of a middle-eastern caravan with the Wise Men --elegant costuming, video art --all will tell the age-old story of Mary's little lamb who became the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
Nursery provided. Refreshments. Concert is about an hour long.
Holland Free Methodist Church is north of (behind) Spring Meadows Mall. Take McCord Rd --or Holland Sylvania Road --north to Angola. Turn right on Angola from McCord---or turn left on Angola from Holland-Sylvania Road. The brick church with the white steeple.
Coming from 475, you need the Airport Highway exit. Take Airport west, (toward the Airport) to pass Spring Meadows and come to McCord Road. Right on McCord, right on Angola --and there it is!
"God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life."--the Bible
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Church-State Separation
On Kooz's blog (see my blogroll link to Kooz News,) he has an article on church state separation. Blogger Roland Hansen gives us the above link and on that link, the 3rd article which is from Answers.com and the U.S. History Encyclopedia is pretty comprehensive in clarifying the issues, I think. A good presentation there overall.
The linked article shows that Christianity is really influential in America's history --though liberals are fond of saying this is not so --that our founders were merely "deists." Even deists, however, are not atheists.
The current controversy re church-state separation is caused by unbelievers who want change in what has been traditional in America. The Christians are accused of being the ones who want change to their ways, but that's not the history. Today, the "change agents" are those who want freedom from the "shackles" of Bible-influenced, traditional American cultural mores and religious observance of Christmas and Easter and public prayers, however non-sectarian.
I say such liberals want to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs --Judeo-Christian views of human rights and limits, the secular definitions of right and wrong which come from Judeo Christian values. I believe our religion-based values system is a major cause of the old-fashioned work ethic (called the protestant work ethic), our optimism and "can-do spirit," Yankee ingenuity, our charity, compassion, forgiveness --and even our tolerance --and moral standards as a nation. We have been a --perhaps THE-- most blessed nation -and perhaps the most Christian. If we lose this position --and some say we are losing our blessings economically, you'll have trouble proving to me that it is not God's protective hand lifted because we are preferring to go our own way as a people, instead of God's way. We want Him out of public life to such an extreme extent, that He just may leave us to our own consequences. (Of course, I have to admit that the Great Depression in our history came at a time when America had legalized prohibition --due to the religiously devout in our country. However, during that time people could leave their doors unlocked and it was not uncommon for housewives to extend charity to hobos at their back doors --as did my grandmother. Today we would be more fearful and cautious, such is the prevalence of rape and murder, etc.)
"Righteousness exalts a nation--but sin is a reproach to any people." "In the last days, men will call good evil and evil, good." That's what I think of our push and celebration of gay sex and atheism, calling evil good. The homosex and transgendering are so counter to God's bio-design for procreation, His sanction of either marital sex or celibacy --we have no other choice that pleases Him in what we do with our bodies --which are first of all to be presented to HIM as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing and acceptable unto God.
There is no more blatant defiance of God's will than for kids to grow up thinking they can transgender and desire sex with the same sex --if they've been given perfectly healthy and functional male or female bodies. To conform our bodies surgically to go with our mental fixations on being what we are not created to be --it's craziness. And a Godless, God-denying culture helps to cause it. the problem is between the ears and in the soul--and that's where the fix needs to occur. Submission to the Creator's will, first of all. And parents can play a big role in raising children who are not sexually confused but glad to be either male or female. Though the confusion doesn't always come from parents in today's culture.
I believe that repentance to God for our sins by the majority of Americans would restore the greatness that Alexis de Toqueville lauded when he said,
"America is great because she is good --the secret of her goodness lies in her churches with her pulpits aflame with righteousness --if she ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great."
Has that day arrived?
"God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life."--the Bible
Monday, December 17, 2007
Public Schools and Believers -- Response to my Old Buddy, Mudly
It's clear to any discerning Christian reader that I had legit gripes as a Christian about public school values education and you have lied about me here. I was part of a groundswell of concerned citizens all over the country who didn't like what educators were doing to undermine our values and beliefs. E.G. what religious parents would want you in the schools giving yours and Microhistorian's view of history and the Biblical scriptures? a view you can't teach as proven but as your agnostic theory.
I DID post my concern for traditional values in my campaigns --the first time with a big drawing of a pendulum --swinging back to traditional values.
so there was no deceit about me as a candidate ever. I won twice. There are many one-termers in our district history, whether they lost elections, knew they would, or just got bored, I don't know. One quit to run for another office and lost that race.
I also was an advocate for performing arts and was the initiator in the new performing arts complex --as the architects had not planned on that in their first plannings --it was all about gyms. And I said our stage was woefully small for the size of school, that it limited participation and that all our students should see the school musicals and dramas and occasional concerts as part of their education--and not be given a choice to pay a dollar or stay back in study hall --only showing one act to the students who paid the buck. And our auditorium was small for the size of school. I thought it was pitiful that you could go through high school and have no idea what a broadway musical was when we did one every year. where my daughter teaches, the whole school sees their musicals--without choice. And they are a respectful audience. Some schools fear to mandate any arts programs, lest the kids act like hellions and ridicule their peers -as they did when I visited Springfield's holiday concert before Christmas break one year.
For the 3rd election, I was opposed by an active agnostic waterville group who went door to door against me. You were probably one of them. They had fliers which were untruthful and slanted about me as you are.
Nevertheless, despite your work, for my 3rd election I was announced a winner by 100 votes (vote totals aren't huge out here, as you apparently know --so 100 was not an unusual or small margin of victory --in fact I was the 2nd ranked winner of 3 out of 5 candidates. And my successor was not reelected. Maybe she didn't run; I heard it wasn't exactly 'her thing'.
The day after the election, "they" decided some of the printer-paks were defective, creasing the paper, making the totals hard to read (they always were hard to read --I have worked for the election board as a teller and creased papers were nothing new -- we had to guess sometimes between a 6 or an 8, e.g., and many totals were questionable before THIS election. The democrats and the republicans would make a guess as to the number and add it in.
But this time the bd of election recounted and did not call in representatives of the candidates as they normally do by law for "official recounts" --and what do you know? --after a recount by "opening the machines", i lost by 100 votes -- --the change of almost exactly one digit. Someone called me the day of the announced change in vote totals, following the recount and asked me if I were so and so (my full name) who ran for the Aw board --I said yes --and she hesitated --and then hung up. She was African American for sure by her voice accent --I always wondered if it were a bd of elections whistle blower-type who wanting to clue me in that I had been gypped--or someone from the media who suspected as much.
the board of elections said they fulfilled the law on the recount because they had both a republican and democrat to witness the process. However, ours was not a partisan election, so I maintain still that i and the other candidates should have been there to safeguard the process, because I did have a hate group the likes of Mud-rake opposing me vigorously.
Had I wanted to spend money for a lawyer, I think I could've caused a big stink for our bd. of elections --but I decided it wasn't worth it to me. I had spent enough on posters and a mailing --and felt I had no more money to pursue an unpredictable outcome.
what I wonder is why in heck we ever relied on the old-fashioned printer paks with their creases and blurry numbers --if all we had to do was "open the machines" and get the totals that way.
About the health class movies i told you about -the promiscuous boy, a movie for Mr. H's health class for middle school -you remind me of him in personaltiy, by the way--smiles with his lips, otherwise seems angry and unhappy to me) was used at AW. The promiscuous boy would've been seen as 'cool.' His character was considered good when he was persuaded to contact the girls to whom he gave his STD. A real hero. 2 of those films I described were used by Springfield or AW schools. The one about the couple going to the drugstore for condoms was one promoted for purchase, as i recall.
Our teachers also showed R-rated movies to under age students --and put R-rated book on reading list --the Invisible man that starts out with incest and 3 in a bed. It's supposed to be humorous when the mother figures out what dad and daughter did in their semi-sleep state and she chases dad with a fry pan --for 9th graders (young teens)! My friend's daughter got the book at the school library, recommended on the teacher's book report list, and said to her mother right away, shocked, "Mom, this is a dirty book!" Most of us don't want the idea of parent-child incest suggested to our kids--and certainly not in a titillating or humorous way --it's one of the "unthinkables" in a normal healthy and moral household. So what was this teacher's purpose or right to do such a thing?
the 8th grade english teacher showed "The Breakfast Club" --which is R-rated --and condoning of a drug-high in the school library --kids dancing on the mezzanine railing, as I recall. The good message of the movie, about kids from different cliques and types getting along together is good --but doesn't erase the fact that 8th graders are 13 and 14 and not old enough for the R-rated movies --and the fact that the movie condoned disrespect for school authority, drug-use, and one guy looking up at a girl's crotch under the table.
Also, the 9th grade health teacher --maybe THAT was you --showed "An early frost" about a gay couple depicted as a normal couple to my daughter's 9th grade health class. She knew that wasn't right. She noted that the film made homosexual couples seem just like any other --whose infidelity brought home AIDS. The point was to warn about AIDS --but in a homosexuality-approving context.
You just don't get it. You teachers have no right to tell my kid implicitly or explicitly any of the following:
homosexuality is genetic (unproven) and gay sex is perfectly OK (your opinion, not the church's, not most parents').
A grown-up, obviously gay Planned Parenthood speaker said to us area school board members at a luncheon, "I'm exploring my sexuality and learning new things every day!" I asked at the luncheon why PP wouldn't recommend that it is best for kids to wait for marriage before being sexually active --and thus promote the ideal of marriage for sex --and the spokesperson said, "O we couldn't do that --too many kids have parents who never married. We might offend them." I said, but aren't there many out there among those many single moms who would prefer to have a loving and faithful, providing husband to help in the task of raising their children? who wish the person they loved had been taught the value of fidelity, monogamy and marriage and become good spouses to him or her? Ought we not be promoting marriage over sleeping around and shacking up? Considering all the social science data that does indeed back up the idea that children in traditional families fare better on average.
MOREOVER, what else you teachers had no right to do:
You have no right to do as happened in a school here recently --tell a child that the story of Adam and Eve is opinion and not fact --when this didn't need to be the illustration in a teaching on opinions vs. facts. Fortunately, this mother said, "Go ask your science teacher" --because he's a believer and she knew he would tell her, outside of class, that the bible is truth. And he would not subject the topic to class discussion to undermine the religious faith teachings of parents.
Also, teachers have no right to tell the kids, "There is no such place as Hell" as one suburban teacher did. Again, contradicting the beliefs of religious parents --a belief which cannot be disproven scientifically--or proven--until you die. Then people will know.
Such teachers are undermining the faith of religious parents --on our dollar --and this is not right.
They have every right to say that no one should bash people who believe differently about morals and religion--but they should be supportive of the positive contributions of faith and faith communities --and the positive benefits of traditional, functional marriage --because these are factually supportable truths.
Schools should cooperate with church and family in the rearing of healthy, responsible, happy citizens. They should avoid scheduling sports, etc. on Wed. nites and Sundays--as they used to do out of respect for the communities to which their students belong --out of respect to the taxpayers who pay their salaries and benefits.
"God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life."--the Bible
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Christmas Cantata Postponed --Next Sunday, 10:30 AM
"God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life."--the Bible
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Beautiful Christmas Cantata!
December 14 and 16, 7:00 PM --The Holland Free Methodist Church will present Agnus Dei, a worshipful concert of beautiful Christmas music, including songs by Michael W. Smith and traditional carols. Adult and children's choirs, soloists, trios, dramatists portraying Biblical characters narrating the Christmas story, angel dancers, the children's choir singing of a middle-eastern caravan with the Wise Men --elegant costuming, video art --all will tell the age-old story of Mary's little lamb who became the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
Nursery provided. Refreshments. Concert is about an hour long.
Holland Free Methodist Church is north of (behind) Spring Meadows Mall. Take McCord Rd --or Holland Sylvania Road --north to Angola. Turn right on Angola from McCord---or turn left on Angola from Holland-Sylvania Road. The brick church with the white steeple.
Coming from 475, you need the Airport Highway exit. Take Airport west, (toward the Airport) to pass Spring Meadows and come to McCord Road. Right on McCord, right on Angola --and there it is!
"God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life."--the Bible
Monday, December 10, 2007
If AIDS ever becomes easily managed and/or cured by affordable means, so be it. And more power to the present medications.
But right now,
"In a typical country, the cost of treating a single person for AIDS for one year is about 2.7 times the gross national product per capita." "On average, treating a person for AIDS costs more than the annual cost of educating 10 primary school students. These data are from before the more expensive antiretroviral treatments became available." (from a World Bank article online)
Wash Post said "the cost is upwards of $30,000 a year for the treatment"
(this is for those who are on maintenance programs to keep from developing full blown AIDS --which can cost even more in treatment of all the diseases and the process of dying which one gets from the immune deficiency.)
Many think the taxpayers should take care of their conditions acquired by their sex activity --or would be happy if the research companies would fund AIDS research and the resulting drugs at no cost --so we can continue our abnormal pursuit of an abnormal way to have sex --homosexual anal sex is the principle CAUSE of introduction and the early spread of AIDS in our country. Now, as then, if people avoid sexual and promiscuous behaviors, they can avoid the disease.
However, SINCE infected people aren't very good at resisting sexual temptation to have sex with uninfected people --usually because the infected aren't telling --the disease continues to rage with too many new cases annually --but we don't hear as much about it because the drugs are keeping the victims alive as carriers--at great expense, more than most any patient or his insurance co. can really afford.
In a very promiscuous and infected culture --as in Africa, quarantine may be the only way to eradicate the disease from the earth, or, at least, get control of it.
Quarantine would also be a good idea IF the disease were as highly infectious as first speculated regarding restaurant workers, healthcare workers, and public restroom concerns. But it would appear that sex and IV drugs (and birth by carriers) are still the main ways the disease is being passed -- though birth transmission is no longer inevitable, in that there are some drug remedies re: the newborns, as I understand it
Nearly the whole nation, however, is in the same boat --by either smoking, drinking, overeating --or promiscuity or illicit drugs --Most of us, including me, have some self-induced disabilities or risks or conditions --for which we hope that Medicare, Medicaid or insurance companies will pay. At least when we buy health insurance, or work to pay into the gov't care systems, we are helping to pay for our self-induced misery--but it does drive up the costs. Healthy choices would be a better way to go for the health economy.
We need to treat AIDS and HIV like any other health condition instead of one with stigma --about which everyone is hush hush--just adding to the problem. However, prevention of the disease has to impact on the gay lifestyle which is so frequently unabashedly promiscuous--but no more so than straight culture is becoming.
"God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life."--the Bible
Saturday, December 8, 2007
The Bush Marriage
Laura Bush wrote me a second personal letter and this one on her marriage. She says those rumors in France, which you heard about them are untrue, that they are, in fact, looking forward to the rest of their lives together. She spoke warmly of her marriage and how they knew what they wanted when they married after a brief courtship. It's a lovely letter on the White House stationery.
In the first letter, she spoke of my nephew in Iraq and sent me an autographed photo of her.
George sent us one the other day, too, to Jon and Barb. No photo. Most photos I've received were from the GOP trying to raise money. His letter thanked me for our prayers and reiterated his goals for the country --more of a form letter in content. I don't suppose he would even really see my note -- but I think she has had more time. I haven't seen her out and about as much --and they said she had a neck pain that was operated on, I believe--no, it wasn't her husband!
I got the personal letters because I wrote them hand written notes this year to encourage them in both their faith, their marriage, and the support of millions like me.
"God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life."--the Bible
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Romney and Huckabee
He answered beautifully.
I saw Romney on the issue of his faith today. It was a great speech. Huckabee would be smart to say it was a great speech. I would hope these two could avoid destroying one another as Obama and Clinton are trying to do.
I could back either man for the presidency, but I find Huckabee more spontaneously eloquent with a common touch --and I think that's needed. Romney has the same problem as pretty boy John Edwards --too slick and rich and frat boy confident. So smooth that their warmth seems put on. They have had a lifetime of being pretty boys and thus seem to have a veneer.
As for Hillary, she is just boring --the more I hear her, the more ordinary she seems--a boring policy wonk --and dyed in the wool liberal pretending to be "Christian" --though she has been hard core pro-abortion and she will make radical liberal change if elected--as fast as she can.
Obama? expedient. The question of his lavish home next door to mafia? type - bought under questionable circumstances --will come up. His Muslim upbringing --which is really more agnostic in result because his mother was not devout anything, as I understand it --and his membership in Church of Christ --all make him unappealing to me for the presidency. Church of Christ is a pro-gay denomination that denies being a denomination. I'm bothered by people claiming to be Christians whose churches don't believe the Bible's or Jesus's standards of righteousness. As He said, He didn't come to change the law --the standards of right and wrong. So I don't respect churches who do that.
Romney said a man's faith or lack of it shouldn't matter in the race for president. Had he gone further and said that his character and his policies DO matter, and that religions very often play a role in a man's character and in what he considers important for public policy, I would have appreciated it more.
"God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance and have eternal life."--the Bible